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  1. Closing Derek's fat arse may be a consummation devoutly to be wished.
  2. I had probably gone in it by then. I had been with Meldrew Jr and a group of marginally ruly six year olds for a birthday party. Did see the Morgan Aero - it had more presence in the flesh than pictures suggest, but it's still as ugly as sin. There was also a trad Morgan parked a couple of cars away from me. Its owner came and gave my Seven a once-over, so he couldn't have ben a complete wood fundamentalist. Edited by - Meldrew on 11 Jun 2005 17:54:57
  3. A blue and silver Seven, parked next to a strangely familiar black and orange one... 😬
  4. Passes Boonie the Shed revolver. Here, you know what to do. Shoot Ross, of course.
  5. Hope you weren't delayed by the traffic too badly. I would have taken mine, but was on my way to Majestic and the BMW has more boot space....
  6. Thank you, old chap. It's been on there for a while, can vouch for it...though the accompanying sauce is a bit naff. Beggars can't however be choosers. The Thai supermarket in Guilf also sells frozen canai/prata. Very godd.
  7. Thank you chaps. Much appreciated. It was yesterday actually, but I didn't have my abacus when I answered BOSS's post a few weeks ago. I was materially accurate..... 😬
  8. Cue the final episode, where Godzilla rises out of the sea and squashes Archie's castle in a fight to the death with a giant, menacing haggis.
  9. SLR 2020 bimbles sedately through West Clandon past Meldrew Towers on a regular basis. Positively common, dahhhhhling.
  10. Meldrew


    Life is butter melon cauliflower.
  11. I want to know about defenestrated ulva, which is seaweed thrown at somebody out of a window by a phantom kelp-flinger. Does bladder wrack bounce in these circumstances?
  12. Where was that then, Fletch? I saw a very long running thread heaping scorn on Caterham drivers that Noger had considerably enjoyed getting his teeth into for a while....
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