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Lotus Boy

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Everything posted by Lotus Boy

  1. Totally agree with all the comments about not feeling safe with just inertia belts so the first thing I did to my car was fit a set of Willans 4 point harnesses. I did the same as SM25T. Left the inertia reel belts in place as there was enough thread on the bolts to have both fixings so not a problem. I've never used my inertias but have used the passenger side one a few times to either hold things in place like a rucksack or when I have given rides to friend's children. I put both belts on them for good measure. Cheers Dave Edited by - Lotus Boy on 31 May 2009 11:19:45
  2. Was dropping the two cats (as in proper feline animals) off at the cattery and just as I was leaving I saw a bloke sporting a Caterham Motorsport fleece and cap at the reception. You probably had the Mondeo which parked behind my Saab?? Hello and sorry I didn't get the chance to say hello back then but we had to go. Cheers Dave
  3. Didn't you used to be Seven_Nut? Not sure but wonder if that is Chris's (as in Chris and Carla) old car - he sold it to his son but kept the number plate for his new CSR. LB.
  4. Hi Paul Was it late afternoon? If so then the red one was me! We were on our way home from visiting the parents. Think I may know the green and yellow one, friend of mine who lives in Eight Ash Green. Where were you when you spotted us? Can't believe I didn't see a 7 and a cobra!!! Cheers Dave
  5. My well trained girlfriend spotted a blue R300 being trailered by a BMW in Colchester this evening. Are you local to Colchester??? Cheers Dave
  6. Just as I thought. You can see the chassis number in the HD version and the number starts SDKRDKANS The K is Kit, the A = Alternative chassis type (no idea what that means but if it was a genuine HPC then it would be an H) and NS = Engine not supplied. That would certainly explain the non Caterham plug cover on the cam cover. Dave
  7. Ric, Probably unlikely but this car might be a 'starter kit' car and someone has sourced their own engine - hence not having the Caterham-Vauxhall plug cover. If that is the case then the chassis number would have NS which means Engine Not Supplied. Chassis number would tell everything. Not sure if you could buy a genuine HPC as a starter kit. 500 miles would worry me though. All that standing around wouldn't have done the car that much good. Nice looking car all the same and a great plate too. Cheers Dave
  8. Nice yellow Seven on minilites (well that was the spare anyway) heading up to Ipswich on the A12 I can't wait till Friday when I will be taking mine to work . It's dress down day so figures that applies to the cars too! 😬. Leave the executive suit (Saab) at home and put on the casual. Cheers Dave
  9. Yep, just to say I had a similar experience with my '94 HPC a couple of years back. Fitted the uprated mount. No problems. That said, the bracket is only a couple of years old - but yes suspect, as Roger says, it solves the weakness issue. Dave
  10. Dave, Another old favourite is the Yoko A539. I too have a similar set up to you - 15" wheels for touring (which are on A539's) and a set of 13"'s on 888's for hooning. I've done lots of touring including 2 Swiss trips and 2 Le Mans, not to mention a rather wet excursion to the Lake District. Always seem to perform ok, not too expensive and last er...very well. Cheers Dave
  11. Thanks Paul, will have a look and clean it then. Yes I change my foam baffle every other year. First time I did it though it became apparent that the previous owner (of 10 years) wasn't aware of it and that it was a serviceable item. It was like chinese seaweed when it was removed. Did a full engine flush and am counting my lucky stars! All is ok. Cheers Dave
  12. Thanks for the words of caution. Reason I ask is that last year I also fitted an mechanical OPG. After fitting it, I have noticed that when pulling away and the oil pressure picks up from idle it suddenly spikes momentarily up to say 80psi and then shoots back down and settles around 60psi. I just wonder if the reason why it is spiking is because of a sticky oil pressure relief valve??? cheers Dave
  13. What he said. Goes either side of the windage plate. You will see if you have a look underneath your car.
  14. I did the SBD mod late last year. Well worth doing as Paul says. It's not too difficult but a couple of useful (sensible) tips is when removing the plate, which can involve a fair bit of levering, is to start at the end which you don't need to keep and obviously make sure you remove ALL traces of silicone sealant. You can get sealant remover - I used a Unipart product which did the job fine. and the result...no more plumes of smoke out of the exhaust on hard cornering Definitely check your oil grade. Ideal is something like Mobil Motorsport 5w50 though I always use Comma Syner-G 5w30 which is the recommended and has been ok though I do get a tappety noise every now and again. Don't think it is much to worry about if your oil pressure is fine. Dave ps - sorry to hi-jack the thread but is there much involved in checking and replacing the oil pressure relief valve?
  15. Can't help but think you are just putting off the inevitable. I have had two go on me (both typically when I was in the middle of big touring holidays) so I thought enough was enough and ditched the electric and went mechanical. Know what you mean about matching gauges but I think their Mocal gauges are a good enough match to blend in. Speak to Matthew Potter at Think Automotive. Plenty of into on BC too if you do a quick search too. Cheers Dave
  16. About to start mine after 4 months - what is the best way to crank for pressure? With my old Saab I used to take the ign coil lead off and earth to the bodywork then turn over the engine. Would this be right or is there a better way? Cheers Dave
  17. Sorry Phil Will be there next month for sure Dave Edited by - Lotus Boy on 18 Feb 2009 21:00:29
  18. Blimey!!! Hello Steve Long time no hear and trust all is well. Should hook up with the others again...if we can ever find a date suitable for all. Mark - Let me know when you get yours. I am in Colchester too - perhaps get together for a chat and a blat Dave
  19. Spotted 2 very well protected Seveners in L7 WOW yesterday (Saturday). Am guessing you had been to the Penn Sevens meet? Would have waved and tooted but I spotted you on a bend and you had passed me before I had the chance. According to the car it was 1 degree . Brave souls indeed. I was nearing the end of a horrendous 3 hour M25 journey (should have been 1.5hrs) to go and look at a new tin top to buy (which I did so it wasn't a wasted trip fortunately). Note to self (and all others)> Never drive the M25 the day after boxing day! Shock wave traffic jams every half mile. I could see that so many of the cars were people returning home from their Christmas holidays, loads of cars were packed to the roof with toys and overnight bags. Cheers Dave
  20. That sounds like it could be Smiffyo! Doesn't post on here too much but has been known. I'll point him in this direction Cheers Dave
  21. FWIW Image Wheels are those used on the Levante. As can be seen here and here Cheers Dave Edited by - Lotus Boy on 13 Dec 2008 16:04:03
  22. Yep, no probs for me either. My car only had inertia reels when i got it so subsequently fitted Willans harnesses and used the same bolts/fixings. Still plenty of thread into the chassis tubing and there is no fouling between the two belt types. Cheers Dave
  23. Lost my second gauge in four years on a return run from the Lakes a couple of months back (yes there was plenty of rain - so the water ingress theory holds er..water). Enough was enough so I went Mech too using Think's Mocal stuff. Phone them up and ask for Matthew Potter. Mention L7Club and yuo should get a discount too Cheers Dave
  24. It's ok, I'm just a sad git for detail and always notice things. Very distinctive those, wheels I think. Hmm possibly not the same car then if you are Maldon side. Ipswich Road is right on the other side of town. I'll keep a look out for you anyway cheers Dave
  25. Hello there! Are you local? My girlfriend said she saw similar in Colchester town around the bottom of Ipswich Road. Nice day for a drive, shame I was doing a wedding (when I say 'doing' I mean photographing). Typical that Sunday wasn't half as nice I was going in the other direction on the A12 but long enough to grab the details. An 03 plate I think too 😬 Cheers Dave
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