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Jonathan Kay

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Everything posted by Jonathan Kay

  1. I didn't know how to reply and Martin has put it well. Both times! :-) But I hope you'll be able to get advice on specific questions, rather than detailed instructions for the whole thing, right here. Do you know to post photos? You'll be fine. Jonathan PS: Where are you?
  2. I didn't know that. I meant my "right hand drive" 7. Jonathan
  3. Just been to look. On my RHD 7 they're the other way to your picture. (But I'm confused by your wording.) Jonathan
  4. I then thought I would check to see if the coil is getting 12 volts when cranking and it looks like it is not, so next I looked at the immobilizer. Was that measured at the coil? What's the battery voltage at rest and while cranking? Jonathan
  5. Let's start with something relatively simple. Does it have a bike-type charging system? What's the battery voltage at tickover and at the engine speed where the indicated pressure has dropped? Jonathan PS: Here's a very complete process for investigating charging problems on bike engines.
  6. Nearest in the Register looks like Gosport! Nearest HSS Hire branch if no-one comes up with one? Jonathan
  7. Took 18 minutes start to finish on the left hand side after about an hour and a half of flapping around like an idiot on the right hand side... Oh yes. If only we could assemble another whole 7 straight afterwards... Tools and confidence... :-) ... and BlatChat! I built mine in the pre-web era. Lots of 'phone calls to the man at the factory. The reply never once suggested that he'd heard the same question many times before, and he often asked "What do you think you should do?". Great teaching style. Jonathan
  8. New one behaving just the same: indicated pressure falling with increasing engine speed? Jonathan
  9. Thanks, Ian. A picture would certainly help. Do you know what the actual connector types are? And the appropriate lengths of the leads? Jonathan
  10. Hmmm... I'm trying to think of the best approach: Wait and see if anyone who knows the answer comes along... Try and work it out from manufacturers' data sheets... Measure the resistance of the sensor against known temperatures then put those resistances across the gauge... Heat some water to 90° and put the sensor in it and see what the gauge says...Jonathan PS: That running temperature below the thermostat value isn't explained yet, but it's not uncommon. I'd ignore it until we know the gauge is about right.
  11. Don't think I've seen Pitking mirrors mentioned. Some previous discussions, and the stanchion issue. Jonathan
  12. Not dumb: it might. Can you find the part number on both? Jonathan
  13. Lots on alternative mirrors in the archives, and especially on stanchion fittings. What sort of screen? Jonathan
  14. Don't know the nominal volume: my Guide says "As required"! Is it definitely worse than before the change? Have you checked for play between the pedal and the master cylinder? Are all the nipples in the right place for the air to go upwards into them? That came up recently with one configuration, but I can't remember which. Jonathan
  15. Very useful trick described by Ian both for diagnostic purposes and for reversible changes to standard configurations. And it also means you don't have to make splices in areas with difficult access: you can do all the work on the bench. The common bit of the Y has the complementary connector to the existing one on the wire that you're disconnecting. One branch has the same connector as the existing one to reconnect the original way, the other has the connector for whatever new bit you're connecting. Jonathan
  16. Maybe. :-) The last time I read this up there were a lot of different chemicals being called "OAT". And IIRC most vehicle coolants labelled "OAT" contain ethylene glycol. Jonathan
  17. What's the "OAT" liquid, please? Jonathan
  18. I can't test torque because I don't have a suitable socket that fits the temp nut. I have been using a socket wrench instead. Is that about drive sizes? Treat yourself to all the adaptors? Jonathan
  19. I think we don't all check bulk buys enough, so thanks for posting in the main forum! I think you're right. The way I browse the forums shows new posts in Bulk Buys, but I still think you're right. Jonathan
  20. Has it been out in the wet recently? Jonathan
  21. Inline image now works. Private Mail sent. Jonathan
  22. Looking forward to seeing what happens with the new sender... Jonathan
  23. Relay also strong possibility... I was trying to remember the circuit details to see how flashing with the flasher switch differs from main beam with the main switch... Jonathan
  24. Sidelights working normally? I'd probably start with the main light switch. Check either the output voltage on the terminals as you work the switch or the continuity with the feed disconnected. Got the wiring diagram already? Jonathan
  25. Read the sensor directly with a multimeter: that should tell you whether the output of the sensor thinks the pressure is dropping or whether there's something funny happening with the electronics. If the former it could be genuine or a fault in the sensor. Do you know the part number or anything else that would identify the sensor? Jonathan
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