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Everything posted by ziplobb

  1. anyone got ANYTHING ???? Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  2. Matt did you get my blat mail ?? Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  3. Hi I am interested in these wheels Firstly can you send them to me ?? secondly can you email a pic - just so I can get a feel for the apperance. pic to jainolan at hotmail.com thanks Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  4. cant believe I missed these Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  5. anyone ?? Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  6. Looking for an aeroscreen & pair of carbon seats ?? Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  7. couple of lads down here have just got BEC Indys I have not been in one yet but they seem to be very good value - We all went to Goodwood not so long ago but they struggled with the noise & then one broke terminally - its now fixed and the next outing is Brands on 3/7 - we will then see what the handling is like.
  8. ziplobb


    I am at ths place now done the tyres doing the suspension next - have the freestyle kit want to do the pads next - not sure if the Pagids are worth it or to go for something cheaper then going to do the exhaust (Powerspeed) the dilema is then do I do it in dribs & drabs with the verniers & TBs or just go the whole hog & DVA it (next year sometime)
  9. I went over to 888 on 14" after the standard Avons - I cannot believe that there is such a difference ! I have never experienced the kind of change with tyres on any other vehicle that I have owned - I am now thinking of having a 13" set for track days only.
  10. Ok well they hve issued the pass & say that they followed the flow chart further on the VOSA website It seems to me that is no value is deeclared on the V5 then they could test whatever & pass it - they are not obliged to keep a photocopy of the V5 indeed its a completely automated system. I will need o go to the same testing stattion next year in order to avoid agro !! Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  11. that seems to be the answer but its far from ideal this system should not allow something like this to happaen - its beyond the influence of the builder/owner & so the SVA & DVLA should make it so - its pathetic in the 21st century. Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  12. Ok took my 2005 Roadsport in for MoT tester says he cannot complete test & therefore its a fail as he does not know what to measure emissions to. I bring back V5 at his request as he says it should be stated - its not. he is now suggesting that I need to SVA the car again in order to get this 'entry' on the V5 and therefore get an MoT. This is also most inconvenient from the Isle of Wight ... now I know these things can be tricky but theis seems daft - I have phone the factory today and they say it sounds strange & someone ws going to call me back about it but never did. I a now unsure as to how to proceed - any suggestions ?? Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  13. spotted Bob ??? at the st Marys roundabout just now - we were pulled up in the silver Audi giving way to you car looked great - nice and shiny Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  14. have you seen the price of his carriage ?? £30 for the aeroscreen & £50 for the exhaust is he having a laugh ?? Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  15. Steve likewise an excellent days - a few mechanical mishaps for some (not caterhams) but the spirit was there !!! Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  16. Steve please do & looks like the car is sorted (too much air & not enough water - thanks for the advice on here Cagey) Wightskipper & I are tracking it - Dizz & Mark Roberts are probably coming to spectate - the CSR is too loud so Dizz is not taking part. Its a bunch of lads from the Island exclusively - mostly Jap cars & we have one or two more Caterhams as there were a couple of places left which I offered on this forum. Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  17. Grubster he will get more than a coffee - Mrs Ziplobb is handy with Bacon sarnies 😬 I need to understand it myself however and I see the Dizz role more of a 'mentor' Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  18. ok we are sorting it on Sunday AM !! with a bit of luck Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  19. thanks Cagey I think thats the gist of the other threads - I have just chatted it over with Dizz on the phone - I am panicked as we are at Goodwood on Monday !! Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  20. Just got the car back from the garage as its had a cam belt done, apollo fitted and 2 of the coolant hoses replaced. On the way home the temp gague is just under the red but not into it. The fan does come on and TBH I have never noticed it on before when I have turned off the engine (it stays on) - anyway I have been been looking at the threads on here associated with this. I think I may have air in there - mention is given in other threads to the hoses being hot - car has now cooled for just under and hour now and the top hose is hot but he lower ones are hardly warm at all - what is the significane of them all being hot ? The needle before this work always used to sit in the middle of the gague. Oh and one more thing when I went up a hill on the way home (40/45 mph drive for 5 miles) the temp gague rapidly fell back towards the middle ??!!?? any idea chaps ? Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  21. anymore interest ?? Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  22. ziplobb


    FTH you said in your weekend email that you would send photo and onfirm M0 or M1 etc I have not had anything ??? as a result I am about to order new ones as I need them fitted to the car next thursday !!??!! I will pass these up as its now fairly time critcial for me thanks Jai Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake Edited by - Ziplobb on 8 Feb 2008 07:45:58
  23. ziplobb

    Apollo tank

    Dizz I know we spoke about it mate - its time - I dont think I can fit it in before the next trackday & Snowy has the car next thusday /friday to sort the alignment/geometry and do the cam belt - clearly he has not done one on a 7 before and although he is more than capable I wanted to cover this off in case he queried it when I took the car down - spare wheel carrier though - will talk to you on Sunday AM about that. Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  24. ziplobb

    Apollo tank

    thanks guys I should have known it would be on Angus & Tessa's website !! Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
  25. ziplobb

    Apollo tank

    I have just bought a tank & the instructions that come with it contain 4 photos - unfortunately they have been photocopied & I cannot see them - does anyone have an original set that they could scan an email me - or perhaps photos of their engine bay so I can see what they refer to ?? jai jai@arnoldheallimited.wanadoo.co.uk Come to Wighblat 08 and have a slice of my birthday cake
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