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Everything posted by andy_harries

  1. Ooops. i just assumed I'd run the same number as last year! I can always amend it later I'm sure.
  2. Assume its 16th and 17th and that's a typo? Have entered on the 17th - their online system is nice
  3. Another classic additions cover here. Works well inside my garage to keep the dust off. Never worried about the scratch to the paint between debris and cover as I take my car on track and inevitably end up exploring the 'outer' parts of the circuit!
  4. @Beagler I have the same engine (1.6 Sigma) and hear the fuel pump run for a second when I turn the battery isolator to 'on'. It's actually very helpful as its an audible cue that I have turned the isolator in the right way and everything should now be working.
  5. I use the same model of brake bleeder from Sealy, I've found it works well
  6. I bought this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Inflator-Portable-Rechargeable-Cordless-Motorbike/dp/B09MF6Z8CR?th=1 Works with all things I need inflated (different cycles, trailer tyres, Caterahm, road cars etc). There are quite a few like it on Amazon if this particular one doesn't kit fit the bill. I did buy a cheap soft case for it as they supplied a bag for it which was rubbish. Only annoying thing is I hamfistedly keep switching on the light when I use it.
  7. Just to confirm, my car was a 2016 Academy car that I bought in Jan 2019. 125hp to 150hp upgrade involved new cams (they gave me back the old ones) and a remap. Not noticed much difference on the road, but big improvement on the track..
  8. Yes, I did this. Wasn't cheap though as I paid for Caterham Gatwick to do it as part of a service and MoT. Maybe £1500?
  9. andy_harries


    That's what happened to me, registered and got an email after a number of days inviting me to reset my password
  10. andy_harries


    The Prescott system for registering as a competitor has been down the last few days, but its back up now (I just went in to upload pics of my 2022 competition licence to my account).
  11. I have a 2016 ex Academy car and had the same issue with the throttle sticking when the pedal was flat to the floor. My problem was the pivot on the throttle body sticking. 1/8 turn loosen on the screw and some WD40 to lubricate sorted it.
  12. andy_harries


    As suggested on Graham's email, I've looked at the online registration system but there doesn't seem to be a Caterham championship category yet - are people putting it as class B for now?
  13. That is an excellent plan - I'm very tempted. Just need to schedule in a free weekend as getting it on a Thursday or so, taking the old unit out and putting the new one in over the weekend and sending the other back on the Monday sounds like an excellent approach.
  14. Yes, end cap came off when i caught it on the extra large curb bits on the final chicane, which meant it all flew out on the start/ finish straight!
  15. This thread is timely for me as I caught the end of my exhaust on a curb at donington yesterday and all the packing came out (sorry for the red flag if you were there). Which filing do you choose?
  16. Have you considered adding a rule that drivers from Watford whose first name starts with A get a 2 second benefit because they are slower than the others? Asking for a friend
  17. I was told that this is a typical issue with the standard fluid cap - another club member told me that after the first time on track in his Academy year Caterham did a brisk trade selling 'race caps' for the fluid reservoir as so many leaked. You lose the brake fluid sensor as the cap doesn't have the links, but on the plus side the paint work is saved
  18. There's always the risk of user error when I'm involved!! Pretty sure that its not the dipstick as I cable tie that down having been warned it can let oil out going round fast corners
  19. A quick update - checked this morning and no oil has dropped at all since I put it away after the Blyton sprints at the weekend. I put some blue paper roll underneath so I could see even a single spot, and nothing. Maybe will leave taking the sump off for now as if it 'ain't broke, don't fix it. However, if it does start going again I'll be straight back to this thread for the helpful advice it has.
  20. Thanks Scott, very helpful link The special tool isn't cheap, its £45, with another £10 for the adapter!
  21. Sorry, I confused myself. I was planning to take the sump out in situ, so of course I won't be changing the RMS!
  22. Ah, that would explain why I can't find the gasket on the parts website! @ScottR400D Worth replacing the Crank Seal while I'm at it? They're only £18 and if there is a risk around damaging it I may as well get a new one after the sump is off.
  23. Thanks for the suggestions and help everyone. Oddly, the leak stopped this weekend - was at Blyton both days for the sprints and I put paper towels on the floor under the sump after each run and when it cooled down overnight and there was not a drip to be found. The leak is clearly very very slow. I probably need to change the oil anyway as its had the same stuff in it for a few events now, so I'll drain and remove the sump and take a look at it (welder flaw spray is next in my google list!). One question, when I remove the sump, is it worth replacing the gasket around it just in case? Can't see one for a Sigma (wet sump) on caterhamparts, might drop Chris @ Redline a note if it is worth it.
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