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Everything posted by NedK

  1. The first link are the ones, I think, unless I can find smaller. The straightforward deck eyes would be fine, though, if they're round the perimeter, as you say. Self tappers or rivets?
  2. Agreed on the size of the D-rings. Smaller, stainless, but I'm going to seek out spring loaded. There are two varieties - one sits on top, and the other needs to be recessed. Both are flush, to some degree. I'm planning on sit-on-top, to avoid butchering the chassis any more than necessary. Once I've found the right thing (a chandlers is the place), I'll post a proper link/pic. Thanks N
  3. Can anyone tell me if using aftermarket bulbs has any effect on the IVA inspection? I've been following the discussion on improving lights, and it makes sense to do this during the initial build, if possible. Thanks Ned
  4. And mine is now a reality too! Just been tweeted by Graham MacDonald, with a nice pic of my car.
  5. Just on the luggage hooks, I intend to use stainless flush-mounted D-rings. This kind of thing. I want something that recesses out of the way, but doesn't rattle when it's not being used. /sites/default/files/images/users/11790/medium_2507-flush-mount-stainless-d-rings-recessed-stainless-steel-rope-ring_1_640.jpg Ned
  6. I hear your frustration... If you can turn the engine over but can't smell fuel on the plugs, then I imagine it must be fuel-related. You can tell if your fuel pump is working, but it'll be hard to check the fuel path into the throttle bodies. Can there be an air lock somewhere? Is the ECU stopping something happening? Also, a long shot: have you an OBD2 reader? They are really cheap, link to your smartphone for easy diagnostics from the ECU. It's possible that it will tell you something is wrong. I intend to get one anyway. Ned
  7. Looking forward to seeing the photos...!
  8. Good to see the progress! And thanks for the good pics.
  9. Very good news. I've just been given a date of 30th March, so I'll be 3 weeks behind you! I'd originally been told 1st week in March, so things have slipped about 4 weeks since ordering. Ned
  10. Have a look at this blog. It's really well written, with a lot of pics. Daniel has done his own way of wiring the lights, which looks very tidy to me. N
  11. I take your point... And you're right, the lack of detail in the manual has strengthened claims and won arguments in the past, I know. But my idea is just to collect the pearls of wisdom from here, and possibly add some different photos. Would this be any more problematic than listing them on Blatchat? I'm going to do it anyway, for my own benefit, and I'm very happy to share with others in the 160 family!
  12. I take your point... And you're right, the lack of detail in the manual has strengthened claims and won arguments in the past, I know. But my idea is just to collect the pearls of wisdom from here, and possibly add some different photos. Would this be any more problematic than listing them on Blatchat? I'm going to do it anyway, for my own benefit, and I'm very happy to share with others in the 160 family!
  13. I've had an idea how we could capture these omissions/amendments from the manual. It worries me that there's no real log of them, and this blog thread has become a goldmine. The main Blatchat has been yammering on about a Wiki to do this kind of thing, but it hasn't happened. I've made a Word version of the August 160 manual, and that could easily be transferred into some kind of online editable version (Google Docs, a wiki, etc). It probably breaks Caterham's copyright, but it would be a really handy resource - even for Caterham themselves. Martin, I know you've spotted many errors too. But we could also add tips, hints, etc. Anyone interested?
  14. Great idea, Martin. I was thinking exactly the same yesterday! Ned
  15. Count me in. PPG already have my interest and said they would be measuring up a 160 in Jan...
  16. Make sure the video camera is rolling for the engine start! My delivery has been pushed back, inevitably, into April. I'm not happy about it, and asked them to get me back into March. I'm waiting, but not with much hope...
  17. Yes, definitely. He mentioned to me that he was going to be measuring up a 160 in Jan, but maybe that didn't happen. He knows of my interest in getting various bits of PPG. So count me in! Ned
  18. On gearbox oil, would this work (and shoot me down, those of you who've actually wrestled with this!): - cover the necessary leaky bits, and fill it on the bench until it reaches the right level - drain, noting how much comes out, saving the oil - install, and then fill using the oil scavenged from the draining That way, you'd be confident you're putting in the right amount and only need to open the fill hole once it's in place. N
  19. Good tip on the masking tape around the rivets! It's really starting to look like a car, isn't it? The carbon sill protector does look rather smart. I shall get one. Once the tunnel cover is in place, is there ability to adjust the handbrake back to its normal position? Ned
  20. I think these are generic Caterham issues, so you might get some help from the general owners via BC? I've seen examples of people lending each other trailers etc.
  21. You're right, the changes aren't subsantial. There's some new stuff about fitting harnesses, though, if you're going to do that. Peter did receive a new manual, I think - newer than the August one. Caterham do seem to be a bit random in what they provide!
  22. Congratulations, Martin, on your new arrival! Please do put a few pics and comments up when you can - I'm just a few short weeks away and the more combined knowledge the better. Out of interest: did you get a new manual with the car? Does it differ much from the August 2014 version on the CC website? Good luck! Ned
  23. Well all I can say is it's a long time since I was the subject of anyone's dreams!
  24. This is all going to be invaluable advice when it comes to my build. Not long to wait now! I still reserve the right to pester you both with questions, though... Cheers, Ned
  25. Must be a nice feeling to roll it out of the garage! And it's good to see that the 160 can double as a skip when required...
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