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Everything posted by 700newtons

  1. That is good news indeed. Well done! I found out today that my IVA date is 28th April. I hope to share in your good fortune. Ned , you are, of course, welcome to come to Somerset too (160 ready or not). I have also sent a message to Mike. Let's wait until be get a few cars registered before going further.
  2. Great, let's see how things develop. by the way, good luck tomorrow, Peter.
  3. I forgot to mention, my none starting problem was due to a faulty crankshaft sensor (that has now been fixed apparently). With the Caterham gone, the garden has got a bit more attention recently. Simon
  4. Ah ha, I got my feedback today... 1 The steering wheel clamp is upside down 2 A small amount of engine wiring requires tidying 3 The front brake pipe hoses are twisted & leaking 4 Rear brake hose pipe is missing the fixing washers 5 Brakes require bleeding and this adds up to 2hrs work. I knew that the front brakes were dodgy and I just couldn't get the air out of the brakes for some reason. Other than that I think they were pretty positive about my efforts! I'm not sure of my IVA date yet, but I am just about to start teaching for the summer term so I have let Caterham do the test (and just take the extra cost on the chin). Once you have your cars going, perhaps you would like an expedition to Somerset. We have a wife friendly 'Clarks village, shopping outlet' near us and some nice pubs for lunch.
  5. What is the news then folks? Has anyone has a bill from the PBC? Martin, when is your IVA? My PBC should have been done yesterday but I have not heard anything yet. Simon
  6. Er yes, some educated guesswork went on (and phone calls to Derek). I remember discovering a big shiny pipe after putting the engine in; this was a water pipe that was a late delivery. Thankfully I could slide it in just. Martin took some good engine bay shots which I uploaded here good luck, Simon
  7. Thanks Mike, You can try installing the plastic film yourself, or pay Dave to do it. However, I didn't have the option as, until yesterday, he didn't have a template for the 160 wings.
  8. Thanks for the PBC comments Peter, interesting. I managed to sort some of them before I took the car off today. However, I didn't have time to sort others. Simon
  9. I asked Dave from Premier Paint Guard to install a protective covering on my rear wings (and he now has a template for the 160). As soon as that was completed Rob and Sally J came over to help trailer the car to Crawley for the PBC. Unfortunately the car had to go off with one or two issues (it won't start due to some unknown electrical fault and a problem with the brakes but other than that perfect ). I have asked Caterham to get it through the IVA. I really look forward to getting it back!
  10. I did wonder whether to post those photos (it may not matter). I copied the IVA forms that you kindly forwarded to me but VOSA queried the missing gross weight. I had an email from them today saying that they are now OK with my corrected axle weights and gross weight. it is probably best to check with Derek. Simon
  11. Hello Mike, Any news about your car? Did they solve the non starting problem? Simon
  12. Keep us posted! I'm dropping my car off on Saturday (after is gets some 'premier paint guard' protection on the rear mud guards). Interstingly I had an email from VOSA today asking for the designed gross weight (which I didn't put on the IVA form. Apparently this should be 733kg or whatever is on the plate on the car.) If you look at Martin's photos, the orange and blue 160s have different gross weights/axle loads This one is different to this one However, I think that the gross weight is supposed to be 733kg (?) maybe this is just pedantry. Simon
  13. Peter, Interesting news. Good luck for next Thursday. Simon
  14. Here is a 160 for sale... It looks like a small firm built it. http://youtu.be/0PfwrZ1s1Z0 one thing that made me pause... the battery is the other way around. Simon
  15. A very speedy turn around, and looking good. I wonder how this will develop for us all... Hopefully few problems.
  16. 700newtons


    Oh and get the headlights right before moving on!
  17. 700newtons


    Ned, Derek sent me some through the post. I think that they were missing from other peoples kits too. I get the impression that the bags of bolts supplied are perhaps 'off the shelf' standard bags and they supplement these with extra fixings kits for the 160. I have quite a few bits and bobs left over. I did find that I had to use some initiative with the build manual. (E.g. The engine mount bolts instructions were clearly not right - and check with Derek about spring washers for these, that are not mentioned in the manual) Simon
  18. We can't make the Caterham event on the 6th (but it looks good). We are hoping to go away in the car in July... I thought I would have loads of time but now I'm getting a little worried!
  19. Great stuff. Mine car is due for the PBC on the 13th (and we are going to trailer it up on the 11th). It seems quite a few other 160s will be in at that time. I have not had any confirmation about an IVA date yet though.
  20. It looks superb. My car will go off for the PBC without starting unfortunately, but there it is. I was thinking of my next project too...
  21. Hello Mike, Yes , I did send the link. I have not heard back yet, but it would be worth letting Derek know that exactly the same happens to you. (Or perhaps that noise is correct??). By the way, I don't know if you have noticed but there is quite a lot of correspondence amongst 160 owners on the very first page of my blog. Some of it maybe useful to you. Simon
  22. Yes good idea - I did have a good look using Martin's pics. However, the vacuum hoses are quite complex and it is hard to see.
  23. I ordered one from Amazon, but then I learnt from Caterham that it won't work (there is some kind of code), so I quickly cancelled the purchase. it looks like it might have to go for the PBC unstarted (sadly). Simon
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