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Everything posted by Garth

  1. Thanks Rattie I will look into this idea. Mike had his R400 Radiator fitted by CC - so I am hoping he will be able to let me know how they did it - I was hoping to do the work this weekend! Cheers Garth
  2. Hi Nick Thanks - I have had a brief word with Steve who says they can make some improvements, I was hoping to hear from someone who has had it done and can tell me what they think it was worht it! £450 is alot to spend if there is not going to be much change! Does a rolling road give bhp outputs? Cheers Garth
  3. Toby's post prompted me to check and I see that the R400 rad that CC has just sent me (for my Sigma 125) does not have the small overflow pipe connection at the top of the radiator! Any suggestions - could one 'T' it into the side of the top hose or into the top of the radiator where there is currently a bung plug??? Garth
  4. Has anyone re-mapped their 125 (MBE ECU) - is it worth it? Wat is the best way to test the power out put of your car? Garth Edited by - Garth on 11 Feb 2011 09:33:54
  5. Jason - Rattie got to respond before I could! As he suggests I would build the whole thing on the lift on some form of timber structure so you can support the chassis in the right places. Two things which caught me out were getting the engine hoist legs in far enough under the lift - just make sure you position the chassis in the correct place and also getting it off the support structure onto its wheels! PS I cannot see the hob in your kitchen! -- or the overhead hoist for that matter!
  6. Update - CC will replace my existing radiator under warranty (of course!), will also upgrade to the R400 version for a further £70 ish including some brackets. Thanks for the suggestion Mike - I will go down this route. They are out of stock though! Do you think I ask them for the coolant I have lost too?? Garth
  7. My radiator is still under warranty. Considering paying CC the difference between mine and the R400 radiator. This is likely to be cheaper than opting for the Radtech option. Any views on which would be the better solution? atlast
  8. Thanks for the details Mad Hatter and Captain Chaos - definetly must be in Wonderland!! Garth atlast
  9. Mike - did CC replace yours with the R400 version? Was it a simple swap over? looks like hose connections are more or less in the same place? Mountings? Mine has just blown on my Sigma125 - only seen 600 miles! atlast
  10. Cannot seem to find any details of how one can contact Steve Greenald - please could someone post his details or send them to me. Thanks atlast
  11. Took my 125 Roadsport for its first drive in 5 months yesterday. 15 min after setting off temp is in the red! Radiator is covered in coolant and all the pipe connections appear fine, so I am assuming it is the joint between the plastic and ali parts which is leaking as this seems to have been a problem in the past? Most of the threads relating to this arer quite old (unless I am not saerching the correct keywords!) so i was wondering if anyone has had recent problems with these radiators? Is it best just to bite the bullet and get a radtec? I am still under warranty, so would it be worth trying the other CC offering which is all aluminium? atlast
  12. Garth

    Scissor lift

    Hi Boris The lift was great for the build - just make sure you put the chassis on the correct way - I had to spend a day with help taking the half built car off and spinning it through 180 deg as the engine hoist would not go under one end of the hoist! You would be welcome to borrow mine if you do not want to keep one long term, but they are soooo heavy to move around that it may not be sensible to collect and have to drop off again! Good luck Garth atlast
  13. Any pointers as how to go the mechanical route? atlast
  14. Do we know if the sensor is a standard Ford part/product or do Caterham modify it? I will be talking to CC about this. Thanks atlast
  15. Had to go and check! It goes straight to maximum shortly after the ignition is switched on without starting the engine - so I guess it must be some form of short? Time to go for a beer! atlast Edited by - Garth on 8 Oct 2010 20:24:25
  16. Started up today (3 month old Sigma 125) and oil pressure gauge needle shoots up to 8 bar (max) and stays there! Engine running fine and oil all there! I presume this is a wiring or gauge problem? Any comments welcome please! Garth atlast
  17. Garth

    QR steering

    Have had my RapFix QR for 4 months, so cannot comment on the longevity of it, but having used the standard CC version and the Rapfix, I find the Rapfix alot easier to live with! Few other answers to your questions: It is compatible with the standard lower column I had no IVA issue - was fitted when presented Easier to fit as part of the build as the top column fits tightly into the bosses in the frame so a little difficult to get out, but not impossible! CC took back - and refunded me - the bits I did not use - but I was upgrading my wheels at the time so they were getting more of my money! Things to be aware of: The Rapfix boss (which is welded to the top of the column) rusts so I have had to treat this The top section of the steering column I was supplied (welded to the boss!) was untreated mild steel tube (the standard CC version is galvanised - not sure about the QR version) not ideal! I pointed this out to 7tips when I bought it, not sure if they have done anything about it? Good luck atlast Edited by - Garth on 16 Sep 2010 23:48:38
  18. Still not managed to get hold of CC. Had a look on their website and cannot find the exact silencer - looks closest too the CSR re-packable. Rivets visible on in flow side. The fibre is coming out of the joint at the other end of my sIlencer! Hope to get hold of someone at CC tomorrow? atlast
  19. Have searched blatchat an cannot find anything relevant to my new exhaust!-not easily anyway! Did see on one of the postings that the packing is a stainless steel 'wool' - not glass. Will speak to CC today - the front of the silencer is riveted, but the rear looks like some kind of 'seam' Will post CC response atlast
  20. Loving our new 125 roadsport and apart from a bust speedo sensor all seems well! Have noticed today that there is fibre glass (looks like it anyway?) coming out of the silencer at the rear seam! This does not seem right - has this happened to anyone else? Will talk to CC on Monday, but interested to hear about any similar issues. Thanks in advance Garth atlast
  21. Garth


    Martyn Really sorry to see this ☹️. No doubt you will get it sorted, just a pain! Have sent you mail about those bigheads! Garth atlast
  22. Sorry 😳 and thanks atlast Edited by - Garth on 3 Aug 2010 07:55:25
  23. Thanks Jeff. If the light on the sensor is working would that mean that there is not likely to be any problems with the wiring (broken/loose connection)? The LCD display on the speedo is still showing a reading - as it was when it stopped working! I can flick between the odometer and trip meter. Will check out the steering as suggested, I am pretty sure the wheels are rotating in the correct direction, but will double check this too. Cheers Garth atlast
  24. I have a few left overfrom my recent build and a tube ot the adhesive they recommend. Will check how many I have and I could let you have them at cost + postage. Let me know if you are interested. Garth atlast
  25. Car is new, so unlikely to be worn track rod ends? Not sure how one adjusts the bearings? will keep an eye on it thanks Garth atlast
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