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  1. Thanks I'll look for the 3 cable tied leads. I found a connector that I thought was the one ta
  2. Thanks I'll look for the 3 cable tied leads. I found a connector that I thought was the one ta
  3. Thanks for replies folks. Will have a look for other cables as per Obodiah post. See if I can find them. Maybe the connector I used is not right one after all. cheers Bruce
  4. Hi Ive been trying to fit the Ace shift lights to 310R I found the right 3 pin connector under dash to right of dials but when I fit the lead from ACE control box I get no reading on Revs from engine and the Rev counter on dash stops working. Clearly the power is working as I get the 3 question marks on digital read out but no rev reading. Anyone had similar challenges and found a solution. Don't want to splice into existing cables when there is a connector that's supposed to to the job. cheers Bruce
  5. Hi Ive been trying to fit the Ace shift lights to 310R I found the right 3 pin connector under dash to right of dials but when I fit the lead from ACE control box I get no reading on Revs from engine and the Rev counter on dash stops working. Clearly the power is working as I get the 3 question marks on digital read out but no rev reading. Anyone had similar challenges and found a solution. Don't want to splice into existing cables when there is a connector that's supposed to to the job. cheers Bruce
  6. will try swapping - need to get sorted as weather getting better - even in Scotland!
  7. Hi 1. Lynx 2. Straight in to H4 connector I'll try 1 and 2 ideas ta whats interesting is the one of them has no flickering at all. When investigating the WWW they advised fitting a CAN bus to help pull the right load as LEDs pull a lot less - that can solve flickering - and it did - but just for one of them ;( I had a set of 5 3/4 on and there was no flickering so I agree with point on some work and some dont! But of course I couldn't leave it alone, could I ! Had to go 7" and they do look nice, one step forward, one step back - gives me something to ponder and fiddle with tho' cheers Bruce
  8. full led headlights hope they are not dying! ;)
  9. hi yes i have - swapped to 7" ones - less than year old - just shells or the light units as well? cheers Bruce
  10. Have fitted 7" LED Headlights to 310R - great results except a a bit of flickering Fitted Canbus into headlight wiring to compensate and it works great on driver side - no flickering at all - but still a bit of flickering on the passenger side Both Canbus heat up so doing there job but can't seem to get rid of the flickering on one side any ideas?
  11. Hi I’ll check out the earth connection and let u know. Did not check if brake lights not working. Cheers Bruce
  12. Hi Any ideas on how to get my dials working again! Car starts and runs fine, hazards work, headlights works, but speedo, rev, temp and oil dials have stopped working! R310R with 500 miles cheers Bruce
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