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Everything posted by NedK

  1. Welcome to the club, Juls. There's a handful of us here with 160s on order. Mine arrives in March...
  2. I think you use silicone sealant to get the IVA trim to stick. Worth checking in TechTalk.
  3. NedK


    Keep up the good work, mate! I was at Caterham Cars today with my kids, to look at the cars and get them excited. The Top Gear magazine-built 160 is for sale there. 5000 miles, and £19,995! N
  4. They were. They didn't call them 'coffin tanks' for nothing... Power to weight is great. This is one of the last aircooled ones, as they went liquid-cooled the following year I believe.
  5. Congratulations! That is one clean garage floor. Keep that camera busy... we're relying on you
  6. Hello all Right. The garage needs emptying before the new Caterham arrives. So I have some motorbikes to sell. I will try here, before I go to eBay etc. UPDATE: NOW AVAILABLE ON EBAY http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-RD250-aircooled-ideal-winter-project-/181604563993? FIrst up is a Yamaha RD250, dating from 1979 (V-reg). I bought it in 2003 as a running machine, albeit not road-legal (lack of electrics), and it was a fantastic little bike. I won't describe the RD250 in detail, as those of you who'd be interested will already know more than I do about them. The wheels/tank/etc are in yellow, though I don't think this is the original colour (though it is on the V5). The bike is now in several large-ish parts, as I started to pull it apart with my kids a while ago. The engine still turns over (I have a video of me cranking it by hand). The expansion tanks have taken a bit of knock (I'm sure it's been proddie-raced) but make a tremendous noise. On eBay, finished versions go for £2000-5000. I'm open to offers on this. I will throw in the Haynes manual (such generosity)! Whoever buys will need to collect, probably in a van or with a trailer. Anyone interested? Thanks Ned EDIT - THANKS FOR THE TIP JONATHAN! EDIT - Sold for £1100 (that's a lot of new spanners!)
  7. Looking forward to hearing more from both of you! There aren't many of us around here. Mine's scheduled for March, so you guys will have finished by then! Ned
  8. NedK

    Removing my balls

    A couple of elastic bands wrapped round the end of the arb, and the balls will drop off by themselves naturally in time. I was brought up among sheep farmers.
  9. NedK

    Removing my balls

    This conversation is making me feel queasy
  10. Good news! Hope you've got your camera set up... Looking forward to following your progress. Mine's due in March
  11. Ah, I hadn't spotted the update to the manuals online. It looks largely the same, though some of the photos are a bit clearer (albeit with some of the labels now dropped off the photos).
  12. Many thanks, Peter. I can't decide whether it's worth messing around with the frame or just leaving as is. Looking at the threads on here, I can't see too much complaining about rusty frames. Ned
  13. The dishonourable member from Paisley?
  14. Amen to the safety issues. Think 'asbestos' and treat the nano-fibres with the same care. JK, do you know if there have been any incidents of malignant mesothelioma connected to carbon?
  15. Great! Now there are three people I can email when I am fretting and swearing over mine. I'm not massively impressed by the manual. Nowhere near as clear as the Westfield equivalent (though that's a much more complex build, admittedly).
  16. I've been trying to figure this out too. Couple of extra questions: - Is it advised to spray inside the chassis tubing, too? I've seen various pros and not too many cons. The pre-build stage would be the easiest time to do this, of course - If yes, do Caterham chassis tubes have vent holes when they are welded? Are they sealed afterwards? Threaded plugs perhaps? - Finally, do Caterham seal between the aluminium and steel when riveting on the panels? Many thanks for any tips! N
  17. Hi I'm sure your blog will be very useful to me. My 160 kit arrives in March. I think there are 3 of us on here awaiting a 160: you, me and Michael Stallard (also has a blog). At the moment I'm reading the manual carefully. Also reading the Westfield manual, which is much clearer in lots of ways - better diagrams, better photos, lots of general workshop hints. I look forward to following your progress! Ned
  18. In order to make best use of the tabs navigation in the forum area, it's a normal design convention to remove the horizontal keyline beneath the tab title that you've selected. That way, it resembles better the filing cabinet idea that it's based on. I realise the selected tab goes light grey once you've clicked it, but I only noticed this when I peered at the site. Not an urgent one, but would make things look a bit more tidy!
  19. ...without having to reply to your own topic Many thanks
  20. When I try to upload a jpeg as my profile pic, the following happens: 1. the pic show normally in the 'Picture' box, about the 'Delete picture' check box 2. at the same time, in a red box at the top of the page the following error message appears: "The specified file temporary://160logo.jpg could not be copied, because no file by that name exists. Please check that you supplied the correct filename." The pic appears as my avatar for that session. But on the next login, it's gone. Any suggestions? Thanks Ned
  21. Quoting Shaun_E: I am keen to add WiKi functionality as soon as we can A great idea. The easiest way of pooling info and updating it as and when. Good luck sorting everything out! Edited by - NedK on 19 Sep 2014 15:34:36
  22. They were magnificent at Duxford airshow today
  23. Quoting poolec7: who were very impressed with our build. Did you take any photos of the build? The inevitable timelapse video? I'd love to see them if you have! Ned
  24. NedK

    Ally Jacks

    The Arcan ones mentioned must be really special; there's one going on eBay for over 2 grand... here Some poor sod is going to regret his sticky '9' key
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