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Everything posted by Garth

  1. I will have it Deets - always wanted a manbag! Will PM you for details... Cheers Garth
  2. Hi Andrew. Just fitted my aero for the first time and it was just the standard poppers that came with my original build - I used some no 6 by 1/2 screws (I think that is about 3.5 by 13 in metric speak!) and they worked fine! Are the studs you have the same size as those on your windscreen etc?
  3. Thanks Stu - will look into it at some point! The other one to look at is Zello which I was very kindly reminded of...!
  4. Another for the Sena TuffTalk. Have them and a Sena SR10 for the PMR. Can listen to music, follow satnav (best from phone - myRoute App), take phone calls, use as intercom with passenger and talk to other cars via PMR all with bluetooth and no cables connected to the headset - much easier to live with than headsets with cables plugged in!? Has anyone come across an App for the smartphone which works like a PMR but uses the mobile network? I am sure I read something about this last year but cannot remember where! Be interested to explore that more.
  5. Saw that Brooklands and was tempted but already had the aero - been sitting on a shelf for 5 years!!
  6. Garth


    Planning to replace my plugs today, but realise I have not checked what the correct gap or torque settings for my plugs are. Using NGK ILTR6A-8G plugs (whatever that means!) in my Sigma upgraded engine. Going to try the chap who rebuilt my engine, but any other thoughts welcome! Thanks
  7. Those Bosch 10.8V tools are fantastic - Bought several of them when they first came out many years ago and been using to fit kitchens professionally - they are still all going strong - even the batteries!
  8. You could download a 'speedo app' on a smartphone and use that for the timebeing?
  9. The kit comes with poppers (only seen pics so far, not the real thing!), so I assume it is not reusing existing poppers and I need to fit some new - may be obvious when I get my hands on them?
  10. Planning to fit some half side screen to my SV. Looks like I need some more poppers on the bodywork. Can anyone please point me to some fitting instructions? Thanks. Garth
  11. Link for replacement bases for SPA mirrors - bit pricey though!
  12. Have the same SPA mirrors and they are fine if correctly adjusted/tightened as described by Tony above! Is a pain getting to the base fixing and I think you can get a different base which adjusts differently. Will post a link later if I can find it.
  13. I presume it need a few more poppers to be fitted? I am going to Castle Combe on the 30th with my old byt newly fitted aero screen so will try and fit them there?!
  14. I have been known to forget to switch my indicators off! Have therefore just fitted a buzzer which only comes on after several cycles of flashes. It is adjustable so have set it to start beeping after about 15 flashes - works in the garage! Not tested it on the road yet.
  15. Another vote for Tracsport gears.....
  16. Had a quick read through this - have just had my LSD fitted by R&R and they now recommend a diff oil they say they have developed! Has anyone tried it (will have to check what they call it but bottle in the garage)? I have put it in but was just before lockdown so not had it out yet (as car been in bits longer than it should have been!)
  17. I might have to try that!
  18. Hi Brett - if it is the standard one I think I have a set knockinf around!
  19. Pretty sure it is in an adhesive pad
  20. Any top tips for removing the mirror which is stuck on my old windscreen? Was going to buy a new one, but they are over £60 form CC and my old one is fine - just in the wrong place now! Thanks. Garth
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