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Blog Comments posted by 700newtons

  1. Ned,

    yes I think your idea would work (except that you would need to ensure that the engine is supported on it engine mounts so that is is level).

    i suppose another way is to make a dipstick to insert down the  plug.

    i am considering just filling it with the recommended 1.2 L if the level plug gives me problems. My home made 3/8-cut-down-steel-bar-with-spanner tool looks fairly promising through.





  2. I have virtually finished the cycle wings now (one completed done; for the other I am waiting for IVA trim).

    To get the repeater wire down through the wingstay, I first fed garden wire up from he bottom hole to the top. I then dragged the repeater wire back down the hole and out of the bottom (I had to bend the clip to do this).

    Bolting the cycle wings is certainly a faff; and I can apprciate why many choose to bond them. However, I seem to have got through it with out any 'damage' 

  3. Would anyone be able to email me a copy of the part completed IVA form from Caterham. I rang the Crawley office today but they didn't seem to recognise the form I was talking about.

    Any other pearls of wisdom about the sorting the IVA would be gratefully received.

    I think that I might go for an IVA at Bristol. (It looks like Taunton no longer does IVAs.)

    Does anyone have any clever (cost saving) plans about getting their car to the post build check?

  4. Congratulations Martin. I'm looking forward to hearing about your progress. 

    I expect you might have the same things missing that we did (like the IVA bag etc). Unless caterham have corrected the bugs in the picking list. However, as Peter said, the bits come through the post as soon as you point out the fault.

    Regarding posting pictures, here is Ned's advice from near the beginning of this blog...

    For pics, hit the pic button on the toolbar above the message (13th one along), then hit 'Browse Server'. Once you're here, you can upload pics from your hard drive to your space on the Blatchat server. And then select the photo you want, and it should appear in your draft message. The format/size/shape can look a bit weird, but if you hit 'Preview' below, it should sort itself out and you can then Post. - See more at: http://www.lotus7.club/blogs/caterham-160-build-blog#sthash.AiGErwyY.dpuf

    Peter, thanks for your advice. I better get on an sort my IVA then. I'm going to go for Taunton I think. I'll trailer the car up to Dartford for it's post build check beforehand.

  5. Thanks Peter. I might wait and see what the brakes cables look like once they are properly adjusted before doing anything.

    My solution to the gearbox level plug access is to buy a square steel rod from ebay (I think it is 3/8") I'm going to hacksaw it down and the use a ring spanner on one end. That is the theory anyway; it has not been put to practice yet. I think my oils will come next week.

    hey, I don't think you can fill the gearbox before lowering the engine in. Won't all the oil spill out? You (Ned and others..) could fill the diff before fitting the panhard rod though, I expect.

    I have asked for more IVA trim too.

    The other thing I did today was order a half hood and shower cap from soft bits for sevens. (With a L7 discount).

  6. Peter: have you fitted the hand brake yet? If so how did you secure the cables? At the moment mine seem to just flop over the diff. I don't think that is right...

    This is evening I have made a start with bolting on the cycle wings. After lots of double checking I drilled through the fibreglass and the wing stays. Seems ok so far. I'll blog about it shortly.

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