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Jonathan Kay

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Everything posted by Jonathan Kay

  1. There are a few reports, including one recent, of wrapping the exhaust manifold and first part of the exhaust. That post also includes heat shields. There has been discussion of adding air inlets in front of the scuttle but I don't think any successes. (See old Jaguars.) Do you have a heater unit with a fan? Jonathan
  2. Thanks for the update. You'll be fixed soon. Jonathan PS: According to mutltiple YouTube clips they'd be better off with a Land Rover than a Hummer... ;-)
  3. Pedals as close as possible then dense foam cushions... works down to 5' 2". Jonathan
  4. There's an inconclusive trial by Mythbusters: I should have looked earler. Jonathan
  5. Does anyone have an Assembly Guide or wiring diagrams before 2001? (I have both for 2001, and scans of the 1998 vintage.) Jonathan
  6. I don't know. Baking soda is widely recommended, as is Coke. But I've never seen a comparison with eg Vim/ Handy Andy/Jif/ Cif. What is the white stuff that we're trying to remove? Lost Boy: How about a comparative trial? Jonathan
  7. Yes. Have you found what you needed? Jonathan
  8. Disconnect battery. Don't bother with "neutralising". Remove as much equipment in contact as possible to make it easy. Disconnect and expose any electrical contacts. Lots of water to remove acid. Brush (stiff nylon then wire if that doesn't work) and mild abrasive such as kitchen cleaner to remove crud. Wash and dry. Assembly is the reverse of disassembly. Jonathan PS: Who's going to be first to suggest baking soda helps... ?
  9. Thanks. In that case it might be possible to improve the resolution further. (I took the PDF and converted it myself and then uploaded the JPEG.) Jonathan
  10. Much better. How do you get the image that size, Roger? Is it all done before you upload, or do the adjustments in the dialog box work? Thanks Jonathan
  11. Nice demonstration. I don't think you can post PDFs inline. Here it is as a JPEG, but it runs up against the file size limit. When I try and enlarge it that works in the preview of the dialog box, but doesn't in the forum display... Does anyone else have a solution? Jonathan
  12. Is this controlled straight off the sensor or via the ECU? What happens when you disconnect the sensor? Jonathan
  13. You're not missing anything: how to adjust clutch cable. If i understand your current problem... we're really only checking that the cable isn't binding and for some other reason isn't slightly declutching. A good look and play while it's disconnected and then standard adjustment will eliminate that possibility. (A related issue is that if you adjust at the wrong end you can get a bad run for the cable as it exits the outer in the pedal box. This is widely believed to be a cause of failure of the inner cable.) Jonathan
  14. (Crossed with Ray's.) Unscrew the rack arm from the track rod end rather than splitting the track rod end from the upright. Mark or measure the position first so you can restore it afterwards. This is is known as Stu's trick, and is discussed here but I can't find the original description or the picture. Alternative gaiters are listed and discussed in this thread. I bought mine from Caterham... and I've just noticed that the other side has split: thanks! Jonathan
  15. I agree. (I don't think those have ever been supplied by the manufacturer, and all the recommendations I've seen have been for plastic ones from eBay.) Jonathan
  16. I don't think you can tell yet. I'd start by having a good look at the cable for wear, especially where they fail in the pedal box. Then I'd adjust it (let us know if you need the instructions). The slip will either disappear or not. As far as I can tell you'll get different opinions on where you want the engine and gearbox when you split them... I'd take them out together. Remember that there are some generous members with cranes and balance bars. Some suggestions on what else to do while the engine is out. Jonathan
  17. Thanks for the update, hope you're fixed soon. Please could you add the alternative part numbers for whatever you discover: it will help the next afflicted member. Jonathan PS: Isn't the design of that stamp poor?
  18. Expansion tank loose on its bolts? Jonathan
  19. Isn't it satisfying when it doesn't work and then you fix it? :-) Pressures: What engine and oil? Jonathan
  20. in addition to Ozzy's comments, what colour are the wires and do you have a meter? Jonathan
  21. Well done: knowledge is power! Jonathan
  22. Jonathan Kay


    Just buy a decent starter motor and the click will go away The only starting problems I've ever had were due to duff batteries so I haven't been through this. But from other members' stories of clicks and solutions there seem to be a range of causes including bad batteries, cruddy contacts, recalcitrant relays, smoke shortages and those problems inside starters. These probably interact. So I wouldn't start by replacing the starter: that might not fix the problem, and it might cost a lot more than is needed. Jonathan
  23. Jonathan Kay


    I'm not sure it's on the new site. Do you have access to Low Flying? Discussion thread following the article. Jonathan
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