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Everything posted by 700newtons

  1. I thought that I would finish off my build blog with a summary of things I would do differently. To be honest there was not too much. Car spec... Full hood? - I never installed the hood sticks and therefore won't use it (I will use my half hood). If I did it again I may try to negotiate with Caterham to get a half hood instead. I have no regrets about my lowered floor, mono steering wheel and leather seats. The FIA roll bar was probably a bit over the top, but I like it (it makes a full hood a very tight fit) Carpets - I fitted carpets in the boot but didn't fancy them for the cockpit. (I would say don't bother). 12V Socket - I fitted my own (it only cost a few quid, and is fairly easy to do) Tools in the manual that were not needed... Circlip pliers which went unused Crimping tool - used once and could manage without (A good deadblow hammer was a very handy tool occasionally) Low profile Jack - I bought a rather heavy duty Jack. A low level one would have been much better. Other thoughts... Bonding wings - I bolted my wings. Some folks bond them - I could see the advantages. Administration - takes more time than you think. Getting Caterham to do the IVA cost £425 (in addition to the IVA cost) but saved a lot of hassle. They do any retest for free. More care... Radiator bobbins - don't torque them up to much they break. Ecu bolts - so do these. Brake fluid - is nasty and ruins paint. Don't let it splash. Discoveries... Fancy plates (online) - is a good place to get cheap number plates (and you don't need documentation) Soft bits for sevens - the half hood, shower cap and tunnel bag seem very good investments (L7 discount, but buy early, they get busy later in the season) Premier paint guard protection - I paid them to do my rear wings as there was no template. However, next time I would have a go fitting the plastic myself.
  2. Thanks Mike, that's helpful. i'm going to change the engine oil, diff oil and check the bolt torques. We have got a big trip coming up. I just hope that, after all this, I don't break anything! Simon
  3. Thanks Martin. I'm up to 700 miles now (and we did a great blast down to Woolacome for breakfast yesterday). I'm contemplating my first oil change before a big trip up To Scotland. Please could someone let me know the code of the oil filter if you have it to hand. Mine is annoyingly pointing the wrong way, and I get a new one lined up before removing the current one. (Not a big deal, I'm being a bit lazy). Simon
  4. Hello Martin, your trip sounds awesome (it would be great to see pictures), we are planning a Scottish trip fairly soon. Have you driven it in the wet yet? how was it? Simon
  5. My brakes definitely getting better with time.... Another happy side affect of the Caterham; my Mrs loves it (which is rather good news). Off to Woolacombe on Sunday.
  6. Sounds a good trip. i think that my squeaky brakes are getting better....maybe. unfortunately I have got snowed under with work...one more week and I'll be able to spend a bit more time bombing around.
  7. Speedo confirmed fixed (at least it more or less matches the sat nav).
  8. The Silverstone classic looks good, I don't think we can make it though.
  9. No, that is something like the noise it makes.
  10. Thanks Simon. So I suppose that fancy fuel will just keep the engine clean at best. How did you know this by the way?
  11. I'm putting super unleaded in my 160 (with its Suzuki k6a engine). Any wisdom about choice of fuel appreciated... I understand that for older engines whether you use 95 or 98 doesn't make any difference.
  12. The handling day sounded fun. I have to say that I have half a mind to enter hill climbs, or such like, if other 160 owners are up for it too (nothing too competitive though - I don't fancy getting damage, or stripping out comfy seats/heaters etc, yet). An email from Derek confirmed that my speedo is on the wrong setting. You can press the speedo button in as you turn the ignition and a menu comes up. Apparently the code for the speedo should be 034187. Mine was not and I have since adjusted it. However, I remains untested for now. It is pissing down with rain here, and I have a bit of work to do. I'll confirm later. Simon
  13. Yes, you are not the first to point this out. (..?)
  14. Thanks folks (and for the tips). I hope your IVA comes soon, Ned. Another observation... 30mph is a rather difficult speed to sit comfortably isn't it? Revs seem a little high in 3rd and too low in 4th. However, on fast A roads the set up is fantastic. I have not ventured a trip on damp roads yet, I wonder what that holds in store...
  15. One thing I forgot to mention... the speedo reads about 15% less than my road speed (according to my sat nav). i have emailed Derek to find out how to correct it.
  16. Hello Nick, yep that was me. I look forward to seeing you at one of the Somerset meets.
  17. Hello folks,I picked up the car today - it is absolutely superb, I love it (see latest blog for full extent of enthusiasm). 250miles on the clock. i noticed squeaky brakes too Peter. And my oil gauge goes into the red when idling to Martin (but reassured by your post). How is your French trip?
  18. I'll add a hindsight blog soon...
  19. Maybe the best orange car in the world... I collected the car today from Crawley (with the help of Rob J) and drove it back to Somerset via family in Newbury. We avoided main roads and had a great blast along A roads. It is fantastic, and better than I imagined. The 160 is a lovely car. The car handles very well, and has quite a bit more 'poke' than expected. My intentions to run the car in gently with low revs were not always stuck to. Overtaking on A roads was not much of a problem. Interesting reactions from folks too. A few thumbs up, a few challenges to go faster (but declined). It took a while to get used to the (rather) limited visibility behind (I need to do a bit of work on my mirrors). I also had a few little anoyances like the key fob got in the way when using the clutch. The IVA It took two attempts to get through the IVA (but nothing to do with my build skills, I hasten to add). Fortuntely I paid caterham to get it through, and this turned out to be a good move. The hassle would have been considerable. Registration This took 2 weeks. The DVLA returned my built up vehicle report for some extra details, and this slowed down, but when I rang them they were willing to help rush it through.
  20. I rang up the DVLA today - I think it is sorted...and will get a registration emailed through. I hope to pick up the car next Saturday (30th).
  21. a letter arrived from the DVLA today; I thought 'good news' I now have my registration. Sadly not; the DVLA were not happy with my Built up vehicle report (although I followed the instructions from Caterham to leave it blank, apart from the contact details and signature) more delays I'd be grateful if any of you are happy to email a scan of your V627/1 built up vehicle report so that I can compare it with mine. Thanks for the number plate advice from you both. Simon
  22. Good to hear that you are enjoying it Peter. I'm just wondering how to fix the number plate on when I collect. I'm thinking of 'no more nails'. any wisdom?
  23. Great I look forward to it. My registration forms went in the post yesterday....
  24. Ned, I bought what I though was the closest fit from eBay (but it didn't quite fit). However, it was 'relatively' easy to insert a screw driver, slide out the spade connectors, and replace the existing socket and plug. Simon disclaimer. Others may have found the exact fit, and I did have to work head down in the footwell to sort it out.
  25. 700newtons

    Ned's 160: finished!

    Ah that is what that rubber strip is for... I did have plenty of bits left over. I imagine that some of the bags are standard bags also used for other models. Caterham charged me 2 hours at the PBC to tidy up various things. I didn't know the trick to fitting the front brake hoses and they seeped slightly. They also did some tidying up of the engine - which may have included the rubber strip that you describe. One thing this might be worth checking is the washers on the rear brake setup - I think that a few of us had this changed in the PBC. I haven't checked because I haven't got my car back yet; but maybe the manual wasn't 100% clear. By the way, what about a 160 meet planned for the 8th August (please post on my original blog if you can make it.) Simon
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