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Everything posted by jerrypike

  1. pinky very interested to know how you get on with slr & side exit for goodwood peterg they're very helpful checking with a static meter, but varies quite a lot: i've scored 102 & 105.5 on different days, same car/revs 105 days mean a lot of queuing jerry
  2. ted 30 mins with a friend if previous rubber fitted well would uuse that as a template for angle, will sit better if warmed, don't cut too boldly first you'll probably need to cut the connectors off the heater wires, so have some to hand jerry
  3. julian sorry, missed original thread but have just seen david's cover, as per previous comments, i want one too! can you e-mail me details & availability having read this thread am also interested in rear lights to go on arnie's wings. car's going to have to start earning it's keep soon thanks jerry
  4. phil only thing that made the job workable was a very friendly garage which lent me a bay with lift and compresed air spray gun i'd never have got the same access/coverage with axle stands and plastic pump, well worth the bung/favour would agree with being generous with white spirit and keeping can warm in retrospect, would use head cover too (for me) 😬 jerry
  5. david are you fitting this now so we can drop your engine on it in 3 weeks any thoughts to tomorrow? jerry
  6. david more shopping! from what i've seen the centre of your whizzo screen pops onto the tonneau press studs in the centre and i think the mirror is supposed to mount in the same area could be entertaining when being hoovered along by the gt2/3's at spa 😬 all set for 22.2?? jerry
  7. richard no damage except to my coronary arteries; i was following him with the camera on board he stayed on the tarmac, but i had to take to the grass on the outside to miss him jerry
  8. richard both bill and i were running 205 A032R's on 8.5 split rims on 2000/2001 slr's working fine until he span into the lake esses at mallory all ok though and great video footage 😬 jerry
  9. agree with peter re budget and a ready engineered package personally i had no problems with a BEC on road and find my blackbird the best all-round road bike i've owned: 28,000 miles and still makes 140 bhp @ back wheel- still think it's better than a fireblade for a BEC jerry
  10. got my mb wheels from caterham, delivery 6 weeks and well finished fitting problem with the nuts as 2 were oversized (both head and sleeve) 2 hours careful hand filing with micrometer got them fitted but still had to buy 2 new ones from cat. midlands to get the long sleeve thin walled socket to fit happy now they're on but expected more for £1,000 jerry
  11. david very tempting, cheaper than tow bar and trailer for the audi will give careful consideration when choosing somewnere else to live (same reason as a few others!) mark any clue as to running costs? jerry
  12. question on the laminova, the speed of oil warm-up has been commented on. does it have a thermostatic by-pass? andy, whats multi-stage dry sumping entail david, easier ti keep the rpm below11,000 😬 jerry
  13. agree with dave, cycle computer will be more accurate and should give you the option of calibrating for both sets of wheels so you can always have an acurate speed indication whichever set of wheels you are using jerry
  14. camal sorry, peter's option 3. is far more sensible and still inexpensive jerry
  15. depends on budget: either 1. great excuse for a dry sump upgrade 😬 2. drain oil , jack away from leak, clean and use chemical metal jerry
  16. jerrypike

    New wheel

    could use a centre punch, start small and work up to definitive drill size coutersunk allen bolts jerry
  17. would be wary of using ACB10 as sole choice of road tyre, tram-lining makes sure you concentrate, but speed of breakaway in the wet would make them very unforgiving for the unforeseen circumstance on roads i don't change set-up between ACB10, 032R or SO2's ('coz i don't know how or which way to go) not sure my rear is sensitive enough to know jerry
  18. agree with chelspeed about sourcing your pagids they come with bedding instructions, which are a lot less complicated than the lotus ones above jerry
  19. jerrypike

    What ECU?

    davey been very happy with the effect on drivability/running of a motec m4 on my slr jerry
  20. dry sumps cheaper than new engine! my slr oil pressure remains stable with dry sump even when hot (mallory/gerrards/tucked up behind m12 gto) jerry
  21. couldn't agree more 14 of mine are 19mm but 2 needed 20mm but then no clearance to fit the socket! on one of these the sleeve was also 1mm oversize with many ridges, looked like the machining hadn't been done not too impressed for £1.50 each peter do you have a contact for mike barnby? thanks jerry
  22. steve sorry, proximal is the front end-nearest collector (slipped into work speak) am keen to get down to 98dB for goodwood, but would need to meet up to try it jerry
  23. steve the proximal end looks to sit much further away from the body cf my current set up you're not going to the brighton speed trials by any chance? jerry
  24. steve i take it the above means that it won't fit my k with the caterham 4-2-1 cat. replacement mid-section? if it does, i'm interested jerry
  25. gary sometimes the plastic shoulder around the ball joint needs "sculpting" to allow the correct angle to see out the back. careful with the stanley knife jerry
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