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Everything posted by andy_harries

  1. Thanks Graham - have joined the group, hopefully they will resend on the group shortly (as you can't see messages in a Whatsapp group before the point you joined).
  2. Running order is in the Blyton final instructions (on this page https://www.nottinghamsportscarclub.co.uk/event.php?id=60), but I can't see the paddock plan anywhere. The instructions do say that it will be marked out and to look for your area and number.
  3. Early get away on Sunday though. Its a long drive back to Watford from Blyton!
  4. It's a wet sump. Cant see any oil further up anywhere, but have wiped it all down and will try and track the path of the oil later tonight, if any has come out
  5. Hi all Thought I would post a few pics to get some thoughts on where to start looking for the source of a very small leak. Just looking over my car ready for Blyton sprint next week I found a small patch of what I think is engine oil on the floor underneath it. The car hasn't moved for around 4 weeks (thanks to a stupid foot injury causing me to drop out of the Curborough sprint) and has been sat under a cotton cover in the garage. It looked at first like a leak in the seal between the engine block and bell housing, but when I ran my finger along the sump I found a very thin layer of oil down one side, leading to what looks like a knick taken out of the sump by a stone. Closer.... The question is, does that look like it could be the culprit for what is quite a small leak, and if so do you think its repairable or is it new sump time (@£500 or so!). OR, am I looking in the wrong place for the leak? Car is a 2016 ex Academy, Sigma engine.
  6. I have a PRG mini sport with an almost identical bed size, and my S3 is fine on it. Just need to be careful driving on it so that the exhaust isn't caught on the side. https://www.prgtrailers.co.uk/trailer/minisport/
  7. andy_harries


    I have a 2016 Sigma engine with a 5 speed gearbox and BMW diff, so very similar set up to you and I wear earplugs due to the whine around 50mph. Have always assumed its gearbox whine.
  8. Previous owner had tried to use some bolts on one of my wings but they rusted and the wing fell off (after going over a curb at Stowe corner, luckily just before the pit entry), so used some Tiger Seal which seems to have held up very well for the last year or so. Still securely stuck down - its nasty stuff though, so wear gloves to apply it. However, the big head approach in the linked to threat looks great. Will be doing that next time.
  9. Not me unfortunately, fell off a ladder earlier today getting my stuff ready for tomorrow and now I can't get my race boot on, let alone drive. There's always next year!
  10. @DerekH Funny, I was thinking exactly the same thing after yesterday - I ended up putting in my Sony in ear headphones that have active noise cancelling as my ear plugs weren't up to the job for such a long period! Off to read Stephen's reply and Jonathan's links....
  11. Thanks Ian (and Alan who sent me a direct message). Will stick with RaceChrono for now and see how I get on at Curborough with it
  12. @garth What pressure were you running? Reading this makes me think I need to check mine!
  13. As I slowly get sucked into the quest for more speed to try and lift myself off the bottom of the timing charts, I've picked up a Vbox sport to log my runs and give me something to analyse afterwards. What software do people use to analyse the data ? The free one for Windows from Racelogic actually looks quite good given I don't have a video feed to sync yet, but would mean I have to bring a laptop to each event. I've also tried the RaceChrono phone app which seems okay, given the relatively simple data that the vbox sport records, and it means I don't need to bring a laptop along. I have an android phone rather than iPhone, which means the free Racelogic native apps are out. Permission from The Boss to spend more heavily on a video linked vbox system or a GoPro was denied, so I have a very cheap video camera that works well enough to watch back which clipping points I missed on a run, but linking them together will have to wait until I've hidden enough cash away without The Boss noticing. I suspect a full sensor set up like Richard's isn't going to happen soon!
  14. My cover is just held on by those fasteners. They work well, but no idea where to get replacements from
  15. Mine is erratic and stops working over around 80mph, but as I only do that speed on track and I tend to watch the shift lights to think about what I'm doing rather than the speedo I can't be bothered to fix it. Have fiddled with the gap in the past to get it working fine at normal road speeds - gap is 1mm - and when turning it by hand there don't seem to be any issues with the light.
  16. Found here: http://www.gurstondown.org/competitor-information/ We're on the grass it seems. At least it's not due to rain. Still can't see final instructions though
  17. Thanks for the mail Richard - your mailbox is full so can't reply, but add me to the list
  18. Hi Richard How much would it be (if we get 10 people) and how many sessions would you think we get each? I'll be coming from Watford, so a 2 hour drive. Want to make sure its worth the trip!
  19. No rain in the forecast for Sunday now (at least till 8pm). Gazebo still going in the car just in case
  20. I'll swap a space under the gazebo for some secrets on going faster !
  21. For those that have been there before, is there room to put up a gazebo in the paddock spaces ? It's looking like it might be wet....
  22. I founs a small bolt through the middle works, mainly because its a second hand aeroscreen that didn't have a popper, and I had a spare set without the rear portion. .
  23. Quick update for anyone who finds this when searching the archive. Trying a few options, I went for an M8 T slot head bolt (Google it for pictures). Essentially it looks like a normal bolt, with an elongated head on it, so that it fits in the runner but catches the sides when you turn it to undo or do up the nut. The bolt head itself is 22.5mm long, 12.6mm wide and 3mm thick. I could only find them in 100mm length, so just chopped it down to 20mm or so to match the old ones. Fitting them on the front two holes was easy, but I had to trim one side of the head to ease them into position on the back two holes. Your fingers may be smaller and more dextrous than mine so that may not be necessary!
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