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Posts posted by Purplemeanie

  1. Updated #26 to include GoPro7 transfer speeds.

    BTW... I'll be at Gurston Down on Sunday to watch the fun. I'll have some GoPro's and DJI Action 2 with me if anyone competing wants to see them. I'll also pack some 360 cameras if that's interesting to anyone.


  2. Hi All, I must also confess that I only realized this was a Speed related post once I was most of the way through writing my last response. But hopefully its still useful to some.

    Mark (mph) makes some good suggestions I think - he and I regularly discuss cameras/tech in cars and I know he creates some great video and analysis from them.

    If a dedicated camera is still what you're looking for I can offer the following further thoughts on action cameras...

    Firstly a general thought: The GoPro 8,9 and 10 don't need a cage to attach them to anything. They have the GoPro"prongs" built in. The DJI Action 2 has magnetic mounting but I probably wouldn't trust it to attach to a roll-over bar. The DJI Action 2 mounts (non-magnetic) are good though. The lack of a cage on the newer GoPros really helps when handling the devices (IMHO). However, the battery doors are a fiddle and getting the sd-cards in and out of them requires patience and decent nails!

    Second point, the GPS sampling speed of recent GoPros is higher than it used to be. It's now 10 times per second (UPDATED: thanks Mark-mph), so its able to show better location at higher speed. It still has accuracy problems, but its now higher termporal accuracy and low spatial accuracy! I haven't done high resolution GPS testing on the GoPro 10 so can't comment on how accurate the GPS is now... but i hear its better than it used to be. 

    So I guess (as you know) you have two options for reviewing video from an action cam quickly and here are some of my thoughts:

    1. Review on device.

    • The GoPro 9 and 10 have the advantage as they have bigger screens.
    • The GoPro 10 has better slow-mo modes and you might consider recording a run in slow-mo to be able to review bits of the run at 200fps (for UK PAL mode), for instance, and really slow it down as you run through that section. Newer phones can do this now of course too.
    • Reviewing footage recorded in slow-mo on the camera allows you to play at normal speed or 8x slower. This feature seems to work the same for GoPro 8,9 and 10.
    • A usable 1080p @ 200 fps slow-mo is available on 8,9 and 10 (but can go to 2.7k on 10)


    2. Review on a Phone/Tablet

    • Remember that higher frames rates and resolution will create larger files and so take longer to transfer to the viewer
    • If you want to see video as big as possible then you can run the GoPro Quik app on an iPad and transfer your video to it - laptops obviously work too but you'll obviously need a cable to the camera or take out the sd-card and plug it into the laptop.
    • GoPro 10 uses the newer GP2 processor (its a specialized GoPro CPU for imaging) which means the front screen video is less choppy and the user interface is snappier, it also boots up slightly faster. This is also what gives the GoPro 10 better slow-mo framerates.
    • The faster processor of the 10 also means that video transfers to the phone/tablet are slightly faster with a GoPro 10 over 9 and 9 over 8.
    • A 340MB (60 seconds, 4k/25, HEVC) file took this long to transfer wirelessly from camera to phone (iPhone 13 Pro):
      • GoPro10 - 13secs
      • GoPro9 - 17 secs
      • GoPro8 - 25 secs
      • GoPro7 - 25 secs
    • Probably the fastest way to transfer files from a camera to a phone is to take the sd-card out and plug it into a card reader on the phone/tablet. Though this is always a tricky operation and if you're in the outdoors then I'd be worried about dropping the sd-card and not finding it again!
    • Using live review on the GoPro Quik app on phone/tablet (wireless connection needs Bluetooth and Wifi enabled - though it creates a private Wifi, so no need to be connected to a Wifi network) gives a low resolution view of the video but is the fastest way to look at video from the action camera. You can scrub backwards and forwards quickly and then hit play at that point. This gives a much larger view on your phone than you would have on the camera itself though
    • If you want to do more than a quick playback then you have to download the footage to the phone/tablet (see wireless download speeds above).
    • GoPro Live review does not allow you to change the speed of slow-mo footage when you’re looking at it on the phone. You have to download the video to the phone and then you can change the speed when editing... and only when you have a GoPro subscription. Downloading slow-mo footage to your phone (tested on iPhone) and then transferring to the default photos app on my phone will play the footage back at the slow speed only… i.e. 8x slower than normal speed.
    • Summary of that last point… working with slow-mo when you want quick review on phone/tablet is tricky.

    If you’d like any other tests or comparisons doing then I can have a go.

  3. All the above make very valid points Justin, but I'll throw a few comments in too. Seeing as you're replacing an existing camera you'll know all about cameras on Sevens anyway, but I'll throw in how I use each camera in case its a scenario that affects your bying decision. I hope I'm not teaching anyone to suck eggs, that's not my intention. It's also worth pointing out to others who may not be as familiar with video in a Seven, that there are almost as many good ways of doing video on a Seven as there are people who do it. Everyone has typically found their favourite way of doing it... none are wrong per se. The subject is way bigger than a single BlatChat post, but I hope I can add something to the discussion.

    This is a really tricky subject, and is very dependent on what sort of scenarios you're thinking of. I use different cameras for different occasions, and have over 25 action cameras now! Don't judge me!

    For me there are five main scenarios:

    1. Short blasts (short outings or track)
    2. Long runs (touring not racing) where I'm really interested in making the best video I can
    3. Long runs (touring not racing) where I'm casually recording
    4. Items where I'm talking to the camera making a commentary on something like a YouTube video.
    5. Taking video around the paddock or blat-assembly

    As Mark (mph) mentions though... the software on these devices isn't always great. It can be unreliable and the user interfaces can be a pain. You also have to factor in over-heating - something that's got worse in recent cameras.

    So, I have used and own: GoPros (from the 3 through to the 10, Max and Session), Insta360 (Go, GoII, RS, X2), Sony (ZV100), DJI (Action, Action2, Osmo, Osmo+, DJI Mic, OM1 to 5 and most of the Drones from the Phantom 3 through to the Mini 3 Pro). I've also tried DSLR's and MILC's to record the above scenarios too. This isn't meant to be a flex in any way, I'm just a bit of a nerd when it comes to video - as are others on this thread too :-)

    In terms of what works best, I can only say what I've found in these categories:

    Software reliability: I know lots of people have problems with the latest GoPro's, but its not really something I've suffered with. They do crash sometimes ( and will need the battery removing to reset them - which is a pain if you've got a harness on and/or can't reach it from your seat). As I say though, I haven't found them too bad and have definitely got better with more recent firmware on everything from the 8, 9, 10 and Max. The DJI Action 2s are definitely more reliable here though.

    Hardware reliability: overheating is the main worry here I think. An action cam is usually pretty robust and I've found the GoPros to be really good at taking knocks etc. In terms of the overheating the GoPro10's and DJI Action2's are really bad if you leave them standing around. GoPro even admitted that something like 99% of video shot on their cameras is for less than 2 minutes... so why worry about overheating! There's a really good recent video by a guy called David Manning on YouTube about it (

     ), so go and check that out for more details. However, if you have either camera in the air flow of a Seven then I haven't seen them overheat - the air cools them enough. I've run them for hours and no overheating (4k/25). If you plan on putting them in your footwell or engine bay for instance then you may only get a few minutes of record time. It's also really important to keep the framerate down (that seems to be more important than resolution, though that does matter to some extent too). I'll talk more about frame rates and resolutions below. I also power my action cameras from external power sources when I'm recording in a car, but also make sure I keep the battery of the device in too.

    User interface: The DJI user interfaces are better than the GoPro interfaces. The later GoPros are much better than the older ones though. The Insta360 interfaces are probably nearer to the DJI in usability but they often have tiny screens that can be tricky to see (IMHO). However, I only tend to use the cameras in a few modes and I find I can set up each mode on the GoPro and switch easily between them - either on the camera or more often on the phone app.

    My Setups..


    I record all my videos at 4k/25 - I do 4k so I can crop in and stabilize when I'm editing and I do 25fps because I don't then get problems with banding or beat frequencies with UK lighting - we can get into the details of that if anyone's interested but I do it just to reduce the risk of it being a problem. I post videos at 1080p/25 but will soon probably go to posting 4k. As mentioned above, 720p is fine for TVs but for newer TVs and tablets etc, 1080p is a minimum - IMHO :-)

    I always power my action cameras from a battery or from the car battery through a 12v to USB adapter. I use the 3rd party GoPro side doors that have slots in them for USBC power (as mentioned by someone else too).

    For cameras that have some of the car in shot I will turn off stabilisation in the camera (I can add it in editing if I need it). If the car is wholly in shot (looking at me in the cabin) then stabilisation can be on but doesn't have to be. If its shot without the car in the shot (front grille for instance) then I turn on stabilisation. This can be a problem though as the camera stabilisation often doesn't track the scenary properly when going round corners.. I may just turn off the stabilisation here too and do it in post.

    Don't bother trying to use audio from an action cam that is anywhere near the air flow of the car. Use another device, and phone can work well there but there are lots of small recorders you can use from people like Zoom (not the conferencing Zoom), Rode, DJI etc.

    So for my different scenarios:

    1. Short Blasts

    I tend to stick a GoPro 10 on the rollover bar facing forwards. I like to have the camera above the bar - that way I don't have the rear view mirror getting in the way of the sight line (where your eyes are looking when you're looking at the road ahead). I know others prefer to have the camera below the height of the roll over bar, but not me. I use a manfrotto clamp to attach the camera - its really sturdy and can be removed really quickly.

    I may also add a camera looking back at me as I drive - that would be a GoPro 10 too. That would be mounted to the inside of the windscreen - usually with a GoPro flat sticky that is tucked away behind the rear-view mirrow. I then use a really small tripod head to go from the sticky to the camera.

    I use GoPro's because there are apps on the App Store that can control multiple GoPros by Bluetooth.. and I can start and stop them all at once. The GoPro remotes can do that too now and I sometimes do that instead.

    For audio I use DJI Mics clipped to driver (and passenger) to pick up speech and I have another mic sat somewhere out of the wind just picking up engine tone. 

    2. Long Runs that I'm really interested about the video

    I typically have one camera on top of roll-over bar, one facing driver/passenger and a roving camera mounted to one of the front grille, rear wing or bodywork. All will be powered externally. All will be left running for the whole run - though I stop and start them again when I stop for a bio-break or fuel. Always check for bugs on lenses at this point too! Running multiple cameras means I have options to cut to and from them when I'm editing. It also means that if I get a bug strike or a battery/power go bad on me, or a memory card fill up, then I have other options to make the video from.

    Audio is like in 1 which is synced in post - Final Cut Pro.

    3. Long Runs that I'm not so fussed about the video

    In this case I'll usually put a 360 camera on the roll-over bar, power it externally and leave it running. I can then chose my "shot" when I'm editing (front/back/side/pan etc). I like the Insta360 cameras better than the GoPro Max BUT the GoPro Max records for longer and I like to just leave my cameras running and sort out the video when I get home. I find that if I'm playing with a camera on a run then I'm not enjoying the drive as much... so I leave the camera running and have a big memory card in each of them. Some of the Insta360 cameras will only record a max of 30 mins, so they get ruled out for long runs. The long selfie sticks on the Insta360's are great fun though and their "stick removal" software is great.

    I also leave my cameras running because on a long run something will often happen and you wished you'd had the camera recording. Some cameras allow a pre-record feature that records a few seconds before you press record as well but in a Seven its not always that easy to find the record button (however you do that) when you're driving. These pre-record features will hammer the battery though... almost like doing a full record, so beware of that. I've had birds dive-bomb the car, sheep run out in front me and recently an amusing incident bumping a car that all would have been missed if I hadn't had the cameras running all the time.

    I might rig up audio as in 1 but sometimes just go with whatever the camera mic picks up (and assume I'm going to junk the audio and just put music over the top).

    4. Items talking to Camera as the driver

    I tend to use a GoPro 10 here attached to the inside of the windscreen and looking at me or me+passenger. I find the DJI Action 2 is bigger (with the additional battery bit) than the GoPro and so obscures my view a bit more - I also like to remotely control the recording and that's a bit easier with the GoPro remote - though both have good phone apps... however, powering on your phone, launching the app and connecting to the camera to press record takes longer than using a GoPro remote. Sometimes I use the audio mod on the GoPro10 and have something like the DJI mic plugged in but often I want the camera to be looking at me from being mounted on the windscreen (in the center for me and passenger, passenger side if its just me) and I don't like the audio mod because it make the install too bulky - especially with the GoPro 10 as they're now larger than previous GoPros. You can get away with using the audio from the GoPro for these pieces to camera as long as the camera is out of the wind flow.

    For audio here I'll have a DJI Mic clipped to me if I have the door on, and a cheek mic plugged into the DJI Mic if I have the doors off. With all these audio devices running I just sync the audio together in Final Cut Pro when I'm editing. The Rode Wireless II's are also great mics for this purpose but I now like the DJI Mic better here (also... I also found the Rode Wireless II's would start to clip the audio if I had the doors off and on full blat). With a cheek mic I can record good spoken audio even with the doors off and at full blat - when I can't even hear myself talk and yet I can still record good spoken audio - if a bit shouty!.

    5. Walking around paddock/assembly-point

    I tend to use my iPhone for this sort of stuff now. If I'm doing a "top job" for the Club then I'll take a Cannon mirrorless camera (MILC) but iPhone's are pretty good. I use a DJI OM5 gimble if I really want smooth walking shots on the phone... but thats a bit overkill. You have to be careful with action cameras in this scenario because their focus ranges aren't so good... so walking around a paddock with a Gopro and trying to "VLOG" with it will often result in you being out of focus. 

    For audio I use the DJI Mic again. They're brilliant.

    And of course if I'm doing something like the Speed Championship lunch presentations then I'll take a couple of MILCs and use GoPros and 360 cams as backups. I'll also take a lot of radio mics. along with paracetamol for the inevitable headache after doing a one-man shoot! :-)

    So that was a bit of a brain dump... sorry! 

    In summary:

    • GoPro 8 is a good camera, 9 is better and 10 is better still
      • the front video screens on the 9 and 10 are really useful
      • 10 has much better slow-mo modes if that's your thang!
      • audio is much better on 10 than previous cameras (but see point below)
      • detachable lens cover on the 10 is also really good when a camera can be hit by bugs and stones (8 and 9 have fixed lens glass covers)
    • DJI Action 2 is as good as a 10 but there are pro's and con's to each
    • The GoPro "Bones" (it's a stripped down 10) camera might be coming to the UK at some point. It's not cheap but it has the option of having a hard wired record start/stop. So it could be easily wired into the ignition so it would start recording at the start of a run and stop at the end... no need to remember to hit record.
    • Don't expect to get any internal audio from an action cam when fitted to a Seven in the air flow
    • 360 cameras are now becoming a really good way of doing video on a Seven but you need to get one of the newer ones if you want decent results (but there's A LOT MORE faffiing about needed once you've done your recording)

    Finally if you're in the market for a top of the range camera then don't forget that GoPro release new ones each September time. They are due to release a Hero 11 and probably a new 360 camera this year. There is also rumour of a high end camera that is coming from them this year too (they already released a bare-bones camera that some were hoping would be a new Session, but it isn't, so don't hold your hopes up for a new Session any time soon).


    • Like 1
  4. Mark,

    I’ll let others say whether they’ve taken things any further… but I think most people who try have contacted me and I’m not aware of anyone actively working on it at the moment.

    I was contacted by someone about 6 months ago who was looking to get into this but I didn't hear any more after the first few conversations.

    There was also someone who created their own data dashboard in a car about 18 months ago using the code we developed.

    Getting info from the ECU isn’t too big a problem now we have the protocol decoded, especially with your development experience. Changing the ECU mappings is a whole other thing... as factory ECUs are locked.

    Look forward to seeing if anyone else has moved things forwards.


  5. I'm sure there's lots of people on this website that know the basics (and probably many who know the detail) of how a carburettor works, but I found this video fascinating and gives a great sense of what's going on in a carburretor...

    The carb' they make is obviously very simple, but really demonstrates the concepts I think. There's something quite mesmerising about the slow motion shots taken in this video.


  6. You've all had a couple of days to find my other error. And the answer is:

    For those of you familiar with all the UK circuits, you will notice that the aerial maps of Cadwell and Croft are switched around at 0:32 into the video.

    I'll put a sticky comment into the YouTube video to tell people of the error.



  7. #11 Thanks Tony. There's always something I get wrong! *banghead* . I watched the video many times to check for errors but that process is of course predicated on the assumption that I can spell :-)

    There's another Easter Egg error in that video that I don't think anyone has found yet - at least they haven't told me or made their find public to my knowledge. I only found it last week while working on the next Caldwell Park video.

    Unfortunately, YouTube doesn't allow me to replace a video with a "fixed" version, so it (and the "screwtanear") will have to stay and I'll update the video description - it's not a critical problem I don't think, but it is another mistake.

    I'll update you all here in a few days, on what I got wrong, once you've had a chance to debate it *blabla*

    Now I've done it... I've baited you all to find countless problems now!


  8. Good luck with the registration docs Graham. It was an interminable wait for me over Christmas. 

    And thanks for taking the time to tell me about the blog. It seems an age since I did it and I'm glad its still useful.

    Happy Blatting!


  9. Graham,

      like OilyHands, I have some articles on my website looking at the protocols used by the MBE ECUs. There's probably way too much information there but I mention it in case you're that way inclined.

      There was also an article written about our findings in the June and July editions of Low Flying in 2020.

    You can find my ramblings here:



  10. Hi All,

      just a quick note to say there's a new club video up on YouTube. It's an introduction to this year's Castle Combe Track Day along with what to expect at a club Novices Track day. All participants of the event have been sent an email that includes a link to the video but I thought it might be of interest to all members. We're hoping to do videos for other track days through the year - I can't promise we can manage to do all of them, but we're planning on doing at least a few. It also serves as another example of what we'll be doing more of with YouTube.

    Here's some of what Simon wrote:

    We have put together a short video which amongst other things, introduces the Club Trackday Organising Team,  so you will know who to talk to on the day if you need anything. The video also talks about our Club trackdays and in particular focuses on Castle Combe. It tells you where everything is at Castle Combe and shows you a lap of the circuit at a previous Club trackday at Combe.

    Follow this link to view the video. 

    As always, any questions then please reply to this thread, send me a DM or email to socialvideo@lotus7.club.

    Simon can be reached on trackdays@lotus7.club


  11. Handwheels, Can't go wrong with a 420R! But I am also biased!

    ChrisC's website is a fantastic resource now... and goes way further than anyone else, my Purplemeanie site included. But if you want something to put you to sleep then my site is reputedly a great option! :-)

    At the risk of another bit of self promotion, I'll point you at my build video too. It's a bit bonkers how many people have watched it now, but I suspect its more entertainment than education, but you might get a kick from it if that's your thing.

    Also, if you haven't seen it already, Caterham Cave is doing a good series on building from kit, though he's not finished editing and uploading the full series yet...

    And finally, you can find a list of many of the build blogs here if you haven't found it already...


    Good luck with the build!


  12. #8 Tuck2020... glad you enjoyed the blog and hope you enjoyed the video.

    #17 David... no problem and I agree. I had no idea if anyone would read my ramblings but it was a great way of documenting the build and makes me chuckle when I read it again. As time goes by it will become less and less relevant to others, bit it'll still make ME laugh!

    #18 Doctor... wow! Thanks! I'll have to get some badges made up for those that survived the whole experience, and then perhaps a gold one for anyone reading it in one go! :-)


  13. Thanks David that's interesting. Mine are working out at about 20,000 views a year, so we're very comparable I think.

    I suspect Daniel French has many more views but it would be interesting to see what others have done.

    I think a list of blogs somewhere on this site would be a great resource. 

    I took a look at the page breakdowns of my site and it seems the most popular post of mine is on the engine cooling system and the animation I did. i was thinking of doing a YouTube video on the subject, especially as Mark (CtrMint)'s topic on 620 cooling has caused so much discussion. But interesting that its been a common theme for my site too, hmmm.

    For everyone's delectation, here's the all time stats on the top 30 pages on my site...


    I think Wordpress skews the stats somewhat, but also interesting that the Gallery is high up there. Hardly anyone reads my stuff about the ECU - not surprising! :-)



  14. David, if you don't mind me asking... what sort of traffic do you get to your blog? It might interest other people thinking about blogging their experience to know how many people actually read what they've written...

    I can offer the numbers from my blog which are a very modest, just shy of 60,000 views now. And just over 11,000 visitors. Both are all time figures for the 3+ years of running the blog. I'm sure other blogs must have much higher numbers.

    Perhaps that's worth a dedicated thread on ChitChat ?? I could give all the page stats if people are interested... might indicate what subjects people most have trouble with :-)


  15. #9

    David, just finished binge reading your blog. Hugely enjoyed it! Well done and thank you for taking the time to do it!

    And thanks for hitting the like button and commenting on the video. It really helps to tell the YouTube algorithm that other people should get the video suggested to them.


    James, thanks. You can find all the tools I used on my rather lengthy blog post in the next link (you can click on the pictures of the tools to take you to Amazon) - 


    After posting that link I always say this for full disclosure... the links are through the Amazon affiliate program, so in theory I get a kickback on any purchases made. I didn't do the program for that reason, it was just to get a way of being able to link reliably to Amazon. And just for S&G  I can tell everyone that the affiliate links earnt me £6.95 in the last 6 months, with 5 purchases made through the links. Two of which were the folding creepers! :-)

    But a quick link to the creeper I used is here:


    They seem to be out of stock at the moment though :-(


  16. David, are you talking about the ECU blog stuff or the article in Lowflying last month and this? I tried really hard to make the Low flying articles accessible, but even if I didn't quite manage that, at least its out there now for others to follow in our footsteps.

    Thanks Piers, glad you enjoyed it.

  17. David,

      thanks for the comment and for the appreciation of my blog - I very rarely get anyone on here comment about it. Makes me wonder if it was worth it sometimes!

      I hadn't seen your blog before, shame on me. But looks great... and I love the book!

      I'll add your blog to my list on my website.


  18. Hi All,

      I thought this one would be better in TechTalk rather than ChitChat as its slightly more technical. I just uploaded a bit of a longer video to YouTube this morning, documenting the build of my 420R nearly 3 years ago.

    I'd always planned to do this video, but for the usual many reasons it only got a few hours here and a few hours there since finishing the build in December 2017. But I've just had a week off work and with the weather a bit crap I decided to give it a final push over the line. I have no idea how many hours it took to edit the video but its probably well over 50 and might be closer to 100... bonkers, I know!

    The video is a bit rough in places, but I wanted to get something out as I hope its a useful addition to my (and others) blog.

    Below is the text from the YouTube description... note: when you're in YouTube now, you can click on chapter markers to jump you to wherever you want to go in the video... my favorite bit is the trip to the IVA at the end of the video when I'm leaning out of the car to see through the rain after the wiper fuse blew as I left the house! :-)

    I hope its a useful resource and of course I'd appreciate feedback, especially if I've made any glaring mistakes.

    Here's the link...


    And here's the text from the YouTube description that includes the chapter minute:second timings,, but you can find that on YouTube too!

    Almost 3 years after turning on the first GoPro to film our Caterham 420R Kit Car build, I finally got around to creating this video...


    This video is a recap of the major points of our build and is in no way representative of everyone's experience - every Caterham and every build is different!


    It has taken many many hours of editing to get this video into the shape you see here. The audio is a bit janky in places and there are too many jump cuts in the pieces of me to camera... but after 3 years I decided I just had to get something published.


    Hopefully it's of some use to anyone building, or looking to build, a Caterham. 


    [ Bonus points for anyone who can count the number of "in the ends", "at the end of the days" and "measure twice, cut onces" :-) ]


    Finally, yes.. I know sessions 24 and 32 a missing - I forgot to roll the cameras for some reason.


    00:00 Intro
    03:20 Arrival
    04:20 Session 1: IVA Trim and Steering Rack
    04:57 Session 2: Body Protection & Gearbox, Bellhousing, Engine
    05:31 Session 3: Harness Tapping *
    05:41 Session 4: Front Suspension 
    05:59 Session 5: Front Suspension & Headlights
    06:35 Session 6: Headlights & Front Suspension
    07:44 Session 7: Uprights
    08:13 Session 8: Brake Pipes, Front ARB & Dinitrol
    08:33 Session 9: Horns and Final Front ARB Fit
    08:57 Session 10: Engine Mounts, L-Hose & Hoist Extensions
    09:35 Session 11: Engine In
    10:53 Session 12: Attempted Gearbox Shift & Electrics
    11:59 Session 13: Exhaust Headers, Cat & Lambda Probe
    12:49 Session 14: Steering Column & Oil Tank
    13:43 Session 15: Odds & Ends, Radiator & Heater Unit
    14:17 Session 16: Roll Over Bar, Engine Plumbing & Bonnet Test
    14:48 Session 17: Engine Plumbing
    15:43 Session 18: Prop Shaft & Differential
    16:22 Session 19: Handbrake Cable, Diff Oil & De-dion Tube
    17:16 Session 20: Handbrake, De-dion, Rear ARB & Radius Arms
    18:03 Session 21: A-Frame, Rear Hubs, Brake Pipes & Wheels
    18:55 Session 22: Knee Trim & Carpets
    20:13 Session 23: Carpets & Seats
    20:43 Session 25: Engine Stqrt
    22:01 Session 26: Water Bleeding
    22:11 Session 27:  More Water Bleeding
    22:39 Session 28: Boot Floor, Fuel Filler & Carpets
    23:39 Session 29: Fuel Filler, Torque Rear & Rear Wings
    25:11 Session 30: Washer Bottle
    25:42 Session 31: Rear Brake Hose, Rear Lights & Indicators
    25:58 Session 33: Front Wings, Lights, Handbrake
    26:59 Session 34: Brake and Clutch Fill & Front Wings
    27:54 Session 35: Front Wings, Handbrake Cable & Tidy-ups
    28:26 Session 36: Repeaters, IVA Mirrors, Wipers and Rear Hubs
    29:38 Session 37: Getting Ready for PBC
    30:44 Post Build Check
    31:25 Individual Vehicle Approval
    32:41 Conclusion

  19. Hi Folks,

      I'm late to the party here... I know this is a 620 discussion but just wanted to throw in some work I did for my blog a couple of years ago when doing my 420. I hope I got everything right but it might help some people visualise what's being talked about, I appreciate its not the same as the 620's but hopefully the diagrams and the animations help the discussion. And of course I may have got some stuff wrong when I was writing things up and would greatly appreciate any corrections if I have.


    Cheers, John

  20. Hi Charles,

      I think I see where I'm getting confused - though I need to double check everything.

      On checking the Sigma wiring diagram it seems there is CAN bus there. But there's no sign of it on the 420 Duratec wiring diagram (my car) for the tacho. I'll need to do some more research and probably make sure I'm more specific that I'm only talking about Duratec and possibly even only 420 on my Blog.


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