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Everything posted by andy_harries

  1. Unfortunately not - family stuff is getting in the way at the moment. Could be the next event for me is the end of season meal! More brownie points to be earned and spent I think :)
  2. Great photos, thanks for posting Michael - and thanks to Stuart for taking them
  3. Great photos, thanks for posting Michael - and thanks to Stuart for taking them
  4. Looks like I'll be glued to the forecast till Saturday evening. One benefit of class 2 is the tyres aren't bad in the wet. Or hopefully the mud if I make an excursion into the wheat field!
  5. Weather forecast is looking very changeable at the weekend and so was thinking of fitting the windscreen for Gurston at the weekend so I can use my half hood. Usually it would be fine, but sitting in the paddock at the top of the hill in heavy rain isn't something I'm looking forward to! Given the track layout and my general lack of skill meaning I'm not searching for the odd tenth here and there, what do you reckon about the impact of having the screen on? I guess there is a impact on acceleration from the additional aero drag up the final straight to the finish. Given the speed I can't imagine there will be much impact to the first corner. Worth putting the screen and doors in the car ?
  6. I've not seen that before - will probably have to see on the day if they will be happy to swap them back
  7. andy_harries


    Thanks for that, I did wonder when I got my Saturday email but not Sunday !
  8. Does anyone have a link to the results? Struggling to find them to get the scores done
  9. I have someone coming as well, but they are not my emergency contact so struggling to work out where to register them? (He's a potential commentator for Curborough and wants to come and meet us all )
  10. I seem to have left mine at home - if anyone has a spare could they bring it tomorrow to Cadwell sprint? Thanks !
  11. Had a look at the final instructions and it doesn't say either way on spectators coming or paying. However, it does have a spectator parking area on the site plan and now Covid has buggered off I would be surprised if they didn't let them in. On timing, first runs are from 9am but we are likely to be the 6th class to run so I'd be surprised if we were out for our first practice run before 10am. They haven't published a finish time that I can see, but they have stated they want to do up to 4 timed runs (1 practice, 4 runs) and we're towards the end so I would expect we'd finish towards 4/5pm or so. Depends on the number of red flags really. We will be in the paddock next to the spectator parking, furthest away from the track. Link to the docs for the meet: https://www.barc-midlands.co.uk/online-noticeboard-cadwell-park/
  12. Just to add to the others, I've been in Class 2 the last 2 years and its all about the driver, unless you're chasing that last few tenths to beat the class leaders. You might notice a difference a bit at Goodwood where you're at full throttle a lot of the time, but almost all of the places, if you're like me, the reason you're 3 seconds off the pace is the lump in the drivers seat!
  13. Scores for Blyton coming today - I may have broken the sheet that Alan sent me so I need to check before returning to him!
  14. I had the same issue and just used a dremmel to sand a mm or so off to make it fit.
  15. Looks full already looking at the entry list! I was the 6th Caterham entry registered @ 8.06 this morning, so pretty popular!
  16. I've had the final instructions for both days. I think you're in the space next to me - I'm K7, you're K8
  17. If you want a cheap option just for reviewing a run up a hill climb or sprint then I can recommend a £50 option from amazon that I used last season. Comes with mounts, spare batteries etc all in for the price. Obviously nowhere as good as a go pro, but if, like in my case, you're watching it back on the screen straight after a run to work out why the time is so much slower than everyone else, its a good bit of kit for the money! Alan B uses an old iPhone for the same reason which also works well, and with much less faffing than other options.
  18. I use the Sealy pressure one in the first link. It's great, as long as you don't forget to put the gasket in the cap that goes on the reservoir. If you do, be prepared to use half a roll of kitchen towel mopping up the mess. Don't ask me how I know.....
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