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Jonathan Kay

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Everything posted by Jonathan Kay

  1. "I do wonder why, if it's as good as Evans would have us think, there's isn't a manufacturer using it OE or recommending it. Cost? Surely outweighed by the longevity, extra protection, environmental benefits claimed?" One manufacturer has used it. The exact nature of what was claimed is discussed in the other thread. IIRC that was before the decision of the Advertising Standards Authority and the consequent rewording of Evans' promotional material. But apart from that I agree it's a very good question. Shirley
  2. I would be very wary of using Evans Waterless Coolant in a modern engine that was already known to have cooling problems. It has lower thermal transfer than traditional coolants. The vendor says that engines may run hotter. https://www.evanscoolant.com/faq/operation/ Jonathan
  3. "I have a couple of pinhole leaks in my radiator (I'm told this is common from red coolant corroding the aluminum) and am looking at alternatives to stop this from becoming a regular occurrence." There's a vast amount on this in the archives, unfortunately scattered across multiple threads. IIUC most of the problems have been with failures other than pinholes, and especially from what look like fatigue failures. It's widely recommended to remove as much mechanical stress on the radiator as possible by adjusting and enlarging the bracket apertures, packing the mounts with washers, and fettling hoses. One manufacturer of aluminium radiators does recommend a coolant type which is different from what Caterham and the engine manufacturer recommend. I have never understood how it's possible to know that the type of coolant has contributed to the radiator failures. Jonathan
  4. Previous mentions of and experiences with Zello. Jonathan
  5. Over here, including the physics. Jonathan
  6. Bounced to the top, as it's just been raised in another thread. I'm not aware of either new formulations or new evidence since we last discussed it. Happy Christmas Jonathan
  7. There's an extensive discussion in another thread. I'll link to it when I'm back from swimming (in water). Happy Christmas Jonathan
  8. Parts list (although probably for an S3). Happy Christmas Jonathan
  9. Having said that I've just found this diagram on the Caerbont site: and 174044-2 is a genuine AMP Multilock part number: Jonathan
  10. I think that the Beaulieu is a 2001 Vauxhall 1600. I suggest copying that Caerbont description from the label and sending that and a photograph of the pin layout to Caerbont and to Redline. And if they can't help with the connector letting us know. Jonathan PS: Do you need any wiring diagrams?
  11. How many pins on the instrument? There's a couple of different types. I'll have a look after the rugby. Jonathan
  12. I wonder if it's set to upload RAW images and the site doesn't like them. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211965 But if you email me the image I'll post it here so that we can sort out the connector. Jonathan
  13. Discussion of alignment and fitting. Jonathan
  14. 420 on RBTB: Jonathan PS: There's probably an original image with better resolution...
  15. I can't find them in the archives. It's an interesting gap in our collective documentation. And the third-party site that used to have lots of curves seems to have disappeared... what was it's name? Happy Christmas Jonathan
  16. Thanks. IIRC you should be able to see two sensors. Would you still like the indication on the gauge to match the ECU? That should be possible with some modification to the gauge's circuit, and there are some commercial devices that might do the trick. Here's John Vine's experiment with a Spiyda Gauge Wizard in the fuel gauge system. Jonathan
  17. Yes, Sevens typically use separate sensors. Which model is yours? Please let me know if you'd like copies of the wiring diagram. Jonathan
  18. Please let me know if you'd like a copy of the Assembly Guide. Jonathan
  19. I should have included fatigue. The databases that I searched for effects on health returned lots of hits for reduction of stress and fatigue in healthcare workers. Jonathan
  20. IIRC it takes small hands to get the tubing onto the base of the nozzle but it is possible. And yes, if a pin and a pump won't shift the blockage then try a piece of wire. Jonathan
  21. More pressure! Can you get a car or bike tyre pump onto the tube? Jonathan
  22. "As a side thought, and thinking out loud, i do wonder if there has been any research into the use of noise canceling headsets instead of hearing protection headsets, and if there is any long term effect on hearing as a result? I am assuming that the noise canceling variety introduce the an opposing sound to the ambient ones that are being picked up and therefore canceling out that sound, but does that have an effect on the ear?" I couldn't find anything interesting. Nausea and disorientation seem quite common, with suggestions that the cancellation at low frequencies affects balance. And, of course, widespread expectation that the reduction in volume will protect hearing. Jonathan
  23. In 2002 the mass of the heater and associated fluids was 2.6 kg. Jonathan
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