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Everything posted by Stridey

  1. Stridey

    Interior Mirror

    And don’t forget you can rotate the Ford one 180° So the dipper tab is top, this can help some eye line angles to get better rear view, especially if your roll bar has diagonals.
  2. Useful things. Not only to jump start yourself and others, but to charge phones and pads etc via USB. Highly likely if you battery is dead your going to be on your mobile for recovery if it’s serious. It’s one of those newer technology things that really do make sense.
  3. Thought this might help. I wrapped hooks in gaffer tape, fixes to bracket rather than plate. Hope it’s clearer!
  4. When your partner suggests 3 outfits for a weekend at Goodwood. Vintage case for all her stuff AND a dress bag draped over rear shelf. And handbag(s). Vintage style hotel stickers courtesy of ‘isaydingdong’ sticker company. The luggage rack is extremely handy in such situations.
  5. Are you saying the Perspex plate sits proud upwards of the plate mount, meaning the hook bottoms of the rack est on that edge? photo might help, I have no problems using mine, on occasions its really useful, but I use a short number plate, old style, with a metal edge on it, raised letter style. Tippers cut the plate to short length beautifully. I wanted the old style retro plate to go with my old style car, I remember the first thing I used to do when younger was put on newer Perspex plates, but this was a nod to the old days. https://www.tippersvintageplates.co.uk/phdi/p1.nsf/supppages/tippers?opendocument&part=5
  6. I had great success with new LED bulbs from Amazon. They have a fan cooler (very quiet) and fit in the bowls with no problem. Mine have been in over a year and been through MOT. They do give a bright white light. A massive upgrade and I know my local Herts group have had a number of others fit the same or very similar. The bulbs I got have been updated to ones that I believe don’t need to be orientated correctly, or rather ,specifically, a bit simpler. I hope someone who has the newer bulbs puts up a link. Look for H4 LED lights. I know people have paid for perhaps higher quality bulbs from Classic Car LEDs, but as I say these have been great in my case.
  7. One of my favourite mods in my 7 is fitting a digital volt meter on the knee panel passenger side. I can glance at it when driving. The reassurance to be able to monitor it charging is great after an alternator failure. You could use one of the cigarette lighter figment type ones in the tin top if you don’t have a dash monitor already?
  8. Mine was all black when I got the car, after a gear box change with Chris Wheeler at the 7 workshop he showed me his little bit of ‘bling’ work as a surprise. Which was nice!
  9. I found the Caterham BRG too bright, by a shade or two. I went for Morgan (!) Connaught Green for a darker, more vintage green imho. i remember when Jaguar entered F1 they painted their cars a brighter metallic green to be photo and tv friendly. Best advice is look at cars in real daylight, not on a screen. And make decision quickly, trust your instincts. I worked I retouching and our rule was decide on colour changes in 3 seconds otherwise yours eyes adjust too much, which probably makes no sense, but seemed to work on print ads.
  10. Is that an early one? Just mentioning it if total authenticity is an issue..mine from a 1995 car has 1700 Super Sprint on it.
  11. While your in there, lining with camping mat is something I did to protect from dings from shifting stuff.
  12. Used them a fair bit, for, errrr, bits. Fast delivery. Catalogue is a great read!
  13. Stridey

    Dash cam

    I’ve been very happy with a bike orientated system for my 7. Cant see why it wouldn't suit a tin top too. I wrote about it here: https://www.lotus7.club/forum/techtalk/i-fitted-dashcam-front-and-back
  14. +1 on the floss method. Lighter fuel (no Chapman joke intended) to clear residue.
  15. Stridey

    Dash cam

    I like the ‘techmoan’ reviews on YouTube. Good content with a load of dashcams in his content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Techmoan
  16. Agree about the curve. I’ve seen a few with straight sides, yes I’m picky, but curved looks better imho.
  17. Maybe not your problem, but worth a thought, I had a problem with a rear indicator. Wiring pinch was tracked down to the wire from the front light, under bonnet just in front of engine. In retrospect I’d just done some work there and may just have disturbed the loom there. I’d spent ages looking around the rear light area...
  18. I presume your 7 doesn’t have a heater? could you use that space to put an evaporator style cooler. They work by passing air over a damp membrane. I used one in my old VW van. It worked like a swamp cooler but used fans to blow air over the damp membrane. Is it something you could adapt? For a simple blast of air one of our local club members put a tube from the front of their car to the foot well attached to a sink/bath plug that he opens by foot. ive considered using computer fans just to get air moving around... Evaporative air cooler, $20 or so, VW style swamp cooler.
  19. Also, worth checking leads. There are simple methods using a multimeter and a ruler with a simple equation to check resistance. I found one of my leads was way low, traces to a duff wire to plug joint. New leads cured it.
  20. I had shorting issues on alternator wires at the back. . I added a proper plug down there rather than the bare connectors that were originally there and that’s fixed by a clip. No idea why it wasn’t there in the first place as it’s susceptable to road splash being so low.
  21. Having just worked through a battery issue I would in addition to the above look into fitting a permanent (but switchable) voltmeter. I’ve posted elsewhere that I have mine on the passenger knee panel, visible from driving seat. I fitted this when I suspected an alternator problem. Ive also wrapped my starter motor in heat wrap, you can buy little jackets for them. I only did this as a precaution, I have no way of checking it’s effacacy(?) To be able to monitor voltage In real time on the move can really help find where a problem may lie, or warn you of a problem occurring.
  22. Found my previous thread post .... Should a local key cutter offer a similar service you need the generic Silca LF30R blank. Not sure if they can cut only from key/lock code though.
  23. Newton’s customer service was abysmal when I requested a key. I wanted a second one, so I had the number reference on it to make things easy. They said ‘spare keys are not a priority”. I went to Metro Locks spoke to Chris von Cossel who sorted me out while I waited at their offices in Tottenham. http://Www.metrolocks.co.uk This was after trying Timpsons and a few local locksmiths.The blank is an odd one. I’ll have a little search and see if I can find the name/manufacturer.
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