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Everything posted by cdt123

  1. Hi Andy. I’m interested if still available? Just emailed you as well. Chris.
  2. Fitted tonight. Perfect fit and looks great! Thanks Mark!
  3. Same here Mark if you’ve still got some! Let me know via pm if you find enough. Thanks.
  4. As posted on your blog just now: Common ones I’ve heard are as follows: Apparently the 160 etc are quite voltage sensitive so benefit being on a trickle charger (that’s what Millwood told me when I had an engine light). Subsequently reset mine and it hasn’t come back since. Others I have heard are to do with the MAF sensor, or throttle body (hopefully not that one). The error I had was a voltage mismatch between throttle position and pedal. I think if it happens again to me I’ll try replacing the MAF sensor next. On another thread someone also mentioned a faulty ignition switch as the culprit. Do let me know if you find any different! 😊.
  5. Common ones I’ve heard are as follows: Apparently the 160 etc are quite voltage sensitive so benefit being on a trickle charger (that’s what Millwood told me when I had an engine light). Subsequently reset mine and it hasn’t come back since. Others I have heard are to do with the MAF sensor, or throttle body (hopefully not that one). The error I had was a voltage mismatch between throttle position and pedal. I think if it happens again to me I’ll try replacing the MAF sensor next. On another thread someone also mentioned a faulty ignition switch as the culprit. Do let me know if you find any different! 😊.
  6. cdt123

    160 Turbo

    Thanks for the advice both. Will investigate in the spring. 👍 @Tiddy7 how did you diagnose as the ignition switch as the problem? Was it an easy / cheap fix or quite involved?
  7. cdt123

    160 Turbo

    Hi @PeterM - resurrecting this from a while back! How did you get on after the MAF sensor change? Did it fix the issue? I had the warning light come on with my 160 last summer and also read the same code about throttle position sensor vs pedal mismatch. Cleared and didn’t come back again. Just wondering if this is something i should try changing if it happens again when it’s out of storage again. Cheers!
  8. Ah interesting! Does anyone know what the SuperSprint has which supposedly has a chassis upgrade (+LSD) is? I wonder if the 160 would still benifit from an a-frame if it was possible to fit one or does the panhard rod do a sufficient job? Also thanks @Tiddy7 for the photos!
  9. Hi all, Has anyone fitted one of these to a 160? Looking at the manual it looks as if it bolts to the diff however having a look in mine I don’t think mine has this bracket. https://caterhamparts.co.uk/a-frames/6956-a-frame-live-axle-seven-160-only.html Doing some digging, it looks as if this could be the chassis upgrade that the super sprint has. Can anyone confirm if this is true? If so, potentially a worthwhile upgrade for a 160? Cheers! Chris.
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