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Everything posted by Swiss_Tony

  1. Dave E No not for me. Its for a friend who is doing some circuit racing. Dave K Not sure how quickly my friend needs it. I will find out. I would guess however that he will want to be racing soon ish. ie the next month or so. Do you know the ratios? James Su77on Se7ens Edited by - james on 12 Jul 2003 21:49:39
  2. Wanted: 4 Speed dog box E-Mail: james.seven@virgin.net James Su77on Se7ens
  3. Arnie Can they be in other sizes for this price? What is the approx eta? James Su77on Se7ens
  4. How about it then Arnie? My carbs are sequential by the way 😬 James Su77on Se7ens
  5. I must admit that I have considered fitting fuel injection to my 7 but I cant honestly envisage much benefit considering the £2000 plus required to do it. My 7 is mostly used on the road with an occasional adventure on a track. Chelspeed Totally agree with you on the setting up of carbs. The amount of people who can do this properly are becoming less and less. James Su77on Se7ens
  6. Arnie Would you happen to know of any dogs who make carbon fibre carbs 😬 James Su77on Se7ens
  7. Peter Why might that be then 😳 James Su77on Se7ens
  8. Being serius though.......... The important thing is how well the carbs/injection is set-up. James Su77on Se7ens
  9. So whats wrong with carbs then? (Ducks and runs for cover) James Su77on Se7ens Edited by - james on 5 Jul 2003 18:49:02
  10. Mike Have you got any pics? What parts are involved? james.seven@virgin.net James Su77on Se7ens
  11. Can you move the slave cylinder in and out by hand? If so fill the master with fluid and slowly move the slave in and out a few times (making sure its below the level of the master cyl) and this should work. Quite a few cars are like this now. James Su77on Se7ens
  12. Having read the article I would assume that they are saying that the engine in a standard road car (tin top) is very reliable. All I will say to this is 🙆🏻. I have seen lots of them which have problems in standard trim. If the engine is looked at closely its easy to see that its a bad design for a reliable strong engine. It is however a good design for a cheap to produce disposable unit. On the other hand think about the amount of spares that Rover sell......... One thing thats often forgotten in race engines and cars is that in order to finish first first you must finish. Reliability does matter. As for cranks personally I would have a heavier DKE crank than a lighter Farndon one. Having said this I use a standard crank in my vx. Dont be surprised at 9000 + rpm with a standard crank. Lots of standard cranks will do this. Balancing of the crank and ancillary components is essential. I have seen a few disasters from so called reputable engine builders. Not being balanced would be one of the lesser sins 😳 James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  13. Swiss_Tony


    Fred Cheers. Any other ideas? Mark "How about a lightweight alluminium engine as opposed to a large lump of cast iron 😬" The only problem with this is I would be having some serious overheating problems instead 😳 James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  14. Swiss_Tony


    Has anyone got any ideas how to lower the under bonnet temperature? James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  15. One thing which makes me a tad dubious about SBD's power claims is their 208 bhp basic kit. Basically a bog standard vx engine with throttle bodies and a decent exhaust system. They reckon that it will give 208 bhp! Strange how they reckon a carb'd engine will only give 175. Where does the extra power come from? I have spoken to a few rolling roads about this and they generally see 175 ish bhp for both carb and injection engines. To put this in perspective they reckon that throttle bodies give 33 bhp more than carbs. Which is almost 20 %! On that basis one would be safe to assume that an engine which had had lots of headwork and cams etc would see a similar if not greater improvement in power. Just wondering how much power my engine would have if i junked the carbs! James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  16. I know its been said before but.......... Any suggestions for 185/60/13 and 205/60/13 tyres? How long do the cr500's last? How long do 21r's last? Is there any half decent list 1a tyres available in these sizes? Cheers James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  17. Tight Fart They are for sale. I reckon that £50 each is fair. I will mail them to you tomorrow 😳 I reckon they command a higher price because they did come off the K2RUM Eater James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  18. Dave Shhhhhhhhhhh Arnie still thinks my engine is standard 😬 James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  19. Arnie What do you mean I am a Lard 🙆🏻? I find that very offensive I will have you know just for the record that I am approx 12ft too short for my weight. James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  20. Does any one reckon it was a bad suspension set up? They only seemed to wear on the rear 😳 James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  21. I used about 5mm of ACB 10 tread in approx 1 hour of driving. I was hoping for a longer life span than this. Is this normal? I was thinking of sending a letter of complaint to Avon but was after a few opinions first. James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  22. Swiss_Tony


    Peter The cable on mine enters the pedal box at an angle. I have not got any piccies. If the weather is any good on Thursday I will be in the 7 if you would like to have a look. James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  23. A powerslide for longer than 3 seconds is easy! All you need is a lsd (the mechanical component rather than the drug 😳) and lots of power 😬 Having the tracking set to toe out tad and a fairly stiff rear end will help no end! James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  24. Arnie Sorry to hear about the engine trouble. Its hard to tell from the picture.Going by the description of the journals I have seen worse and not had any wear or oil pressure problems. If its any help I have got some Plastigauge. It may help to confirm the depth of the score marks. Also a good idea to check for ovality to be on the safe side. James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines!
  25. Arnie There is a much cheaper way, ie almost free, of converting hydraulic lifters to solids. All that is needed is some shims.For some reason I seem to think the valve spring caps are different to acomadate the shim. Not entirely sure as I usually change them to steel or titanium ones. The only down side is that a change of cams is required as hydraulic profiles are different to solid ones. Fred Harry Arnie and myself all use a seperate dry sump tank and all are different! If you check some photos out it may give you a few ideas. James Su77on Se7ens Up to my neck in K-series and Duratec engines! Edited by - james on 9 May 2003 23:28:13
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