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Everything posted by admin_JM

  1. To change your Profile Photo you first need to navigate to your profile To make any changes to your profile, simply click on your username in the upper right hand corner to open the drop down navigation (shown inside the red box in the image below). Note that this member's username is Purplemeanie. Your username will be shown inside the indicated red box. From the drop down navigation, select Profile, then click on the areas shown in the screenshot below to change either your Profile Photo (also known on some systems as your Avatar) or Cover Photo. Your Profile Photo may not exceed 500kb and must be square. At time of upload, you will be given a chance to click and drag handles to adjust the portion of the image that will be displayed.
  2. To make any changes to your profile cover photo, simply click on your user name in the upper right hand corner (shown with the red box around the username) to open the drop down navigation. The username in the image below is for Purplemeanie, your username will be shown in that location when you're logged in. From the drop down navigation, select Profile, then click on the areas shown in the screenshot below to change either your Profile (avatar) or Cover Photo. Change your Cover Photo Your Cover Photo may not exceed 1.95MB and is displayed as a short, wide image. After upload, you are given the opportunity to reposition the visible portion by clicking and dragging the image vertically. You may reposition the Cover Photo in the future by clicking on the Cover Photo button, then selecting Reposition Photo. Visitors to your Profile page may view the hidden portions of your Cover Photo by clicking on the image. The screenshot below shows a completed profile page with both Profile and Cover Photos.
  3. If you are unable to send a PM, either your inbox or the Inbox of the person you are trying to reach is full. When attempting to send a PM to a user whose Inbox is full, you will see an error message in red text under the To field stating "<user> cannot receive messages." If, however, you click Send and nothing happens, then your Inbox is likely full. To check, look for the fill bar at the upper right corner of your Inbox. If it shows you still have space, then please open a support ticket. If it shows you are at 100% you will need to delete messages from your Inbox. Inbox storage limits are 200 message conversations per member.
  4. Click the envelope icon at the top right of any page to open the preview window for your inbox. At the bottom of that preview window click on Go to inbox.
  5. This are four ways to initiate a PM: Click the envelope icon at the top right of any page, then Compose New button. From a thread, click a member's username or avatar to access their profile page, then click the Message button at the bottom middle of their cover photo. If you don't want to leave a thread you are currently reading, rather than click on their username or avatar, simply hover the cursor over either one. This will generate a popup window with summary profile information. Click on Message in lower left corner of popup Go to your inbox and click the Compose New button.
  6. Black stars and dots (shown in the image below): A black star indicates it's a thread you are following A black circle indicates it's one you are not. Clicking either the star or the circle will take you to the first unread post in the thread.
  7. Deletion can only be performed by an Administrator. If you need to delete a post then please contact an Admin from the staff page.
  8. Click the ellipse in the upper right hand corner of your post (highlighted by the red box in the image below), then select Edit. Make your changes then click the Edit Topic button. Posts can only be edited within the first 7 hours after submission. If you are past that window and really, really, really need to make an edit, please contact one of the Admins on the staff page
  9. To reply to multiple posts at once, click on the Plus symbol (highlighted in the image below) along with the plus buttons associated with each of the posts you wish to quote. Once all the posts are selected, click on the little window that appears in the lower right of the page that shows the number of posts you have quoted (see image below with red box highlighting the button). Each quoted post will then appear in their own blue boxes within the editor box at the bottom of the page. Then see this article on "How do I quote a single post?" to edit the quoted text of "Submit Reply".
  10. Simply click on the word Quote below the post you wish to quote (highligted in red in the screen shot below), do not click the Plus sign to its left. That post will then appear in a light blue box within the editor box at the bottom of the page. Once you click the"Quote" button you will see a view like this below and an area below the quoted text to write your response, followed by the "Submit Reply" button when you're ready to post: If you only want to quote part of a post, you can click inside the blue box and remove the unwanted portion by either selecting it with a mouse (shown highlighted in light blue below) and deleting or using the delete key. Then type your response below the quoted text you've left in.
  11. Why it happens The short answer is because your phone was probably upside down when you took the picture. Your phone logs meta-data in the photo indicating which orientation you intended as up. Unfortunately, this information isn't always transferred correctly when a photo is uploaded or emailed, and further, some systems simply don't know how to read the orientation data. How to fix a photo after uploading to the forum Open your photo in your editing software of choice and use the rotate feature to rotate the photo at least one full revolution, stopping when the orientation appears correct again, then save the photo and upload it to the forum again. Remember, even if it looks right-side up on your device, rotate at least 1 full revolution before resaving. If it starts upside down in your editing app/software then rotate it 1.5 times so it's correctly oriented. This works most of the time. If, however, your photo is an exception, a quick hack is to use the Snipping tool in Windows to take a capture of the photo while it is right side up, or take a screenshot in Android or iOS and crop down to the image, then save and upload this new image to the forum. How do I avoid this from happening? Take your photos with the phone in it’s right-side up position. In portrait mode, the lens should be at the top of the phone. In landscape mode, the lens should be at the upper left corner.
  12. Simply get the URL of the image or video and paste it in the editor box. The software will automatically embed it. Images must be hosted on a secure site (URL starts with https NOT http). NOTE - Microsoft’s Edge browser: The January 2020 release of Edge will by default paste the image or video title rather than the URL address. The workaround to this behavior is to right click --> Paste as --> Plain text.
  13. You can either: Drag the image file into the editor box, or Click choose files from that same location and find the image on your device or Click on "Other Media" then Insert existing attachment - which will give you a selection of existing attachments Insert image from URL - a box will pop up and you enter a link to an image from a website. Most browsers offer the option to right click on an image and select "copy image address". You can then paste that link into this popup box. Insert Stock Photo - a box pops up with a selection of default images to chose from. Uploaded images are limited to no more than 10MB per upload - this can be one large image (see image limits below) or multiple smaller images. You may upload multiple images per post, but please try to limit this to no more than 5 images to aid readability and keep page length in check. Images will be resized to 2500x1800 pixels to reduce the storage space needed on the site. If you'd like to offer members larger image resolutions then please ask them to Private Message you.
  14. admin_JM

    Website Overview

    Invision Community This website is managed by the Caterham and Lotus Seven Club. It is a cloud hosted platform provided by Invision Community (Invision). Invision writes the software that creates the site (in PHP) and provides online and email support to the Club. The site comprises a "front-end" that members can log into and navigate around, and a "back-end" admin section that Club administrators use to configure and manage the website. Some of the features (Invision calls them applications) are "native" features written by Invision, such as Forums, Events, Blogs and Areas and Groups (which Invision calls Clubs). Other features of the site have been created by the Club using Invision's "front-end" database system, for instance News, Website Help, Technical Guides, Speed Competitors etc. Most of the site content can have a reaction applied to it and some sections can have comments added by members. Almost all content can be followed which will then produce a notification when that content changes or is added to. Whole topics, blogs, areas/groups, calendars etc can be followed along with individual posts, events, area news items etc. Notifications can be in-site, by email or by push notification. This incarnation of the Club website was migrated from a Drupal site in the Autumn of 2023. Prior to that the site was migrated from BlatChat to Drupal in 2014. As of Autumn 2023 the site has around 200,000 forum topics and 2,000,000 posts on those topics. A brief overview of each of the site features is given below as well as there being detailed instructions on various topics in the Website Help system. Storage Limits Each member has a 750MB storage allowance on the website. This includes images and documents. Uploads Members can upload attachments to forums topic, forum posts, blog entries and comments. Each upload can be up to 10MB. Image uploads are resized to a maximum of 2500 x 1800 pixels. If you'd like to make higher resolution images available then please state that in your post and for others to contact you privately for a high res version. Videos can be linked inside website content. The website provides an in-page video viewer allowing a video to be watched without leaving the site. Video uploads are not allowed - the admins view is that video storage services such as YouTube and Vimeo are well understood by our members and that providing video storage would create an unnecessary storage burden on the website. Profile Each member has a Profile page that can be accessed by clicking on the member's profile picture. A Profile page shows details about the member and allows other members to follow them. Forums - BlatChat The website forums are provided as a dedicated feature by the Invision platform. Forums are governed by the Code of Conduct and Moderated by a team of moderators, see below. Most forums are visible to non-members, except for ChitChat (members only) and some forums used by Club Officers and the Leadership Team. The Forums system allows for Topics which are replied to with Posts. Quoting of posts is supported. Topics may pinned, featured and locked by Admins. Reactions can be used to indicate whether a members likes, dislikes, is unhappy etc with the post. Currently the site does not use ratings for indicating how strongly members "rate" content on the site (a concept that extends beyond just forum topics and posts). Reacting to a member's content increases their rating. Blogs Blogs is another dedicated Invision feature and the content of the blogs was also transferred from the previous Drupal website. Each member has the ability to create a single blog, after which a member can add a "Blog Entry" to that blog. Messaging Members can send Private Messages to other members or lists of members. Members can: Start up to 25 conversations per day and one conversation per minute Send a message to up-to 10 recipients at once. Have 200 conversations active. Upload attachments to messages. Notifications For all of the content you follow, private messages you receive or contact from the admins, a notification can be created. Each content type (followed content, messages, event reminders etc) can have how notifications are sent configured. You can chose to receive notifications in a number of ways (each content type has different options): Notification List - The bell icon in the top right of the website where a bubble is shown with the number of notifications you have next to the bell icon in the top right of the website page. Daily Email Weekly email Push notifications (if you have the web app installed - see below) News Club news is uploaded by site admins to a front-end database and into various Club related categories. Currently, once a month a news item is added with the headlines of this month's Lowflying magazine. Member's Discounts The member's discounts pages show a front-end database of the currently active member's discounts negotiated by the Club. Categories are used to help navigate the many discounts. Galleries Galleries are collections of albums curated by the Club admins. The curration has been implemented to limit the scale of uploaded content and one album will be created where images have been provided for an event. Members can contact a site admin (see Staff Page) to request creation of an album. Speed The Speed section contains both general Speed Championship information, including event venues, as well as detailed records of previous and current years competitions. Tours On these pages you'll find information about upcoming tours. Tours will also be listed in the Events calendars. Track The Track section contains general information about the track-day program put on by the Club each year, as well as links to track venues that the program regularly visits. Areas and Groups The Areas and Groups section is a list of both the local area groups (split roughly by membership size and then by countries outside the UK) as well as Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for interest areas that span the whole club. Members can chose to join any Area they wish - there is no restriction to just joining the group you are geographically located in. However, it is advisable to keep the number of joined groups to a reasonable limit, perhaps the ones around where you live or visit frequently. Each Area/Group has the following tabs: Overview - where you can see activity within this group (blog posts etc) Members - a list of the people who have joined the area News Blog - where the area representative can make posts about local (area) events, and news. Some areas also support a Forum that is being trialled as of November 2023. Note: Joining an Area or Group is different from following it. Joining: By joining the area/group you are given access to that part of the website. Following: When you follow sections of the area/group you will then be sent notifications of new area/group content and changes. Joining an area/group does not automatically mean you are following the content of the area/group. Events The Events system is an Invision built in feature. The system is comprised of number of Calendars, each of which contains Events. There is a Calendar for each of the Areas, Groups and Club Events (track, speed, national etc). Members can save events and calendars to their own device (PC, Mac, Phone or Tablet). Events can be saved as: iCalendar Event - download a snapshot of a calendar or event. This can then be added to your device. Note that this is not a dynamic feed and will not be updated with changes to the calendar or event. iCalendar Feed - the website provides a link that can be added to your devices calendar app. If you subscribe to event then changes to the event will be reflected in your devices calendar app. If you subscribe to a calendar then new events, event deletions and event changes will be reflected in your device's calendar app. This is the recommended way of keeping track of events on your own devices. Merchandise Clicking the merchandise link will open the Club's merchandise partner's merchandise micro-site. These micro-sites are managed by the merchandise partner. Member's Documents This is where you'll find Club documents. Staff Directory On this page you'll find a list of all Club officers and admin staff. (Coming soon) You'll also be able to see their name and role within the Club. You can message each club officer from this page. Moderation The Invision system has a set of in-built moderation tools. Flagging a moderation request will automatically notify the moderation team who have a dedicated administration section to mange moderation request. WebApp This website supports using the site through a downloaded web application, also known as a Progressive Web Application (PWA). Once downloaded to your device you can click on the WebApp icon to open a new dedicated web browser. This lets you interact with the Club website as though it has a Club app on your phone, tablet etc. You can think of it as being the next step on from bookmarking the website in our browser. Once installed, the WebApp can be used to navigate and interact with the website along with getting "push notifications" from the website (which need to be enabled in your device's settings and on the websites Notifications Settings page). Push notifications are how applications on your device (phone, tablet etc) send you pop-ups about things. For instance this is how Facebook sends you messages about updates on Facebook. See: Adding the WebApp to your device. Support The Support section of the website shows you staff listings, website help and other features.
  15. As a new member, or just new to the website, here are some things to consider doing first: Recommended First: Join your local area Follow the local area News Follow the local area Forum (only some areas) Join other areas and groups, and follow their content Subscribe to your local area's Calendar Subscribe to the Club National Calendar Subscribe to the Track Day Calendar Next Steps: Update your Profile Photo Update your Cover Photo Read the Site Overview If you're keen: Follow people and/or content you like Send your local Area Representative a Message
  16. Today we added a sub-menu to the Blatchat --> Forums menu. The sub-menu provides quick links to each forum as well as "All Forums" and "New and Updated". Clicking the All Forums link takes you to the forums page as it was before this change. Clicking New and Updated takes you to the Unread Content Activity Stream. John
  17. One of the things that has caught some people out is the "Remember me" option when logging in. Some people have found that it's important to click the "Remember me" tick box, else they get logged out more often than on the old site. The other thing that may cause a log out is not to be logged in on other devices and/or tabs. The website keeps a track of IP addresses (which I find a bit odd, as its not a very reliable way of tracking multiple logins) and so if you have multiple devices logged in then it may log you out on other devices. For the technical: the site tracks sessions and is configured to keep you logged in until the session changes. So roaming while on a mobile (i.e. switching to a new cell tower) or going between a wifi and a mobile network as you move around your house, may cause sessions to be refreshed. John
  18. Site policy document links have been moved to the site footer. This means they're visible on every page of the site and not spread around the menus. They are: Guidelines - essentially the "Code of Conduct" for the site. The name may be changed from "Guidelines" to "Code of Conduct" in a later change. Privacy Policy Terms of Use - these are the terms and conditions that members sign up to when joining the website. Contact Us - Contact form Cookies - Cookie policy The new footer looks like this:
  19. We've added a new Website Update blog to the site today. Administrators will post website changes to this blog. Updates will include announcements on configuration changes, menu changes and system updates. A new sub-menu called "System Blogs" has been added to the "Support" menu.
  20. Member storage limits have been increased from 500MB to 750MB. (This is a catchup post, the change was made last week) Background: Some users were getting close to their storage limits and so it was decided to increase limits for everyone. This change can only be applied to groups and is not available on a per member basis. Reply to comment: The website is managed using the concept of "Groups". There are members groups, administrator groups etc. We can only change storage limits on a per-group basis. So this change has to be applied to all club members rather being applied to individuals who might be close to their storage limits.
  21. Hi Dan, The backend is, I would say, "reasonably" sophisticated. There are charts of some things in the backend but they're not always what I would say are intuitive. The stats feature is also something they've added reasonably recently and I think it's still settling down, and new features are being added reasonably often. (there's a lot of reasonably's in that para! 😉 ) That being said, perhaps this graph below illustrates what you're getting at, and yes, it does look as though there's increased usage of the site since the upgrade. The backend describes Activity as "The total number of members who submitted new content, followed something, or reacted to something on the community in the specified time period." HOWEVER, it's not at all clear that what was being measured as activity from the old site (something that would have to be coded for during the migration) is the same as what's being shown as activity now. So take the graph with a pinch of salt. John
  22. Hi Anthony, It certainly wasn't the intention that you can't edit your own blog entries. The permissions around this are a little confusing so we'll have to take a look at what's going on here. I'll add it to the list for the weekly meeting to see if anyone else on the team has something to add. John
  23. Thanks John. We have insecure image links turned off. Seems to be the sensible option 👍 John
  24. Hi Antony, what's not working about adding images from URL. Here's an image I inserted from my website... John
  25. Hi Anthony, thanks for putting your thoughts down. As Simon mentioned, we've very much got this on our list of things to think about and discuss when we next meet as a team. John
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