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Everything posted by Swiss_Tony

  1. Yhm re flywheel and rad James Su77on Se7ens Edited by - James on 8 Nov 2003 11:51:36
  2. Carl Another option worth thinking about is the QED 450 cams. They are a solid profile. I am not sure about piston pockets with these as the ones I fitted a little while ago had forged pistons. I am sure QED will know. Dont worry about solid lifters being noisy. They are only noisy if the shims are not done properly. It may be worth changing the oil pump gear to a steel one if this has not already been done. James Su77on Se7ens
  3. Dave If you have never removed a steering wheel with an air bag DONT. If you know what you are doing they are easy to remove but I have heard a of a couple of incidents where someone has tried to remove a wheel and the airbag has gone off. One of the ones I have heard of the person was killed. Best left to your local garage. James Su77on Se7ens
  4. Phil The easiest way to check for a drain on the battery is with a multimeter (alough a test light will do) set to the 10 amp setting. You will have to start by re-connecting everything - sorry. Charge the battery up with it disconnected. Connect the positive terminal of the battery to the car. Connect the negative terminal to the meter and the other terminal of the meter to the negative wires on the car.(Does this make sense!) Check for a reading on the meter. I assume if there is a problem then it would be fairly high eg over 2 amps Check the boot light is not on as this is a favourite to play up. Then remove the fuses individually until you see the reading on the meter drop. If so this is the circuit with the problem. If not remove relays individually checking for the same. If not disconnect the alternator then try the starter motor. If this does not work you will have to disconnect components individually but start with the obvious things like items which work with the ignition off. It may well be that the side light fault is separate from the power drain. I have come accross lots of dodgy switches on these cars as well as dodgy fuse boxes (which are not cheap!) Has it got an electric boot release? I have seen a few of these play up and they can flatten a battery fairly quickly. Good luck James Su77on Se7ens
  5. Normal automotive silicone sealant works a treat. James Su77on Se7ens
  6. Go to Steve Greenald in Essex. 07774773824 It will be worth the drive 😬 I have tried a few different places until I went to Steve. I would not go anywhere else now. He does carbs as well as injection mapping etc. James Su77on Se7ens
  7. Chas If I were you I would keep clear of Naismith engineering. I use Sutton Rebore who do a very good job. James Su77on Se7ens
  8. Arnie What do you need? James Su77on Se7ens
  9. Is it just me or when looking at the picture of the pistons using different run in procedures one looks as if it has been used in an engine and one looks as if maybe it hasnt? There would be carbon etc above the top ring at least! Maybe its a bit of a hoax! Or am I missing the point? James Su77on Se7ens
  10. ric Its probably because the caliper paint on your tin top is still wet 😬 James Su77on Se7ens
  11. I am in Sutton in Surrey. If you are not local I could post them. I have not got the bolts etc im afraid. I must have used them elsewhere 😳 £Donation to NTL. James Su77on Se7ens
  12. I have got a pair of the inertia reels from a 1996 de-dion. I dont have any stalks though. They were fitted in the car for a while but never used as it has harnesses. james@su77on-se7ens.com James Su77on Se7ens
  13. Peter Is this the product on page 37 of the current Ann Summers catalogue 😳 James Su77on Se7ens
  14. Harrie The shocks arrived this am. Cheers James Su77on Se7ens
  15. Harrie yhm James Su77on Se7ens
  16. Arnie " It was just looked at by a couple of Jordans designers/engineers" Are these the same ones that did her silicone additions 😳 James Su77on Se7ens
  17. Peter You should know me by now! I am always after some xe goodies Brands was great Unfortunately I was only spectating James Su77on Se7ens
  18. Anthony Thanks for the info. I will ring them. I was a bit exited at Pete's comments 😳 James Su77on Se7ens
  19. Peter Tell me more James Su77on Se7ens
  20. Does anyone know if DKE make a steel crank with the same dimensions/layout as the standard one? All the DKE ones I have seen are the light weight type. Where can the tdc sensor be mounted with a vx steel crank? I dont fancy having the sensor mounted under the front pulley. Another option is on the back of the flywheel. Any other ideas? James Su77on Se7ens
  21. I will be taking an engine to the dyno soon and was thinking it would be a good way of trying it out Not a scooby engine by the way James Su77on Se7ens
  22. Graham Do you have access to a fuel cat? As for a substitute for 100 octane fuel do they have knock sensors? Some cars have a ron plug/switch which tells the ecu what octane fuel its running on. This may reduce the chances of any detonation. James Su77on Se7ens
  23. I read about it in a garage trade magazine but I dont know which one. It was a while ago to be honest. It may be worth doing a web search to get some more scientific info. To be honest I cannot see how any of them work. Have you seen inside one? The couple I have cut apart have got what appears to be aluminium balls or rods. I seem to remember one having a magnet to align the fuel particles or something! Are they claiming power gains by fitting their product? Just curious what a Scooby would need one for. James Su77on Se7ens
  24. There was a "proper" test a while ago. They used new 1.3 Maestro engines and ran them on a dyno each engine having a different fuel additive/miracle fuel thingy. All the ones using a fuel additive were ok and showed little if any sign of valve seat recession. ISTR the Millers one came out best. All the ones using a miracle fuel cat thingy either burnt the valves out or were showing signs of imminent failure. Just for the record some of the miracle fuel cat thingy manufacturers wouldnt put their products forward for testing. The reason that the miracle fuel cat thingy manufacturers get away with selling their products is that when they are fitted to an engine its usually an old engine which has covered a few miles and has a build up of lead etc on the valves and seats. This will last a while before any problems occur. Generally they are aimed at cars which cover low mileages etc ie classics. I have seen quite a few engines which have had a miracle fuel cat thingy fitted and have burnt valves etc. There is nothing to say this would not have happened anyway though. If you need to use an additive ALWAYS use the same product. The ingredients vary and if mixed can cause damage. Same goes for the lead substitute fuel alough this has been found to be less effective than an additive. James Su77on Se7ens
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