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Blog Entries posted by rockinroyston

  1. rockinroyston
    Well the day came....
    A few minor jobs to complete:
    1) Put the earth lead onto the bell housing as per the new method approved by CC
    2) As suggested by a few people attempted to loosen the oil filter rather than doing it at a later date with the engine in the car... someone with arms like a gorilla must have put it on! broke one oil filer removing tool (rubber strap one) & had to move up a grade i.e one with a bicycle chain on it. Even checked with Derek that it didn't have a left handed thread on... eventually shifted it but I'd say the filters condition could now be described as 'used' but fortunately didn't puncture it so hopefully it will be OK until the first oil change. Done up hand tight? really?.... by a gorilla. Good I got this out of the way prior to it being in the engine bay anyway...
    Troops arrived & off we went! started at 10-30 & engine in by 12-00! very pleased. A bit of shoving & pushing but it eventually slipped in... I wont go into all the gory detail but  if I was going to do it again (not any time soon....).
    1) I'd reduce the amount of pipe lagging & maybe use a couple of layers of masking tape. We had to remove a lot of it as it was in the way..
    2) The cardboard is fine in the tunnel to prevent the initial side swipes but you have to remove it to get the engine in
    3) Biggest issue I had was caused because the engine did not lift correctly (i.e. it was not level with the block) the covers are at about a 10 per cent angle not flat as you might expect. I did know this but in the end we had to put the gearbox mount on & then just hang the engine from one point on the front of the engine so we could lean it over correctly (with a bit of help from a jack underneath the engine). Once it was at the correct angle everything suddenly went in fine... But not sure how I would have improved the initial hang as there aren't many attachment options to hang the engine from the crane.
    How you would insert the engine without an engine leveler?... no idea... with difficulty! glad I bought one...
    Once the engine was in plenty of tea & back slapping & then close operations for the day as I wanted to 'read the manual' re the next stage.. not that this will help but may as well show willing...
    Bit of torquing up & noticed one of the engine mounts (holding on the rubber blocks) was noticeable longer than the other 3. I'm guessing this is to account for the earth strap which no longer goes on the mount. Being OCD & not wanting one bolt to be hanging out further underneath the car e-mailed Derek to confirm & to send me a matching bolt...
    Not sure what I want to do next but may go for some lo tech jobs front brake pipes, hand brake cable & chase the metal polisher to see if he's finished my exhausts yet... oh & think about plugging some of the wiring in... maybe some plumbing...
  2. rockinroyston
    Suffered a bit of a hold up.. Without going into the whys & wherefore's my front ARB had the wrong sticker on it (orange) so I used an orange bush... this bush was meant for the rear ARB & I should have used a red one.. (obviously)  A few conversations with Derek which wavered dangerously toward me having to drain the cooling system & take off the front ARB... we reached a compromise... The orange ones will remain on the front & may possibly (or may not) degrade quicker than the red ones, in a few years I will know... & he will send me two orange ones for the back.. I was getting decidedly twitchy about the prospect of draining the cooling system & taking off the ARB...
    So back to the build...
    Rear suspension, all good but await the Orange bushes. Also my anti roll bar didn't come with the hexagonal extender. Derek has confirmed they no longer use this & I just need to spin the ends by 180 degrees & all will be fine, this is the way it is now done.
    Hand brake cable... This has been the first occasion I almost threw the teddies out of the pram as getting the end piece over the arm on the caliper looked impossible... realised that I hadn't fully loosened off the white nut (I thought I had but obviously my tugging & pulling resulted in more slack being needed). Once I did this everything was fine. I have incorrectly routed the right hand pipe through a hole in the chasis next to the rear brake pipe. In my head this is an ideal routing as its well away from the half shaft, is fully secure & gives a nice curve to the cable. Derek disagrees & I need to route it along underneath the half shaft & attach with cable ties. ho hum. I will concede to this but wont be using cable ties & be using the team ivans method with p clips. 
    Bled the brakes, tried using my brake bleeding tool which I think struggled with dealing with an empty system. Drafted in the lads & did it the old way, I now have some pedal but ran out of fluid so I need to buy some more  & do it again... & again...
    Filled the diff, needed more than 1l as does everyone else so I have no idea why CC only send out a 1L pack, fortunately I knew this, also had to buy an allen key socket to fit the filler cap, Amazon prime is my best friend! as mentioned by others this oil does stink... not pleasant.
    Filled cooling system. No issues here, did it slowly & took off the top pipe to the heater & held it up high until water came out of the top heater connection. 
    Filled the engine with oil, as per one of my previous posts I was informed that the engine was full of oil... it isn't...  would never have started the engine without checking the dip stick but a tad annoying...
    Spent a few hours on the engine bay with a pile of cable ties, its now looking much neater but still a bit unsure re the massive plug that just hangs above the bell housing... I cant see way of improving this situation as its so cramped in there just getting a cable tie on it is a challenge & then what to tie it to....
    I've sort of hit the wing projects & interior fit out quicker than I expected & need to get my head around the manual.. all the other projects attempted so far I've probably read a thousand times (not that its helped that much...). The blogs have proved invaluable it has to be said!
  3. rockinroyston
    A bit of progress made today.
    Built up the disc & hub, 4 bolts (short heads) with loctite to 35 nm. This isn't in the manual (that I saw) which is why I left it off LOL. The bolts are non metric... the braking system does seem to involve a few non metric fixings... 
    Took brake calipers off & added the spacer that I missed out. This had a knock on affect as the brake pipe now didn't align as well as it did. Got there in the end but I was verging on stripping the brass connector a few times... quite relieved when it finally engaged properly
    Brake pads, made a bit of a cock up here as I thought the clips went on the outside of the caliper... they don't... Not much assistance from the manual in this area tho. I was also thrown by having lots of important looking black bolts in my pack. After a few confusing e-mailsphoto's between myself & Derek it became apparent I didn't need them as my calipers were already put together when I got them with suitable (not black) bolts in situ...
    Rear flexible brake pipe: I'm glad I did this before doing the right hand side ears! it made access much easier. Could only put one washer under the end that goes to the chassis as with two the union wouldn't have tightened on the pipe. Had a head scratch re the locking nut on the other end & came to the conclusion it had to lock down onto the union. Again a non metric connection scenario involved here. & the nut holding on the union to the tube is non metric.
    Doing the drivers side was much easier! On the near side I had waited until everything was in place before I torqued up (including the disc brakehub...). This made torque wrench access quite difficult on occasions! this time I torqued up what I could BEFORE I put the disc on... Loosely fitted the speed sensor which seemed to line up with the cog. Just received a replacement hub nut from Derek for the drivers side that is 41mm (same as the near side)... so now I don't need to buy a large 41.5mm socket which I will use once...
    One point... I didn't want a repeat of my brake connection to the caliper issue again so I loosely bolted it in before I connected any caliper bolts at all. Obviously I had to be a bit careful when I slipped it over the disc but far easier than trying to bend pipes in situ...As mentioned before, because I'd pre set the dion tube up on the bench & not used the spacers on the caliper the brake pipe alignment was slightly out.
    So next on the list... rear anti roll bar, hand brake cable, re do the brake pads, take the weight on the dion tube & torque up all the rear suspension nuts & bolts. & then maybe into 'soft goods'! But probably finish the wiring in the engine bay, final plumbing connections (now I have all the clamps I need), make a first attempt at bleeding the brakes. 
    Without me really noticing I seem to have cracked all the main engineering construction tasks & I'm onto fiddly stuff in the next day or so... I reckon I've done about 10 to 15 hrs a week (including staring at my carreading manuals & Blogsfinding parts & drinking tea) & I'm in week 4 of my build.
  4. rockinroyston
    Suffered from displacement 'top bolt' avoidance today but in the end crept into the garage...
    Previously had an e-mail from Derek confirming my bottom spacer arrangement was 'fine' & not an issue.. so no excuses not to continue...
    After dropping a few spacers covered in copper slip into my eyes I finally got 2 in a side, any attempt at putting a 3rd in wasn't going to happen & they seemed to fill the space. Access was a nightmare & this job comes under the heading of 'annoying'... First attempt at putting the bolt in resulted in a very solid 'thunk' which didn't sound very hopeful. Had a squint down the hole & it looked like the diff needed raising a smidge. Using the engine hoist I gave it a tentative pump, not much happened but the bolt that was previously tight became loose so that was a good sign. gave the big bolt another tap & presto... few more light taps & then heard the satisfying clank of a bolt falling out the other side... result!
    So job done & well happy! I quickly torqued up all the boltsnuts (in case they suddenly leapt out for no reason obviously...). Attached the prop shaft (which I had remembered to put in!), needed to take of the grease nipple to get the torque wrench on one of the bolts. Then pottered around & did a few random jobs like the accelerator cable... Gave myself a fright when I was bending the lever on top of the pedal (quite a lot...) as my wooden block fell out from under the pedal mid bend & I thought I'd snapped it off... so I now have two functioning pedals! (Clutch & accelerator). Used a drift inside the tube, a perfect fit but I was a bit concerned about breaking the pedal... seems a random way of taking up slack in a cable but there you go...
    Well chuffed to get this Diff job off my list, I now need to read the manual to work out what needs to be done on the back end...
  5. rockinroyston
    After two days of meetings in Cardiff I got back at 5pm & needed some R & R so decided to go for the other elephant in the room & attack the diff on my own...
    Decided to go for using the crane hoist to take the weight of the diff. Thought it would help to level the diff on the crane. It soom became apparent that this wasnt going to work as I couldnt get the angle on the top bolts with ths straps in the way. Reverted to attaching by the rear of the diff & then using my trolley jack to level the diff. So the order of play:
    1) Got in two drifts into the top holes
    2) Once the top was secured was able to fiddle around with the diff until the lower bolts went in (easy as the main weight was still on the crane)
    3) Did up the bottom bolts (no washers)
    4) Took out the drifts one at at time & lightly banged in twao bolts that were the same diameter as the long top bolt (these were the bolts that came with the gearbox that weren't needed
    5) Took out the bottom bolts one at a time a fannied around with washers (see my email to Derek below...)
    Once I have a reply from Derek re the washers hopefully I will fill in the gaps on the top mounts with washers & hopefully the top bolt will just go in with minimal issues as one bolt will always be in place so everything should line up... famous last words! in my head I'm almost there but I'm well confused re the handbrake cable & my mind cant deal with it at the moment... hopefully its an easy fix...
    The aluminum strip that holds the boot floor is touching (firmly) the diff... obviously those self tapping screws are going back in a different place.... not sure if this is an issue but unless my chassis is completely up the creak... which I'm sure it isn't...
    Hi Derek

    Well I couldn't help myself when I got back & made a start.... needless to say I have a few questions (see photo's attached)
    1) Hand brake cable
    I thought I'd understood this but I clearly don't... before I put the top bolt in (& then cry if I have to take it out) can you explain how the white plastic bits work (2) on the right hand side of the car & where they go? a picture may paint a thousand words... Also I mistakenly thought the silver metal cable would just slot into the mounts... it clearly doesn't as its too fat & I don't want to hit it with a hammer to get it in... with the plastic bits on the cable I'm very confused how you get them on the mounts (not helped by the fact I don't really understand their final resting place...
    2) Bottom mounts
    I got these bolted on but try as I may I can only get 2 washers on one side & one on the other. I tried swapping sides to see if it would settle but its 2 on one side & one on the other which ever way I do it. I was expecting to have 2 a side. As far as centering the diff swapping the washers makes so little difference its pretty much within 'experimental error' which ever way they go? I'm using washers (21) which are fairly thin anyway? every time I measure it I get a different result...
    It looks like I have a much bigger gap on the top mounts I assume this is normal? I haven't tried packing with washers as yet (21's again?) but I'm pretty pleased with my progress tonight so am calling it a day.... I've temporarily put bolts in the top mounts that are the same size as the long bolt (they are the ones that went on the gearbox that I didn't need) One of these is loose(ish) so I'm hoping if I put the big bolt in this end it will just drive out the other bolt & job done! here's hoping...
    anyway... I've probably made a horrible error on the bottom mounts so let me know your thoughts & about the hand brake which I have a mental block on...
  6. rockinroyston
    My Red Cross parcel of a new radiator & a bag of random bolts arrived from Caterham so a power e-mail session in the morning & then hot footed it to the garage...
    Front suspension.... finally done... correctly this time.. replaced special bolts with new ones & two new spacers. Did them up to the correct torque this time..
    Front brake pipes done but not tightened yet... pretty sure they are OK but want to double check.
    Radiator... in & connected just leaving a few random pipes that I need to check with Derek on the correct routing as my engine seems to be at variance with a lot of the other bloggs set ups... fan seems to spin freely..
    Starter solenoid wired up... what a bitch of a job! glad I don't have fat fingers! finally used a socket on a long extension & pushed all the wires into the right location & prayed the nut would catch which it did... glad I didn't connect all the modine pipes until I'd done this...
    Air filter fitted, (so I could check water pipe routes more than anything) I do seem to be left with two large random aluminum pipes which don't seem to have a home... e-mailed Derek.
    update: They go inside the rubber tube to stop it collapsing... obvious really... been a long day...
    Things broken today = 0
  7. rockinroyston
    Had a spare hour allocated to me by the project manager so went for a glamor job & put the exhaust on. No issues, the clips were a bit of a struggle but using the cable tie method managed it in the end. One of them I had to loop a heavy duty cable tie around so I could give it a good pull over its clip. I was a bit concerned that the collector would be a struggle but it just slipped on to the other pipes with no issues. Left the rear silencer off until I've put the rear wing on which is the suggested method. When I got the pipes polished I forgot to identify them with a mark so had to work out which one was which. Not very hard but putting them in is a bit like doing one of those metal puzzles in a Christmas cracker. Started at the back & worked forward, got there in the end with some help from number one son who has good spatial skills!
    Still mystified by my breather bottle & thanks to Jig (Jerry Brown) for his input, its well handy having someone who is doing things roughly the same time as me! (& ahead...). I'm sure I already have a breather pipe fitted & don't need to install a separate bottle & pipework. e-mailed Derek for guidance before I drill any holes...
    Things broken today = 0
    Derek has confirmed I don't need the breather bottle & it will be sent back with my dented radiator. The replacement radiator arrived today (Tuesday) along with a collection of missing bolts etc & replacements for the stuff I broke or destroyed... very efficient! I now have enough to be getting on with & can ignore the Diff project for a while.... living in denial...
    Further up date: When the car got taken in for its final checks etc etc (310 upgrade) it came back with a breather bottle installed... no mention of this on the final bill which was a bit strange as everything else was... to the last nut & bolt all rounded up to the nearest 30m mins grrr
  8. rockinroyston
    Almost had a full day today which was great, progress a bit slow & it was pretty cold in the garage today!
    Clutch: Decided to bleed this while access was 'good', had a bit of a panic when I turned the bleed nipple & the whole silver tube started to turn...  ran to Derek & he confirmed this was normal. Tested out my new brake bleeding tool that worked a treat, job done. Also was a bit thrown by the brass bolt in the clutch cylinder, Derek told me to bin it so I did & then everything was fine!
    Plumbing: Unwrapped the radiator... found it had a massive dent in it that was not caused by me... assembled what I could to familarise myself & then moved onto pipes. No major issues & it sort of made sense, the T piece through me for a while & I need to finish that connection off. Dont seem to have a thin pipe from the water bottle at the front to the back of the engine.. & I'm mystified where the engine breather bottle attaches too... I have a molded in pipe & it doesn't seem long enough to reach any suitable engine connection points... Heater controls all connected with no issues
    Accelerator cable: seems very long? & looks like you have to snip off the stop one end & then reattach a cable stop... I'll investigate what others have done...
    Not a bad day, abit it slow but at least I didn't break anything... but someone has taken a hammer to my radiator during its journey to me...
  9. rockinroyston
    Just had a few mini sessions in the garage when I can sneak off... its not the most efficient way of working as re reading stuff all the time is a bit of a pain.. but needs must...
    Spent more time than I should have done trying to find the bolts for the bottom UJ on the steering... & then took a while to realise they wouldn't fit because I hadn't lined up the groove in the steering rod... got there in the end. I did have to check with Derek why the steering lock wasn't working... answer it doesn't when you have a removable steering wheel... hhhhmmm, thanks... I'll be on my way then..
    So... deliberate mistake of the day caused by me doing short sessions & losing track... Finally got a deep socket to do up the special nut underneath the upright which has been an on going saga. misread the instructions & tightened up to 80 nm (should be 54 or thereabouts, without consulting the manual). One of them did do up this tight but on the other side the spacer collapsed, probably good it did otherwise I would not have known... damn.. I wasn't happy, had been within a whisker of finally getting the front suspension put to bed... e-mail to Derek admitting my failings & asking for two replacement spacers... I think he will have my name flagged on the wall by now...
    I intend to have a full day in the garage tomorrow as I think I have spun enough plates to go off the radar for a day... I'll just have to ignore the up right hanging off... I really need to get a good consistent run rather than popping in & out which I don't think helped the situation. Hopefully the spacers wont be a 'special order'...
    Found out a few other things, the hole in the Centre console on the drivers side isn't needed for anything with my gearbox, thats good because I couldn't see what on earth it was for.
    The back of the interior heater goes the wrong way up nowadays, which is good as there was no way it was going to fit the right way.
    So I'd say all in all, one step forward & one step back.... 
  10. rockinroyston
    Had a few 3 hrs sessions & managed to achieve something:
    Torqued up a few bolts on the front suspension & then discovered i'd ordered the wrong size deep socket for the 'special nut' under the upright... doh... quick amazon order & should be with me tomorrow...
    Put in the gearshift & changed gear!
    Had a potter around with the steering rods & then decided to go for it... smothered it in washing up liquid & it just slipped in with no issues at all. Pretty sure the top grommet went in ok, it seemed to seat ok... hard to tell but it didn't move but quite difficult with washing up liquid everywhere... I seem to have a left over steering grommet but I cant see where it would go as the bottom one is pre installed at the factory (& I didn't knock out the white insert... hooray!) I did have to completely disconnect the steering rack from the chassis to get the lower rod in but it was loose anyway so no drama
    Couldn't work out which bolts went in the steering UJ or the clamp that connects the upper & lower rods & no lock nut from the grub screw...    e-mail to Derek...
    Very initial look at the front brake hoses but unsure which outer washer & lock washer to use at the body work end as they weren't in the brake pack...another e-mail to Derek...
    Picked up my exhaust from the local polishers & it looks lovely! much better than how it arrived it has to be said.
    So far I have avoided any electrics or plumbing....
  11. rockinroyston
    Well time is dragging & with only 3 months to go before my delivery date I thought I'd better order some stuff to avoid the Christmas rush.... so engine hoist, axle stands & trolley jack all on their way & be here by next week... ho hum what to do now... thanks to Rob Jones for his link to SGS Engineering...(http://www.sgs-engineering.com/contacts) (http://caterham360build.co.uk/about/)  I can see I need a tool box... fortunately for the credit card they were out of stock of the one I wanted...
    Anyway... hopefully the garage floor arrives next week so that will keep me busy for a day or so..
  12. rockinroyston
    Not too much to report today...
    Protected engine bay with pipe lagging & cardboard, ran out so will need some more pipe lagging
    Thanks to Jig's info I didnt dremmel my chassis as the earth wire goes to the bell housing & another one goes from the battery to a bolt hole to the left of the battery holder. Fitted the rubber engine mounts
    Took off the mounts from the engine.
    Fitted the water tube at the back of the engine (I hope I've cut it down enough as I can see this will be 'awkward' to get to once the engine is in.
    Calm before the storm...
  13. rockinroyston
    Today I had set aside as a 'proper work day' (i.e. stuff other people pay me for LOL), wandered in the garage as you do with my morning cupper & whilst admiring my work something struck me that was not right at all.... On the top up rights the thread to the track rod end was very different each side... I'd followed the IKEA instructions & there was no mention of this & as the top track rods arrive pre installed on the upper wish bone I'd just bolted them on to the car like the pretty picture.... bad move... The old instructions specify how much thread should be showing (8) I had about 3 on one side & about 23 on the other.... Whilst I hadn't torqued up the track rod end it soon became apparent it didn't want to come out depressing.... e-mail to Derek... response 'hit it with a hammer & a drift'... that didn't work. Gave up for a while & went into the office to sulk. Later on phoned Derek & he confirmed that you hit it from the side... ahhh... tried that... didn't seem to work & I was just about to give up when pop.. out it came... Back to the office e-mailed thanks to Derek & got on with some paid work feeling a lot happier.
    So today we have:
    Disaster averted but I'm glad I hadn't rushed the build & missed this
    Top up rights dismantled & re-assembled correctly
    Bin the IKEA instructions as a disaster area...
    Replacement plastic ball arrived for the ARB, & then man handled the ARB in place with no issues at all!
    So for a day when I hadn't intended doing anything I seem to have made progress & averted an expensive Caterham re-build when they spotted it!
  14. rockinroyston
    Blasted out a few e-mails in the office in the morning to let everyone know I was working hard & then took a sneaky afternoon off in the other office (which was considerably colder..)
    Took apart pretty much everything I had done so far...
    shock bolts out to insert the washer I hadn't put in
    Top wishbone taken off so I could get the headlamp bracket on...
    Couple of 'adaptations'
    Had to bend out the clip on the headlamp bracket so it would go over the chassis bracket. Took a while to realise why it wasn't going on but got there in the end. 
    stripped out all the floppy cable cover protruding fro the end of the bracket & replaced it with my new favorite product 'shrink tube'. Pushed it up into the headlamp bracket. Much neater than how it was & no issues with it snagging on anything as I did up the bracket. Did everything up & it looked fine! I'll leave connecting the headlights till 'later'
    Alll was well & then took a slight turn for the worst. As I've now decided to install the uprights next job was to torque up the wishbones level with the ground as suggested by Derek. Top ones fine no issues apart from access for a torque wrench but got there in the end. Bottoms ones not so well.. front went on torqued up fine, rear ones... after very little pressure the bolt started spining... WTF, took the nut off & I'd stripped it... I've never stripped a nut & this was only the second one I'd done.... took a step back from proceedings, had a think... & then e-mailed Derek... What followed was a comedy of errors. In essence I'd used the nut with a white insert (which is imperial) & not the nut with the blue insert which is metric. I hadn't even noticed the different colours & the nuts look identical. Further confused as Derek got his blues & whites mixed up LOL. After a few e-mails with photo's and a telephone conversation its all sorted... I will now be sent a nut to replace my stripped one with the white insert & an additional nut with a blue insert (as there was only one in the pack...).
    Also I had put an extra washer on the head of the bolt on the lower wishbone (as shown on the Ikea manual). Apparently this is not needed & if you use it the bolt doesn't extend all the way through the nut past the nyloc grip... So both bottom bolts had to be drifted out & the washer removed. All the fun of the fair, fortunately they came out with no issues & went straight back in again to my relief.
    So next job the was the uprights... This ground to a halt very quickly as it would appear I don't have 'the special nut' that goes on the bottom of the upright... I gave up at this point & e-mailed Derek...
    So now I have two headlights anyway so I have something to show for the day.
  15. rockinroyston
    Not really counting this as a proper 'build weekend'... started off badly with a bit of a hangover from the monthly poker night (lost..). So wasn't firing on all cylinders. However the pit crew were super eager to make a start so off we went.
    1st job turned the car into a space ship with silvery bubble wrap from B & Q. With two over excited kids & me wandering around in a daze the body work needs all the help it can get!
    BIt of IVA trim & made a start on the front suspension which went OK. Decided that I would not do the wing stays etc until the engine was in. However come Sunday it dawned on me that the engine & gearbox was probably the next big job... hadn't really mentally geared myself up for that one just yet....
    So 'fails' that I noticed after re reading the instructions in the comfort of office, forgot the head lamp brackets... missed off a split washer from one of the shocks. Sent my first e-mail to Derek querying the washer arrangement for an SV. I followed the new book & went for 2 2 2 however the old guided says 0 4 0. I'm sure I read somewhere that the 2 2 2 is the new standard... wont be too much of an issue to take apart & now I've done it once should take half the time... haven't even spotted any horns in my pile of bits & maybe I need to revisit the front lights & wiring...
    So far so goodish...
    Derek has confirmed that 2 2 2 is now the recommended option for an SV & that's good enough for me! he's also confirmed that tightening the wish bone bolts up (at horizontal) without weight on the car is OK & would not damage the bushes. Doing it with the weight on the car is the preference but he acknowledged that getting a torque wrench on them with the engine in could be 'a struggle'..
    Found the horns & they aren't bolted together so no breaker bar required...
  16. rockinroyston
    Its arrived.... the pressures on...
    Took delivery then ran away... had lunch... checked my emails... had a cup of tea...
    Ventured back into the garage took a deep breath & started emptying boxes. Succeeded in emptying 3! very satisfied LOL... Now I've had a look at all the bits only saw a few things I had no idea what they were. Thought I was missing the windscreen wipers but then found then hiding under a postage stamp...
    No proper work done on the car at all but happy that this may be doable! Unfortunately I have a fairly full weekend of ferrying kids around to various activities but hopefully I can make a start on IVA trim & body work protection... no bolting anything on obviously...
  17. rockinroyston
    After a bit of a wait been given 20th January as my delivery date.... & some pictures from the factory with my name on it!... glad the snows just started my garage will be well toasty ....
    Last push before delivery:
    a) Sorted out build insurance, spent a morning ringing around & was surprised at the variety of costs given & also the lack of enthusiasm from some of the 'specialist' providers. In the end I settled on Footman James who were helpful, enthusiastic & the cheapest. £200 fully comp for the build which can be transferred to road mode when required. Bizarrely the cost for 'on the road' is slightly cheaper than the build insurance... so I'll get a rebate, even the broker couldn't explain & put it down to an 'IT glitch'... Most expensive were Reis who were nearer £400-00.
    b) Re-sorted & cleaned the garage which had taken a turn for the worse over xmas & the project managers car has left mud & grot all over the floor... & the PM's not too happy that her car's going to be booted out onto the road for the foreseeable future (ever)... needs must...
    c) Last few purchases, masking tape, bubble wrap, pipe lagging, comfy floor tiles, the new yellow floor tiles are like kneeling on ball bearings... oh well it was a good idea at the time & its easy to clean!
    After all this time waiting I'm panicking that I've already forgotten all the bloggs I've read... tried to look through the manual but without the bits in hand its confusing me more... maybe it will confuse me more when I do have the bits in my hand! a worry... hopefully one step at a time will be easier to digest.
    Two days to go... not heard from anyone at Caterham regarding actual delivery.. I'll give them a ring tomorrow...
    All systems go! leaving Dartford at 09-00 so should be with me by midday...
  18. rockinroyston
    Well Santa let me down & hasn't even given me a date for January 2017 :-(
    but on the plus side Amazon have been delivering lots of heavy boxes on a regular basis so the tool kit will be happy!
    So Merry Xmas & happy new year & hopefully I will be on Blatchat tearing my hair out in January :-)
  19. rockinroyston
    Delivery of a few bits today...Engine hoist, trolley Jack & sundry axle stands.
    Not sure about the mechanic team's testing methods & I don't think they have read the site safety rules document. May need to reallocate them.
    Not sure why the photo is on its side... its the right way up when I up load...
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