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Everything posted by NedK

  1. Things are progressing nicely on my Caterham 160 build, and the number of calls to Derek have dwindled completely... Progress is on my blog, with lots of pics for future builders. Ned
  2. Hi Simon He made it look very easy, it's true! Ned
  3. Due to a chassis problem (now mostly fixed), Chris from the Dartford factory came over today. We went through various things, which was really helpful mid-way through the build. One thing he showed me was exactly how to fit the front brake hose. The Assembly Guide is hopeless here, and it's actually really simple, including how to get the exact right bend in the hose to clear the suspension. Details here...
  4. When it comes to torquing up the brake unions, do people use crows feet attached to their torque wrench? It's the first time I've tried to use them, and it doesn't feel as certain as a proper socket. Also, I'm not sure how the torque can be exactly accurate, unless the crows foot is exactly at 90deg to the wrench shaft. Advice most welcome, chaps! Ned
  5. I'm following up the rear... I've had a few delays due to very small shortage issues. Derek has been really helpful throughout. Next jobs are propshaft/diff/axle, a bit more plumbing under the bonnet, and then all the soft bits! I'm hoping to be finished in about 3 weeks. I'm guessing now is the right time to get the first IVA form off to VOSA? All the best, and good luck to all! Ned http://caterhamseven160.blogspot.co.uk/
  6. Congratulations, Simon! I'm struggling a bit in the engine bay at the moment. Did you find that the Assembly Guide mentions things that a) you can't find and b) are actually already attached to the engine? They could save us a lot of time-wasting if they gave a really detailed graphic of the engine, labelled! Ned
  7. Here's some photos of the Suzuki engine, plus Suzuki gearbox. First impressions are that the engine is very compact, light (easily lifted by two people) and covered in wiring looms. Being a turbo, there is plenty of pipework, even before anything is bolted on. The turbo impeller itself is tiny (about 10mm dia), and clearly visible inside the exhaust manifold. I worked out a way of putting the ARB in without scuffing the paintwork or my knuckles. May be helfpul for others. Bowline around a nearby chassis member, then a couple of turns to bring the two pipes together with a 2:1 purchase. The blog continues here, if you're interested in following my progress!
  8. NedK

    Engine prep

    Quick question on this - I'm right at this stage now! The earth strap: this is the separate black strap, correct? Two shorter pieces joined, with an eyelet on each end, and by the join. If so... which one goes onto the starter motor nut? I also had 3 x 45mm and 1 x 50mm bolts. I am just using them as is, and will figure out the significance later! Ned
  9. NedK


    Yes, you're right... I think I redid them three times before I was happy. Now, the shrink wrapped wires reach just the right distance into the engine bay, so that things are tidy!
  10. I haven't been rushing - well, that's pretty obvious one week after arrival! But the front is looking tidy, and now onto the engine bay... If you'd like to see how I'm getting on, and shout 'yeah, we all knew that' at your PC screen, see here. Ned
  11. Well done, Mike! Exciting times, and good luck getting everything signed off! Ned
  12. NedK


    Where did you eventually find the 1/2" UNF for the bottom of the upright? There wasn't one attached to my upright (as the manual said), but there is one in the fastener pack that fits... Did you find that you had to root around in several different places to find what you needed?
  13. NedK

    Ned's 160: arrival

    My 160 has finally arrived after about 9 months wait. I'll be putting the build on my blog, plus adding brief updates here for those who are interested to follow. The journey begins! Ned
  14. Sadly I can't make it either. Mind you, I'll be building my car instead... The whole post-build process is going to be very frustrating, I know. Having the car sitting in the garage finished but undriveable. There's only a certain amount of polishing that can be done!
  15. That's very kind! I'm sure I'm going to need plenty of guidance around the tricky corners... Good luck both of you with the IVA! Ned
  16. The car looks great, Mike. Nice job! Ned
  17. Bravo, Peter! It looks very fine all in white. And hopefully Caterham can figure out why the starting is so erratic on the new ones. Roll on Monday, and the arrival of mine...
  18. What a pain. Any joy with the OBD2 reader?
  19. Amazing progress, Mike! Video the engine start if you can... My kit arrives on Monday Ned
  20. NedK

    Axle disasters

    Quality control does seem really unimpressive. Sorry to hear about your woes, Mike.
  21. According to Ben Whitworth, Caterham have sold 100 of them now. But I doubt many of those are out on the road yet... Must be one of their fastest selling models, surely? 13 days until delivery...
  22. This looks very tidy! I assume the 12v socket is for your charger? Is there a straightforward path for the charger cable into the engine bay? Cheers N
  23. Advice please on whether torque settings in the build manual already take account of the added thread treatments (Coppaslip, Threadlock etc). I've read the learned article on this in Guides. My assumption is that Caterham have thought of this when specifying torque settings. Thanks Ned
  24. These ones are ready made, on eBay, and look OK to me, for 3 quid or so.
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