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Alan Bowler

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  1. 2001 imperial car if that makes a difference AB
  2. With the email today advising that the May BMMC Saturday sprint is in danger due to low entries, and assuming entries are low/below break even for our Sunday sprint... would it make sense to combine them this year? ie we cancel the club event on Sunday, and compete on the Saturday as our championship round? I guess we are in danger of losing both otherwise.
  3. Hi Roger, sad to hear. Your endless enthusiasm, sometimes through escapades and adversity, has been an inspiration. Don't be a stranger in the paddock!
  4. Any spare ones gathering dust? (for 2001 Imperial S3, Tilletts, if that makes a difference) thanks Alan
  5. I picked up a ZAMP helmet at Autosport for £279. Happy with quality and fit. SA2020, no FIA sticker. Hopefully MSUK will allow it for a few years. Headtec were also there, £200 (show price) for SA2020 but it didnt fit as well, and the ZAMP felt better quality to me.
  6. Make May Curborough weekend a double header, using both layouts. Drop August? Maybe I'm in a minority but I only do venues I enjoy, and don't do any "to make up my numbers". 2x Harewood and 2x Prescott to count would be good, but I'll hopefully do both days regardless. And a change to make them double headers in the championship really wouldn't make me less likely to go to somewhere I don't really want to visit. Also, we are having this debate a bit late.. Having seen a little of the work that the comp sec has to do and that any minor tweak will upset many, I am happy for Andy to make the decisions. And thanks Andy, Andy and Rob for keeping this running. Numbers are down in all championships, and thankfully ours remains healthier than most. For Wiscombe, would many go if it was a non championship event with us as just an invited club? I think I would, and that could be a way to keep the clubs options open for future years.
  7. I agree with Malcolms suggestion (for once). Its a good compromise to help reduce travel costs at least. Of course the winner on Saturday will often be the winner on Sunday, but, its a compromise, and hopefully a temporary one. I'm sad to see Wiscombe dropped after so many years, but understand it was very quiet for all but class 3, like some other venues.
  8. Very confused. So my current Bell Sport 5 has SA2005 sticker. No FIA sticker. A new helmet with SA2015 sticker will "probably" expire in 2026/2027. With SA2020, maybe 2031? But if a new one has an FIA2015 sticker, there is no expiry? So I can get a Bell GT5 from Merlin or DT for 473? (minus club discount)
  9. 700+ was in my post above! Scrutineers have advised to avoid SA2015 as it will probably only give 2 or 3 years, and go for SA2020. Googling confirms this. Is a more expensive helmet with the same sticker better? Maybe. Safer? Seems Bells 2015 helmets don't meet the standard for 2020, unless of course this is all a scam betwen helmet manufacturers and FIA/MSUK etc. to sell more stuff. Anyone tried or using a Headtec?
  10. Scrutineers have been reminding me all year I'll need a new helmet for 2024. I have a "Bell" shaped head, and looks like thats going to cost me around £700+ if I stick with Bell, and get the latest standard. Does anyone have experience of Headtec or other cheaper brands, in terms of shape/fit? (My priority of safety should be covered by SA2020, fit is next, then cost)
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