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Everything posted by jackb_ms

  1. I'll find my cheque book 😬 To whom should I make too? Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  2. Adam Are you going to rehab tomorrow? Grebby (Ian) should be coming as well can we organize something this quickly or shall we wait until next rehab? Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  3. Adam I ahve just spoken to Race tech which are just down the road from me! Can you clarify if the gauge 1 is illuminated? It should have an L somewhere? How long is the capilary for the temperature sender? Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21 Edited by - jackb_ms on 8 Jan 2008 14:30:35
  4. I know! you forgot 3 time prettier 😬 Next question would be.... On a VVC, is there and easy way of connecting the oil temp sender Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  5. Adam might be ineterested in item 1 if Ric doesn't want it Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  6. I bought mine from those chaps: http://www.bikehps.com/ i think... I will need mine pretty soon, but if you want to borrwo them.... I'm close to Oxford or Uxbridge Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  7. Adam I might have one which came with the wide bande sensor. I'll check tonight Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  8. motor bike spring compressor it what worked best on my 21 Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  9. jackb_ms

    Ali Radiator

    Hi I'm back! Scooter is out ☹️ Who else would be interested? Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  10. Could I use it after? 😬 Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  11. Dave If you promise I can have it back you may be able to borrow mine You might want to think about sock type filter. The filter on my car was in the way of the clutch cable. Jack PS: I have also a spare one somewhere Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  12. jackb_ms

    Ali Radiator

    The all in cost would be if we can buy 3 is £200-10%=(180+15)x1.175=£229.15 I am planning to buy it in January so price might vary abit Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  13. jackb_ms

    Ali Radiator

    Scooter, Tim radtec is offering 10% if we order 3 and a lot more if there is 10 of us 😬 Let me know what are your thoughts Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  14. jackb_ms

    Ali Radiator

    Hi I'm in the same position what about a bulk buy of 2 from radtec? Jack PS: there are now £200+vat+del del=£15+vat Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  15. What about a big log cabin? You get some for about £5k big enough to be use as a garage. Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  16. Julian One of my winter job is to redo the front suspension, and I was wondering where you got hold of solid nylotron bushes. Cheers Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  17. Last time I've clean a radiator I've use a hose and run some water thhrought until it was clear, then did the same for the engine. Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  18. The other question would be how efficient are they? In a 21 the rad lay paralelle to the ground and good efficient rad is realy needed. My standard rad could not get the temperature down during a mapping session in May. This session was aborded and I could not play with my new toy ☹️ a new shiny set of RB 😬. Maybe I just should get a Radtec one Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  19. Cheers I have registred to www.vagcat.com (very usefull site ) so I have access to some data on VAG parts Thanks a lot Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  20. *thumbup*Cheers Kev 😬 Could you narrow to which Polo I need to look into? Cheers Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21 Edited by - jackb_ms on 20 Nov 2007 13:09:05
  21. jackb_ms


    No one? Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  22. I was wondering if an Elise Radiator would fit in a 7 / 21? Or they are much too big? They are so many Elises which end up at the scrapyard I could get myself a bargain ali rad. Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  23. Hi Mark YHM Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  24. Hi Dave I tried taking picts last night but it didn't work very well. If you want to have a look at my car just let me know Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
  25. Hi Mark I might be interested, can I let you know on Monday? Cheers Jack Emily, The Very Yellow 21
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