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Jonathan Kay

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Everything posted by Jonathan Kay

  1. This sort of thing? I can't tell if it's the right size, but they're usually helpful. Jonathan PS: 3D printing?
  2. I don't know. Some do have a pressure marking on them. Jonathan
  3. My amendment crossed that! See above. Any cap that fits and has the same pressure limit should be fine. Jonathan
  4. Had you been using it without problems soon before that? Anything unusual about the temperature on that run? There is something on the archives on this... I think it concluded that cap failure was quite common. Can't remember if alternatives were found. Is there a pressure value on the cap? Here's what I found in March 2014: "The current cap on the Caterham Parts website labelled "Cap - Expansion Bottle - All Cars Not CSR" and "Cap - Expansion Bottle - Rover and Sigma" has 110 kPa written on it. (About 1.1 bar.)". Jonathan
  5. Did you find the specific DfT statement on DRLs? The legal requirement is to meet all the current Regulations whenever your car is on the highway but in practice most people rely on passing the MoT. I would guess that for private cars the number of proceedings brought in other ways is tiny, unless you have an accident or draw attention to yourself in some other way... Jonathan
  6. I'd keep the sidelights in the headlight bowls as well; is there any reason why a 'second sidelight' that went off when the indicator flashed would be an MOT or legal problem? I can't see a problem with that. But do they comply with the Regulations for sidelights? Jonathan
  7. PIAA emark light linky, now with 3 sizes of LED lights too: http://www.piaa.co.uk/lamps/lamps.asp?search=emark I'm lost. Can any of those be used as headlight replacements? Thanks Jonathan
  8. I find it harder to understand the circuits than with the old end-to-end style. It might make it easier to fettle connectors on the looms. Jonathan
  9. The hazard switch, along with every dashboard switch and every light, gets tested before every outing. Only once per outing? ;-) Jonathan
  10. Have a look in the Guides on this site: Shaun has added a lot recently. I've got the 2012 Sigma diagrams, but I think they are the the same as what you are describing. Send me a Private Mail with your email address if you want them. I haven't seen the old style end-to-end diagrams for any recent cars. But once you get your mind round the conventions (and ask here when needed) the new ones are usable. Jonathan
  11. What MrP says: that's probably more likely than overvoltage. As well as checking the wiring you could test that with a jury rig that doesn't use all or some of the existing wiring. Jonathan
  12. Roughly how much would SPC/BGH charge to change 1st and 2nd gears for ones of a higher ratio? BGH prices. Jonathan
  13. Tool Station. When I built some rigging to hold bikes in the air and over the 7 I bought turnbuckles from a big B&Q. They were probably smaller than that. Ship's chandlers always worth trying. Jonathan
  14. I haven't seen anything on finding the location. Most experiences with cutting the sideskin are positive. At least those that are reported... Most common method involves a Dremel or similar or a flap wheel to finish, but some have nibbled. Practice on a bit of scrap first, of course. Jonathan
  15. It worked earlier but now it's gone. Jonathan
  16. I don't, for two reasons: The 7 does few enough miles as it is and I don't want anything inhibiting getting it out more. Bone idleness.Jonathan
  17. I put the stands as in the Assembly Guide. With strips of carpet taped on. The platforms on the rear set fit the angle of that bit of metal that's welded on the rails: some others don't. Jonathan
  18. Axle stands: I can't find the Club Guide and it isn't on the Alcester Racing 7s site, which I thought it was. It's described with photos in the Assembly Guide: would you like a copy? Safety points include: Don't go under a car on a jack. If you're jacking both ends for some reason the 7 travels longitudinally. Watch this so you can see what happens and check the stands are true after it does.Jonathan
  19. As above. Planks are better but in emergencies you can take the wheels off the jack. (There is a residual controversy about jacking under the crucifix members at the front... ) Jonathan
  20. Do you mean "trickle" or "conditioning": the sort you can leave connected and it adjusts the charging according to the state of the battery? For any charger there's a maximum "size" of battery it will support but batteries for 7s are usually tiny (except in comparison to bikes'). Powervamp batteries don't have any special requirements for charging: mine lives on a CSI AirFlow but I'd happily use the AccuMate off the Vespa. Most people probably use CTEKs nowadays. Jonathan
  21. What Paul says. Do you have the wiring diagram and, if not, would you like one? Standard colours for wires. Jonathan
  22. I notice that, unless the wings are fairly far forward, they clip the body work when the steering is on full lock on both sides (and this looks further forward than I have seen on most photos). Is this the norm? Yes, there's very little clearance and it's often not quite symmetrical at the first attempt, but there's usually a solution without any contact. Some people have discovered that they touch after fixing them... Jonathan
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