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Everything posted by andy_harries

  1. Hi all The table below shows the latest positions for the class championships, along with the top 3 for Ladies, Veterans and Edward Lewis. I'll post a full breakdown after Gurston - I'm travelling for work again at the start of next week so it'll probably be Wednesday when I update the Gurston scores and post a full breakdown.
  2. Hi all Below are the results for the 2nd day at Prescott. Class 1 and 2 clearly had something in their coffee as there were 5 PBs and 2 class records set. Also, a warm welcome to John Lyon, new to our championship but an old hand at racing Caterhams. A special award to Paul Collins, who managed exactly the same time on his first run on Sunday as his last run on Saturday - maybe we should consider a consistency award next season? Latest championship positions etc to be posted tomorrow.
  3. Hi all Below are the results for the 2nd day at Prescott. Class 1 and 2 clearly had something in their coffee as there were 5 PBs and 2 class records set. Also, a warm welcome to John Lyon, new to our championship but an old hand at racing Caterhams. A special award to Paul Collins, who managed exactly the same time on his first run on Sunday as his last run on Saturday - maybe we should consider a consistency award next season? Latest championship positions etc to be posted tomorrow. View full round
  4. Hi all Results from Round 6 at Prescott are below. We may have to sneak some lead ballast in to Charlie's car in the coming rounds 🙂
  5. Hi all Results from Round 6 at Prescott are below. We may have to sneak some lead ballast in to Charlie's car in the coming rounds 🙂 View full round
  6. Hi all I wanted to clarify the rules first for the treatment of records and PBs for events where we visit the same track with the same layout more than once in a season for a championship event. We haven't done this since 2013 I think, so the rules are silent on the treatment of records and PBs broken on subsequent days should they be broken. We'll update the rules to be explicit next season, but we are going to take what might be called the common sense approach. We will use a record or PB set on an earlier day as the benchmark for any subsequent days. Two examples: There is a two day event at Prescott - Saturday and Sunday are both championship scoring days. A driver at Prescott on Saturday sets a new PB - they beat their previous time of 55.10 with a new time of 54.10. For the Saturday event this is scored as normal for Edward Lewis points. On the Sunday however, the new PB time set on Saturday is their benchmark. If the driver's best time on Sunday is 54.50, then there are no Edward Lewis points as although they beat their old PB again, it's the new PB set on Saturday that counts. There is a mythical 3 day event at Harewood - Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The class record is 55.10 set the previous year. The fastest time on Saturday is 54.50 and a new class record is set - championship scores will be over 100 for all times that beat 55.10. On Sunday, the class record will be 54.50. The fastest time on Sunday is 54.10 - again, the class record falls and the championship scores for times on Sunday beating 54.50 will be over 100; those slower than 54.50 on Sunday will be less than 100. On Monday however, the fastest time is 54.30. No class record is set and the championship scores are calculated for Monday's event using the time of 54.10 set on Sunday as the class record. Hopefully this is clear and reflects the most sensible approach. It does not change our approach for weekends where we have a championship event on the Sunday, and an invited non championship event on the Saturday. Only times set at championship events count for PBs and class records. Anyone at Gurston this week for both days should save their fastest times for the Sunday 🙂 It does however break my spreadsheet so there will be a short delay to the Prescott results while I update the logic to make this work! Cheers Andy
  7. Hi Chris - is this still available? Bit of a long shot given how heavy it is but don't want to waste your time asking for photos, details etc. Is 'posting' it possible (obviously at my expense)? I live in Watford so round trip to Hebden bridge is approx 9 hours 🙂
  8. Hi all Latest championship positions below after 5 rounds. See you at Prescott!
  9. Hi all A relatively small number of entries to Aintree this year. With a 2% improvement in his time, I bet Ivan thought he had the 10 EL points in the bag, till Bryan pipped him with a 2.07% improvement. Also a big congratulations to Rob Jacobs who beat his own class 3 record on the first run. Results below: View full round
  10. Hi all A relatively small number of entries to Aintree this year. With a 2% improvement in his time, I bet Ivan thought he had the 10 EL points in the bag, till Bryan pipped him with a 2.07% improvement. Also a big congratulations to Rob Jacobs who beat his own class 3 record on the first run. Results below:
  11. Hi all Results from Curborough 8 (and the detailed sheet from the session) are below! Curborough May 12th LIVE v01.xlsx View full round
  12. Hi all Results from Curborough 8 (and the detailed sheet from the session) are below! Curborough May 12th LIVE v01.xlsx
  13. HI all The table below gives the latest class positions after the 1st three rounds, and the top 3 for Ed Lewis, Ladies and Veterans championships Cheers Andy
  14. Hi all Below are the results for round 3, Goodwood!
  15. Hi all Below are the results for round 3, Goodwood! View full round
  16. Apologies, have been travelling for work over the last couple of weeks. Working on the results now!
  17. Results from Round 2, Anglesey International on 7th April
  18. Results from Round 2, Anglesey International on 7th April View full round
  19. Results from Round 1 !
  20. Results from Round 1 ! View full round
  21. Struggling to find the race timing results for Anglesey this weekend (my google skills have failed me). If someone has the link could they post it in the thread so I can update the scoring?
  22. We have a new entrant, welcome Callum 🙂 (have swapped 508/608 and removed Roger from the list 😞 - no other changes made)
  23. Ah yes, good spot. I do need to swap 508 and 608 as well
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