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Everything posted by 700newtons

  1. Yes - the nuts are welded to the retaining channels. The knee trim can stay in place, so it saves a lot of hassle. Worth getting. when fitting them, you insert washers underneath to get them to the right height so that the holes align. One thing to check - make sure there is enough space for the channels to fit. My first seven was no problem. On my 2018 academy Seven the left hand side has something in the way. I bought the car 2nd hand - so it might be my car is different than others. Simon
  2. Looks very tidy I swap my windscreen on an off for trackdays/sprints. The retaining channels that can be bought from caterham or redline make it easier. However, I found that frequent swapping in haste takes a toll on the paint - my car is no where near as tidy as yours! Simon
  3. Are you trying to protect the battery/ecu from water/heat damage, or is there another reason?
  4. Hmm.. Interesting. How do they make the vehicle safe after a crash - some kind or Earthing mesh over the battery bay?
  5. And the latest from the Guardian: Do electric cars really produce fewer carbon emissions than petrol or diesel vehicles? link here aside… I'm probably wrong, but shouldn't it be 'less' not 'fewer'?
  6. Here is some more… A series of myth busting arguments from the Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/dec/16/are-electric-cars-too-expensive-to-tempt-motorists-away-from-petrol-and-diesel-vehicles?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other It addresses fires, mining, cost and range. Simon
  7. Yes - Areas and Groups - near the end of the list. Not often I’m referred to as cool - thanks Alan - unless you were referring to @AnkerB-S or @oaries
  8. Here is a forum to for members in the US (and others) to talk about US issues! We don't have a Club Area Representative in the USA, neither do we run our own events. However, I hope that this forum is a useful way for members to help each other and get in contact. Simon
  9. 700newtons

    Sunday Saves

    Anyone into mountain biking might have heard of 'Sunday Saves'. Basically it's youtube clips where the rider is in trouble, looks likely to have an unhappy meeting with the scenery, but recovers (sometimes with style). Anyone willing to share their best 'save' in a Seven?
  10. Hmm… thats fairly hefty. You also need to go back to collect the second one. The appeal might wear off quickly if you have to do that every few days.
  11. Very good as a city shopping trolley, and the removable battery makes it ideal for city flat owners. I wonder if the heavy battery would be too much for older people (and I imagine this is the sort of market that it might appeal to).
  12. A few people were getting near the storage limit (not many). On reflection 500,000 kB might have been a bit cautious - we have changed it to 750,000 kB. Simon
  13. Yes - thanks for the work going into this. Great that the Club is offering an in-house tour again. 👍🏻 Simon
  14. Thanks John, By the way, I meant to share this before. (Below) A tough environment for European Manufacturers. We knew this already, but more to read… Simon https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/26/mercedes-electric-car-market-brutal-manufacturers-price
  15. yes - there is definitely some potential to explore here. There is scope to expand our guides section, we can also potentially create a 'downloads' library of useful resources. There are some wiki type editing functions too. A group of volunteers could develop and update what we have into an excellent resource. Simon
  16. Hello Steve, The site search function seems to work. You can access it from top of the page or the 'activity' part of the menu. https://www.caterhamlotus7.club/search/ (You get a lot of search options.) Regarding personal messages - I'm afraid that these were not transferred over. We might be able to recover something if you are in a tight spot. Simon
  17. Hello Anthony, Yes, not everything is going to be right for every individual on the new website, but the team have worked hard over the last months and discussed the various options and tried to implement what we we best. You'll appreciate that we are not going to make immediate changes on one person's view - we need to get an idea a range of feedback and consider the implications. It’s not set in stone. There is a bit more depth to the point you raise. Yes, there are decent advantages for members to edit old text. However, some significant disadvantages too. For example, someone could render a useful thread meaningless with bad editing or simply a grudge. Some members might like to see how a discussion flows and adapts over the weeks, and it's stays accurate record of whats happened - personally I would prefer that, but I'm not wedded to it. There is a balance here, and it needs more than one view. OldAndrewE - yes, moderators/admins can change content on the site. Simon
  18. OK - we get the feedback! This and the other comments will be looked at a bit later once we have lived with the site for a bit. Simon
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