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Everything posted by mandalman

  1. Thanks Steve, that was an extremely useful video which prompted me to check mine. I assume exhaust 'primaries' are the first joint after the tubes exit the bodywork (sorry but mechanically I am criminally uninformed). Mine does not seem to exhibit any rattling or looseness although interestingly my inspection did reveal that the upper retaining bracket is cracked right the way through, so effectively doing nothing. The second joint is extremely secure with a large clip. For now I am going to assume a tuning problem. I have put myself on the waiting list for Aldon Automotive (estimate 8 weeks). I'm taking it as a good sign that they are so busy but I think i could get in to see my GP before they get to look at my car. Not to worry. Like many owners I'm sure, mine is not a daily driver so it won't hurt to wait
  2. I would have no idea Steve - I am a total mechanical numpty. Just going on what the MOT tester told me but obviously he didn't investigate. I guess taking it to a tuner who reveal what the problem was?
  3. Evening all. Shameful confession time. Due to work commitments I haven't used my Caterham in almost a year. However, It was overdue an MOT so I took it down this morning. Even though it had sat outside on my drive (under cover) in all that time, it started unaided on the third try. Got love 'em. Anyway, it passed so I am going to make a determined effort to use it more and i may even get out to some club evenings for the first time ever! Now to the point of my post. The emission check at the MOT station revealed that it is running very lean and suggested it would benefit greatly from being tuned. They did not feel confident tuning twin carbs themselves and suggested finding a specialist. I've used N J Potter in Leicester for general work in the past but I was hoping to find a tuning specialist closer to my home in Birmingham. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance
  4. I hear what you are saying Tazio but surely these offer a greater level of protection on than road than just the standard trackday rollbar?
  5. Currently I'm not entering any competitive motorsport events, just track days and hill climb/sprint schools as there are generally held in the week. Most competitions are held at weekends which exclude me until I retire because I work every weekend.
  6. Back again. As an alternative to swapping between roll cage and roll bar I'm wondering if this would a better option. It's listed on the CaterhamParts website as suitable for S3 but I'm assuming it's metric. Would it fit a 1999 Superlight R? Seems to me that with the absence of the outside crossbars (don't know the proper name) access is almost unhindered, whereas the easiest way out of mine with helmet on is climbing out the top! I could live with something like this permanently without swapping back and forth.
  7. My car is fitted with the old Avon CR500 tyres. There is still a loft of tread on them although obviously they are probably at least six years old now. I'm off for a week driving around Wales next week and it may well be wet after our short hot spell this week so I am considering replacing them with a new set of Avon ZZS's. I know the ZZS is meant to be a good all purpose tyre for wet roads but is it any better than what I have or am I just wasting money? Also my second question: I currently have 175/55/13 on the front. If I did go the ZZS route I'd haver to go for 185/55/13. Is that going to be OK?
  8. Evening Each I've got my last track type thing at Shelsley next Tuesday and the following weekend I'm taking my car off to Wales for the week . I'd like to take the full roll cage off (an old Safety Devices case) and put my roll bar back on so I can drive in comfort without a helmet. This is the first year I've had a roll cage and whilst I appreciate the added safety on track I hate it on roads. With helmet on I have very little clearance and bang my head on the bars with every pot hole (and there are a lot of pot holes in Birmingham). My question is; how difficult is it to swap them over. I am mechanically inept and usually take my cars to garages to have anything done to them but I have a reasonable knowledgeable friend to help so should we be able to manage the job easily enough?
  9. Not sure whether my spot has been taken yet but I informed the club that I wouldn't be attending a couple of weeks back so it might be worth checking
  10. Earlier this year I fitted a Roll bar to my 1999 Superlight R in preparation for a the sprint and hill climb schools I have booked for this season. This is my first full year of Caterham ownership and I've never done anything competitively before so I wasn't sure whether fitting a roll bar was a bit over the top (no pun intended) for the few times I'd have it on track but thought I'd try it out. I have the old safety devices cage with the diagonal bar. I have drivers side lowered floor and initially thought there was plenty of room but after fitting FIA padding and donning a helmet I find head movement is severely restricted. I had to take the FIA padding off the outer bar to my right otherwise my head just locked in between that and the diagonal. Not ideal. Something I thought would make me feel more secure actually made me feel more nervous. I've just done the school at Loton Park and head movement was fine without the padding but I'm wondering If there is a better solution. Does the double D superlight cage give much more room? Also is this only meant to be used with an aerocreen? Are there any other alternatives?
  11. Top of my upgrade list - usable indicators I don't know whether I have the standard system that came with a 1999 Superlight R put all I have for indicator control on the dash are two little soft push black nipples. One for left and one for right. There are no blinking lights, no buzzers or clicks, no up or down position to indicate on or off. I just have to remember to turn them off or look at the side indicators - the offside one I can just about see from my position on a lowered floor and the near side one, just a complete mystery. Perhaps this was the Superlight way to 'add lightness' but I'd sacrifice a few grams for a blinking light or a buzzer. I'm not the worlds most naturally gifted tinkerer and don't like the idea of drilling extra holes in my CF dash (because I'll probably **** it up), but I will if I have to, so whats the best solution? [moderator edited to remove bad language]
  12. I will apologise in advance because I know this question has been asked previously but II just cannot find anything on a search. A couple of months ago, in readiness for my first season of track days I got a roll cage fitted to my superlight R. Because work has gone mental it has sat in my garage ever since and only today have I managed to get it out and take it for a spin. I thought it wise to check how much clearance I have with my Arai helmet on and it is millimeters away from the crossbar above me even though I have a lowered floor (it's an old Safety Devices cage). I've checked the club track day advice and all I can find is this: Where a safety cage is fitted: positive helmet clearance must exist below the uppermost near-horizontal plane formed by the upper elements of the safety structure. What is 'positive' clearance? I seem to recall seeing diagrams before where there had to be at least an inch clearance - I haven't got that. I think it may have been a mistake fitting it and I'd be better off going back to my track day roll bar. I'd hate to turn up to my first event and be disqualified from taking part. Out of interest are other roll cages higher than the old safety devices cages?
  13. I am about to fit some OMP padding to my roll bar I've sprung for the good stuff- OMP FIA padding from Demon Tweeks rather than a bit of foam from B&Q because I figure my bonce is worth it. Seems fairly obvious that I just cable tie it to the bars in the places where my head is likely to make contact but I thought I'd double-check on the Safety Devices website (My roll cage is an older Safety Devices jobby). I was surprised to read that they recommend gluing it in place with Araldite epoxy adhesive before cable tying. Is this recommended? Does anyone else do that or would cable ties be sufficient by themselves?
  14. Thanks for the advice Malc, taping the side screens on is a good call. Found out off Jo that the tool required is actually called a 'Durable Dot Fastening Tool'. Ordered one off Moss Parts for £10.52 and then when you mentioned Caterham sell them I checked and theirs are is £8.60! I'm wondering if this is the first time ever that Caterham Parts have sold something cheaper than the competition!
  15. I've just received some mohair half doors (or half side screens as they call them) from Thundersport. As expected they are superb quality but I am a little confused. They have supplied the fixings in a separate bag. I understand why they don't fit them as I imagine all cars have the opposite fixings on the car in different places but there are no instructions with them. Are there any instructional videos on YouTube or elsewhere and do I need any special tools? I've emailed Jo at Oxted but not received a reply but I'm certain someone on here must know!
  16. not sure what a 'not massive' budget is but at a rough guess it would probably rule out most of the more modern sigma and duratec cars. If I were you I'd look at an ex acadmey racer or an older K Series car. Plenty of older K series cars with low mileage around that are just as good as the more modern Ford cars
  17. That steering wheel is a bit Marmite I suspect. Taking carbon too far?
  18. I understand the principle of these but how do they attach to car?
  19. Most definitely. My order took six months. Placed in June, delivered just before Christmas. To be fair I also placed an order with Softbits at the same time and that took six months as well. The softbits order was just for a standard split tonneau but they couldn't get a supply of mohair. I think whoever you order with at the moment its going to be a long wait.
  20. Hi Adam I'm just going down the same route. I have just ordered some half doors from Oxted/Thundersport and yes they were about the price you quoted (Oxted are actually the company who make all of Caterham's products so they are not allowed to undercut Caterham prices although you can get a club discount with them which I'm not sure Caterham will do). When I ordered them Jo offered me two options. 1. a 'floppy' racing door which is basically just a piece of material that is press studded across and a 'rigid' half door with armrest that is much more like the full Caterham door, just without the window bit on the top. I've opted for the later. I have no experience of the Soft Bits door but given the price I suspect it is similar to Thundersports 'racing door'. I suppose it depends on what you need them for. If they are only ever going on for track days and you just want something to protect from gravel the racing door would probably be fine but if you do longer country road blats then the rigid door with the armrest would probably be the one to go for. All I can say is the Thudersport option may seem expensive but the quality is second to none (if you search my posts you will see some pics of the tillet cushions and transmission tunnel they made for me). The only other thing I would say is they quote 12 weeks as these are made to order but with covid they seem to be taking twice as long but even if you ordered off Caterham they'd probably still take as long unless they hold stock because they'd come from Thundersport anyway.
  21. Thanks for the advice (and phone call Simon). Taking all into consideration I have registered for Cadwell park, Snetterton and Angelsey, I'm greatly looking forward to meeting other members and finding out what this track day lark is all about. Out of interest do people generally just use the tyres they've turned up on or does anyone bring a spare set of wets (just in case) and if so, what are recommended?
  22. Hi Guys As someone who only bought a Caterham last Summer and has yet to do any trackdays I was eagerly awaiting the 2021 calendar, particularly the novice track day at Castle Combe. Unfortunately this date clashes with the Curborough Sprint School that I have already booked and paid for (what are the chances eh?). So a two part question: 1. Is there likely to be any form of personal rtuition available for novices at the other tracks that we can pay for ourselves? 2. I have ear-marked Mallory Park and Donnington as they are the closest to me in Birmingham and also Angelsey, purely because it looks stunning. Would you say these tracks are suitable for a novice?
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