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Blog Comments posted by 700newtons

  1. Peter: thanks for the heater info. I'm away from home at the moment but I'll check when I get back.

    You are right about the top bolts. I had two M5 bolts * missing for the top hole. I also tried the M5 bolts from the cooling bag but these are actually for the header tank supporting beam (from memory).

    in the end I just used my own bolts.


    *i'm pretty sure that they were M5 anyway.

  2. A petty strut is a bar that goes from the roll bar to the bolt by the passenger door. I think it is a requirement for some sprinting events. It provides more security if something goes wrong.

    I wonder if a class may open for 160s in sprint events. I wouldn't mind a go if so. It might be a good way in, without scaring yourself witless in something with more power.

    The two pin plug I bought from eBay didn't quite fit (sadly). Although I have the male and female part so I may replace he whole plug. I'm not in a rush though.

    I thought about putting the power socket on the far left. However, I thought that the cable for the sat nav would flop over the passenger knees. I'm going to wait a bit before doing anything.

  3. Ah yes, good thinking. I had quick look and yes, that is obviously what should happen (and Caterham haven't sent the wrong fan). I was wondering what the plastic bits were for. It doesn't look like a perfect fit but I'm sure it will work with a bit of encouragement. I'll try tonight.

    did you have any luck finding your power socket? I went head down in the footwell yesterday for a good look and I have definately got it (black and purple and red). For a couple of pounds I have also bought the matching socket from eBay (hopefully). If it fits I'll post the link. Once I get my car through the IVA I'll connect up the 12v socket. Caterham have even put a fuse in the fuse box ready for one. The only dilemma is where to put it.

  4. Peter,

    i have just just tried to fit my radiator. however, I notice that the fan mounting holes and the radiator bolts are a long way off. Unless I'm being daft I think that it is the wrong fan. It might be worth checking yours.

    I also seem to be short of some of the nesassary nuts and washers for the radiator and intercooler. I have emailed caterham.


  5. I found a connector with a black and purple wire, with the right shape connector (as shown in the wiring diagram; two slots at 90degrees).

    it was in a difficult place to see, close to the main wiring loom under the dash on the passenger side in the heater area.

    thanks for this info, it is going to be handy for me. I hope you find yours.


  6. Hello Peter,

    yes, I have had a few missing bits. (however, sometimes it was already constructed or I didn't quite know what I was looking for). I think that sometimes the instructions are not right for the occasional bolt. (e.g. The gearbox mounting bolts seem to protrude well beyond the nut and there wasn't enough of the specified bolt anyway). Also the air box bolts were too short.

    In the end I just popped out to 'Proper Job' and picked up spare bolts, washers and nuts for a few pounds. If anything is safety critical I'll ask caterham. I expect as more kits at delivered these issues should get ironed out. (I think I'm building kit no. 4 and perhaps you are no.5).

    After coating my wings with stone chip I too have realised that you can bond them (dammit). I have not decided yet. However, I may sand off areas which I will bond.

    I was really referring to an external paint guard. I think that the fellow at premier paint guard is interested in making a template for the 160. I will buy some rear wing protection film from him I expect.



  7. Hopefully it is stuck on with something sticker than Wensleydale.

    Glad to hear you are making good progress. I found the ARB quite an effort the first time. The second tIme after redoing the grommets (and using less grease) it was easy.

    I'm also having some time away from he car, and spending time with the Mrs. I'm getting a bit twitchy to finish it though. However, there are only one or two things to do before I have to down spanners and wait for the rear axle casing.

    by the way, are you considering any type of paint protection for the rear aches (or more?)

  8. hello Peter,

    yes, I laid the headlamp in bubble wrap on the chassis first. I then fed each of the individual cables through (apart from the green indicator wire). I the  folded the sheath over as best I could, sprayed it with Holts rubber lubricant and pushed it through. I then  forced the green indicator cable through he grommet, down the fold in the sheath.

    (I assume I have done the right thing. It looks OK but I'm not certain)

    it was tight but not a complete nightmare. The rubber lube made all the difference. Oh, and made the grommet hole as big as possible by tracing a screw driver around the hole to ensure that it was fully on the bracket.

    Good luck and happy Christmas, Simon *xmas*


  9. Yes,  I'm being sent a proper grommet (whatever that looks like!). I suggest that you ask for one before fitting you wishbones. I used normal grommets but they just popped out.

    I did all my setting up on a bench too.Holts rubber lubricant really helps free up the wires when you thread them through. (But maybe you have already thought of this)




  10. I rang Caterham this morning - yes, they sent the wrong oils by mistake (I think that they were from the fluid pack for another car). The correct oils will be coming shortly (the oil we need are only available in large quantities and it needs to be decanted).

    by the way, you will need the correct headlight grommets. Don't install the upper wishbones without them!

    Thanks for the other info about the '7’ and I have already got touch up paint. Maybe mine is a more common colour.

    all the best, simon


  11. Hi Peter, 

    i was looking through the IVA details today on the Caterham website. There is a lot of rubber needed and some of it would certainly be very hard to do later.

    by the way. I also read the the head lights definately need grommets as they exit the headlight bracket. I wasn't supplied with these, but as there was a good plastic sheath I reckoned it will be OK (I had some grommets of the right size but I couldn't get them to stay). However, after reading IVA details on Blatchat I'm a bit worried.

    i'll email Caterham to ask about these. However, if they are required I'll need to remove the upper wishbones which would quite a lot of work.

    do you have headlight bracket gommets in your kit? If not, it might be worth hanging on before sorting out the headlights; they are tricky.


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