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Everything posted by 700newtons

  1. Yes, sounds similar to me... At first Caterham thought that it was the ECU. They sent me another but still no joy. I notice an unhealthy high pitched whine (and perhaps arcing) near the engine block when the key is in position 2. see here.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wWwjWJwPjY I think mine is beginning to look like a PBC case too. I'll see what Derek comes back with. Simon
  2. Yes, good luck with the start (and I hope that you have more luck than me!) simon
  3. A frustrating afternoon... the replacement ECU arrived and I fitted it. However, in doing so I managed to break the bottom ECU holding bolts with overkeen tightening (dammit). Anyway, I have replaced them with M5 bolts so no big issues - just annoyance. The car still won't start; the ECU doesn't seem to be the problem. I'm not sure what is though?? The engine does produce a high pitched whining noise on key position 2. See here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wWwjWJwPjY I have emailed Derek.
  4. Peter, I have done the same as you (and I get a fairly decent view). I have not seen any info to the contrary. I put the stickers on today - that's it; everything is done that can be done. I just hope that the new ECU will solve my non starting problem. Roll on Tuesday. Thanks for the tip about the radiator nut. I took mine off and there was quite a bit of air trapped in there. I notice that some heater pipes are quite high up compared with the header tank. I suppose that it is designed this way and works - but it does make me wonder. simon
  5. Great news Martin (and thanks for the email). My fuel pump is priming with my current ECU, but I hope that the new ECU will solve it. Hopefully I should be able to fit it on Tuesday or Wednesday. Simon
  6. Headlights are definately fiddly. I was warned to get them right first time (but redid them three times). Simon
  7. We managed this in Somerset. (NB time lapse photography not high winds!)
  8. Hi Ned, This is was for my sat nav. Although I may get a trickle charger if it seems that I need one. Roll on Monday for you. Simon...
  9. Peter or Martin, Did you get an alternative bracket for the wing mirror (so that it can fit to the windscreen to pass the IVA?). I don't think that I have one. by the way Martin, which area of the country do you come from? Peter and I (and maybe others) would be up for a 160 meet up. (if we ever get them started) regards simon
  10. And today I bolted on the doors. (This made me a bit nervous. If this is cocked up, it would be very annoying) The manual warned about the problems with drilling into the curved chasis tube when fixing the door clips, and with good reason; I nearly messed it up. I found it best to drill 2mm pilot holes and the follow through with large drills. When riveting on the popper studs I found it best to insert tiny nuts next to the flat rivet face inside the popper stud. This holds the rivet in place as you use the rivet tool. I also stuck on the rear view mirror (inverted as the manual suggests) and windscreen wipers (after letting the blank studs oscillate and come to rest in the 'off' position). My windscreen wiper fuse kept blowing (a 10A fuse). I notice that some other Caterham models have a 15A fuse for the wipers, so I used this, and it seems to work fine now. I made a 12V socket connection with bits from ebay (much cheaper than the Caterham socket). It seems to fit nicely in the fuse box cover.
  11. I made a start on the weather gear today. Caterham provided a full hood with the kit. However, I plan to use a half hood instead. I have an larger uprated roll bar and the full hood looks an unlikey fit (but possible, I understand, from reading the forums). I have decided not to install the hood sticks and the full hood car stay in the box. In retrospect I should have asked Caterham to supply a half hood instead of the full hood ( I don't know if they do this) It took me a while to get the boot cover sorted (measure twice and cut once etc). I found that fairly gentle taps are best when using the durable dot tool. I also secured the rubber mats in the footwell. I found it best to rivet the poppers with the flat rivet side underneath. I avoided placing the poppers in the way of the seat position lever.
  12. Does this help? https://docs.google.com/folderview?id=0B-rVmvVoqvJXcUQyc2dHZmduQ1U&usp=docslist_api Regards simon
  13. Yes cb4798, Derek reckon that Martin and I have an ECU related problem. Mine will probably be corrected at the PBC (on the 13th April). When I remove the fuel hose, I noticed that there was fuel in there. So something is happening, but just no start. Simon
  14. Peter, ah yes. My wingstays were not exact either (but good enough). I couldn't bend them though.
  15. For the record... Martin and I seem to have the same problem with starting the car. (An orange light on the dash, healthy electrics and starter motor, but no start). The folks at Caterham reckon that this is a problem with the ECU. For me, this will be sorted at the PBC,
  16. Awesome... Monday won't come soon enough. ....I better get on with some work now. I keep looking Caterham stuff...
  17. Good call about the OBD2 reader Ned. I didn't realise that these were so reasonable. I think I'll pursue this...
  18. Oh no... It looks like we in the same boat. I wonder if Peter has had any more luck with his. My engine makes a slight high pitched pulsing noise coming from the area of electronics around the engine inlet. Other than that nada.
  19. Quite understandable about the start button. I confess to sounding the horn when trying to start the engine for the first time. My starter motor turns the engine ok - it is just nothing happens.
  20. A working start button, but still no working engine yet....
  21. I asked Derek about the strange sprung fog lamp switch. This is correct, and when I double checked it functioned as a toggle switch, so all is OK.
  22. An e-mail from Derek solved the wiring on the key barrel (for cars with a start button). The key barrel is protected by a plastic cone but this just pops off with leverage from a screw driver. The key barrel has 7 connectors (3 doubles and one single).
  23. For the record... ...I just wish it would start...
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