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    News articles from the Caterham and Lotus Seven Club community

    Curborough Sprint 19th May

    By Guest, in Speed Championship,

    To help Colin manage the entries for this very popular event, there's a page here:
    http://www.lotus7club.co.uk/events/2007/cbro1entry2007.htm which will enable you to register your interest in the event. 
    Please remember, filling in this form doesn't guarantee you an entry, you have to get the entry form sent out with Low Flying filled in and back to Colin within a week of putting your details in on the site else your electronic registration may lapse.

    Steve Winterberg
    In this issue: Picture gallery, a slice of life from the fridge door : News and events, shows, Area updates and Club news : Area antics, burning rubber at Knockhill (cover story) : 50 years of the 7, event update : Sparring partners, taking to the track overseas : A Series 1 portfolio : Local heroes, more area reports : Nuke-the-leuk, the latest fund-raising news : Area directory : The small ads : Diary


    NUKE THE LEUK ’07 – Lap 3

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    Monthly standing order from a shy, team sparring partner of old…   25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member   25.00 Graeme Notley and Kingsley Young each thank Guy Munday for the insurance valuation
    (Brings total to £579.00)   20.00 Peter Busby sold a Sevens Owner’s Manual to Mark Bailey, via eBay and has donated a contribution from the sale   10.00 Steve Poulson sold a car cover to Alan Mee, who donated to say thanks   10.00 Ray Hutchings thanks Richard ‘TightFart’ Phillips for the aluminium tubing, used as spacers for his brooklands screen mirrors   10.00 Marcus Grant thanks Tyrone for the Xflow manual   10.00 Ian 'Stationary M25 Traveller' James says thanks to Edward 'Big Truck' Parry for the parts   20.00 Caroline ‘FastLady’ Woodley would like to say thank you to a certain Mr Winterberg for collecting her trailer for her   50.00 Andrew Walker makes a very generous donation   1000.00 This month’s total: 1,166.00 Total last month: £5,785.50 Total 2007 to date: £6,951.50 Plus fundraising history 1991 to 2006: £289,245.51 Total to date: £296,197.01 Many thanks to all who have donated so generously.


    New Car Stickers

    By Guest, in Merchandise,

    The new car stickers featured in the March issue of Low Flying are in production and will be in stock shortly. Photos of the cut vinyl club name, logo and web address and 50th Anniversary sticker have been uploaded along with a preview of the helmet visor sticker. A photo of the final visor sticker and "My other car..." window sticker will be uploaded as soon as possible
    Prices will be confirmed and the Order Form updated over the weekend 10/11 March hopefully

    Steve Winterberg
    In this issue:Picture gallery, a slice of life from the fridge door : New and events, shows, Area updates and Club news : It's a stick up! new regalia items : Area antics : Nuke-the-Leuk, the latest fundraising news : Members' tales, a little Welsh adventure : Beating the clock, the exitement, spirit and cameraderie of the Club's speed events : WInter sports, grassroots motoring entertainment on a very small budget... : Area directory : The small ads : The juniors' gallery, more budding young artists and Seveners on show : Diary of events


    NUKE THE LEUK ’07 – Lap 2

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    Monthly standing order from a shy, team sparring partner of old…   25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member   25.00 Chris Rome passes on more contributions from the sale of the 2004 Academy DVD   20.00 Guy Munday 7 insurance valuations, a donation from Chris Alston
    (Brings total to £559.00)   3.00 Andrew Smith says thanks to Prangerman and Rhys Jones for the parts   30.00 James Fletcher says thank you to Rob Lowe for the television   75.00 David Corben passes on money from Nic Day, raised from the sale of an unwanted Autosport ticket   20.00 Michael Harrison passes on money raised from the shift light bulk buy   243.69 Sandy Sanders thanks Steve Robinson for the shower screen   20.00 Morag Rae, Mother of Alex Rae, would like to thank the BlatChat members for the help so generously given after her loss   10.00 Adrian Williams thanks David Lashmar for the very generous bid for the second hand model Seven, auctioned on BlatChat.   53.00 Brent Chiswick passes on donations from Adrian Scott, Chris Hawkins and Clive Powell, who all recently purchased 4 to 5 speed conversion kits. Happy Blatting!   140.00 Steve Mell passes on the money raised at the Surrey Area Christmas Bash raffle and auction. The raffle raised an impressive £510, with prizes generously donated by Andy Noble – Motor Sport Vision; Andy Belcher – Robe & Hitchens; Darren Phillips – Caterham Cars and Simon Lake – Toyota GB. The auction raised a magnificent £1685 for lots generously donated by Calum Lockie & Melindi Scott – Gold Track; Merrick Linnett – Caterham Motorsport Club; Geoff Pickin & the Lotus 7 Club; Peter Farnfield – Dunsfold Park; The Hurtwood Inn Hotel; John & Susan Howe and Paul & Sandy Davis. The winning bids came from Sharon Mell; Andy & June Belcher; Matt Deakin; Peter Trueman; Adrian & Tania Elkin; Paul & Lisa Adams and Mark Durrant.   2195.00 This month’s total: 2,859.69 Total last month: £2,925.81 Total 2007 to date: £5,785.50 Plus fundraising history 1991 to 2006: £289,245.51 Total to date: £295,031.01 Many thanks to all who have donated so generously.

    1 Sporting Regulations – General
    1.1 Title & Jurisdiction
    The 2007 Lotus Seven Club Speed Championship is organised and administered by the Lotus Seven Club of Great Britain in accordance with the General Regulations of the Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Association (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and these Championship Regulations.
    MSA Championship Permit no. – Applied For
    Status – National B/Clubmans
    MSA Championship Grade – D
    1.2 Officials
    1.2.1     Co-ordinator : Mark Durrant, 15 Searles View, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 4FG
    01403 250468
    1.2.2     Eligibility Scrutineer : Mr G J Walton, Wayside Farm, Stairways Lane, Biddulph Moor, Stoke-on-Trent, ST8 7LD
    01782 522708
    1.2.3     Championship Stewards :
    Barry Hunt, Lakeside, Breach Lane, Claverdon, Warwick, CV35 8QB.
    Paul Ranson, Kilmory, 17 Church Road, Brackley, NN13 7BU
    Tim Wilson, 17 Centuria Walk, Salendine Nook, Huddersfield, HD3 3WP.
    1.3 Competitor Eligibility
    1.3.1     Competitors must be fully paid-up members of the Lotus 7 Club.
    1.3.2     Competitors must be registered for the championship and in possession of a valid MSA Non-Race National B Competition Licence or higher.
    1.3.3     A novice for the purpose of the Novice Trophy is a person holding a MSA Non-Race National B Competition Licence for the first time in 2007 and taking part in their first competitive season of Motor Speed events.
    1.4 Registration
    1.4.1     All details of the Championship can be
    obtained from the Coordinator (the Lotus Seven Club Competition Secretary) as detailed in 1.2.1
    1.4.2     There is a fee of £15 for entering the 2007
    Lotus Seven Club Speed Championship.
    1.4.3     The closing date for acceptance into the
    Championship shall be the same as the
    closing date for the final Championship round.
    1.4.4       Competitors must register for the
    Championship at least seven days before
    the first event at which they intend to
    compete and accrue points.
    1.5 Championship Rounds 2007
    9th April             Longcross Sprint – Sutton & Cheam MC
    15th April                        Cadwell Park Sprint– Borough 19 MC
    28th April                        Aintree Sprint – Liverpool MC
    12th May                        Llandow Sprint – Welsh Counties CC
    13th May            Llys y Fran Hillclimb – Swansea MC
    19th May                        Curborough 1 Sprint – L7CGB
    26th May                        MIRA Sprint – MAC
    2nd June             Pembrey 1 Sprint – BARC
    3rd June                         Pembrey 2 Sprint - BARC
    30th June           Shelsley Walsh Hillclimb – MAC
    28th July             Loton Park Hillclimb – Liverpool MC
    5th August          Harewood Hillclimb – BARC
    26th August        Curborough 2 Sprint – L7CGB
    8th September    Wiscombe Hillclimb – MG Car Club
    16th September   Hethel Sprint – L7CGB
    Each qualifying round will be run under its own Supplementary Regulations to which Championship contenders will be bound as well as these Championship regulations and the general regulations of the MSA.
    1.6 Scoring
    1.6.1     All class runs offered at each round will count for Championship scoring. However should a meeting be abandoned before the completion of two class runs for all Championship classes it will only count as a qualifying round of the Championship providing that all competitors have completed one class run. In this instance only the first class run would count for Championship scoring purposes.
    1.6.2     Each round will be scored as follows:
    The competitor finishing first in each class will be awarded 100 points. All other competitors in each class will be awarded points based on the first place time as a percentage of their time – to  two decimal places, rounded down.
    An example is shown below:
    1st         63.18 secs         100.00 points
    2nd        64.20 secs         98.41 points
    3rd         64.58 secs         97.83 points
    4th         66.78 secs         94.60 points
    The Championship co-ordinator will maintain class records for each Championship class at each Championship venue. Due to the changes in classes for 2007 there will be no additional bonus points for breaking any current class record. This will be reviewed for 2008.
    1.6.3     Championship and Trophy scoring
    The Class Champions will be decided from the best 7 results out of the 15 rounds by simply totaling the points awarded. The Champion for each class will be the one with the most points in that class.
    The Overall Champion will be decided from the best 7 results out of the 15 rounds also by simply totaling the points awarded. The Overall Champion will be the one with the most points.
    The Novice Trophy and Ladies Trophy will be decided from the best 5 results out of the 15 rounds also by simply totaling the points awarded. The trophy winners will be the ones with the most points.
    In the event of a tie for a Class Champion and the  Overall Champion the results from the best scores for 8 rounds will be counted and at this stage if this fails to resolve the tie the result will be declared a tie.
    In the event of a tie for the Novice Trophy and Ladies Trophy the best scores for 6 rounds will be counted and at this stage if this fails to resolve the tie the result will be declared a tie.
    1.7 Awards
    There shall be one Class Champion per class and in addition there will be an Overall Champion, a Ladies Trophy and a Novice Trophy winner. Each Class Champion, the Ladies Trophy, Novice Trophy winners and the Overall Champion shall receive an award. In addition there will be awards for second and third places in each class - dependant upon the number of entries in the class. Five competitors in a class will trigger a second place award, with eight competitors triggering a third place award.
    Event awards will be given at each of the L7CGB organized events for first, second and third in class.
    Class Champion, Ladies Trophy, Novice Trophy and Overall Champion Awards will be presented at an Awards Presentation Event at the end of the season.
    2 Sporting Regulations – Judicial Procedures
    2.1 Rounds
    In accordance with Breach of Regulations (O) of the 2007 MSA Regulations and the Supplementary Regulations for each event.
    2.2 Championship
    In accordance with Breach of Regulations (O) of the 2007 MSA Regulations and these regulations.
    3 Technical Regulations
    3.1 Eligible Vehicles
    All cars must be of the type known as Lotus 7 or Caterham 7 and will be placed in one of the following classes.
    3.2 Classes
    Class 1:
    Lotus or Caterham Sevens powered by:
    1. Single cam engines up to 1600c.c.
    2. Caterham Sevens which fully comply with the current technical specification for the ‘2007 Caterham Graduates Championship’ – ‘Caterham Graduate Class’ and ‘Caterham Super-Graduates Class’ specification cars only. Cars must fully meet the specification relevant for engine type and year of construction. No further modifications are permitted. For tyres see below.
    3. Rover K series 1400cc engines. For cars with the supersport engine - 5 speed gearbox only.
    4. Ford Sigma engines – 125 bhp only – with 5 speed gearbox.
    For Ford OHV ‘Kent’ Crossflow 1600cc engines ONLY there is a maximum rebore allowance of 60 thousandths of an inch.
    Tyres to be listed in 2006 or 2007 MSA Technical Regulations Permitted Tyres ® List 1A only. Maximum tyre width 215mm.
    Cars powered by non-car derived engines or equipped with sequential gearboxes are not allowed in this class.
    The reference maximum power limit for this class is 125bhp.
    Class 2:
    Lotus or Caterham Sevens powered by:
    1. Single cam engines of 1601cc and greater. Power for these engines is limited to 160bhp.
    2. Lotus Twin Cam engines. Power for these engines is limited to 160bhp.
    3. Rover K series 1400cc supersport engines – with 6 speed gearbox.
    4. Rover K series 1600cc engines - provided induction is via the standard production plenum.
    5. Rover K series 1800cc ‘VVC’ engines – with 5 speed gearbox only.
    6. Rover K series 1800cc engines (up to 140bhp power output only) - provided induction is via the standard production plenum.
    7. Ford Sigma engines – 125bhp/150bhp – with 6 speed gearbox.
    8. Caterham Sevens which fully comply with the current technical specification for the ‘2007 Caterham Graduates Championship’ – ‘Caterham Mega-Graduates Class’ specification cars only. Cars must fully meet the specification relevant for engine type and year of construction. No further modifications are permitted. For tyres see below.
    The following modifications are permitted to Rover K series 1600cc engines: K16 cylinder head porting retaining the standard valves, vernier camshaft pulleys, 52mm throttle body and the use of forged pistons.
    The following modifications are PROHIBITED to Rover K series 1600cc engines: The use of VVC or VHPD cylinder heads, reprogrammable ECUs eg Emerald, VVC plenum chambers and a throttle body greater than 52mm.
    The following modifications are permitted to Rover K series 1800cc engines: vernier camshaft pulleys, 52mm throttle body and the use of forged pistons.
    The following modifications are PROHIBITED to Rover K series 1800cc engines: Any porting of the K16 cylinder head or the use of VVC (except on VVC cars eligible for this class)  VHPD cylinder heads, reprogrammable ECUs eg Emerald, and a throttle body greater than 52mm.
    Tyres to be listed in 2006 or 2007 MSA Technical Regulations Permitted Tyres ® List 1A only. Maximum tyre width 215mm.
    Cars powered by non-car derived engines or equipped with sequential gearboxes are not allowed in this class.
    The reference maximum power limit for this class is 160bhp.
    Class 3:
    Lotus or Caterham Sevens powered by:
    1. Single cam engines of 1601cc and greater. Power for these engines is limited to 160bhp.
    2. Lotus Twin Cam engines. Power for these engines is limited to 160bhp.
    3. Rover K series 1400cc supersport engines – with 6 speed gearbox.
    4. Rover K series 1600cc engines - provided induction is via the standard production plenum.
    5. Rover K series 1800cc ‘VVC’ engines – with 5 speed gearbox only.
    6. Rover K series 1800cc engines (up to 140bhp power output only) - provided induction is via the standard production plenum.
    7. Ford Sigma engines – 125bhp/150bhp – with 6 speed gearbox.
    8. Caterham Sevens which fully comply with the current technical specification for the ‘2007 Caterham Graduates Championship’ – ‘Caterham Mega-Graduates Class’ specification cars only. Cars must fully meet the specification relevant for engine type and year of construction. No further modifications are permitted. For tyres see below.
    The following modifications are permitted to Rover K series 1600cc engines: K16 cylinder head porting retaining the standard valves, vernier camshaft pulleys, 52mm throttle body and the use of forged pistons.
    The following modifications are PROHIBITED to Rover K series 1600cc engines: The use of VVC or VHPD cylinder heads, reprogrammable ECUs eg Emerald, VVC plenum chambers and a throttle body greater than 52mm.
    The following modifications are permitted to Rover K series 1800cc engines: vernier camshaft pulleys, 52mm throttle body and the use of forged pistons.
    The following modifications are PROHIBITED to Rover K series 1800cc engines: Any porting of the K16 cylinder head or the use of VVC (except on VVC cars eligible for this class) VHPD cylinder heads, reprogrammable ECUs eg Emerald, and a throttle body greater than 52mm.
    Tyres to be any road legal E-marked radial tyre or listed in 2006 or 2007 MSA Technical Regulations Permitted Tyres ® List 1B – radial tyres only. Maximum tyre width 215mm.
    Cars powered by non-car derived engines or equipped with sequential gearboxes are not allowed in this class.
    The reference maximum power limit for this class is 160bhp.
    Class 4:
    Any Lotus or Caterham 7 not meeting the engine requirements of classes 1, 2 or 3 which has a power output of up to 190bhp.
    Cars powered by non-car derived engines or equipped with sequential gearboxes are not allowed in this class.
    All cars must be fitted with an operational reverse gear.
    Tyres to be any road legal E-marked radial tyre or listed in 2006 or 2007 MSA Technical Regulations Permitted Tyres ® Lists 1A and 1B – radial tyres only. Maximum tyre width 215mm.
    Class 5:
    Any Lotus or Caterham 7 not meeting the engine requirements of classes 1, 2, 3 or 4.
    Cars powered by non-car derived engines are allowed in this class.
    All cars must be fitted with an operational reverse gear.
    Tyres to be any road legal E-marked radial tyre or listed in 2006 or 2007 MSA Technical Regulations Permitted Tyres ® Lista 1A and 1B – radial tyres only. Maximum tyre width 215mm except for the Caterham CSR where the standard factory fitted tyre specification must be used.
    Class 6:
    Any Lotus or Caterham Seven not meeting the requirements of any other class.
    3.3 General Technical Requirements
    Cars in classes 1 to 5 must run in a fully road
    legal condition (i.e .with correct lighting and all other technical requirements,  taxed, insured and
    MOT’d where applicable). Competitors are advised that they may be asked to provide documentary proof at an event.
    Cars in classes 1 to 5 must have normally aspirated engines.
    In the interests of environmental protection all cars will be subject to a maximum noise limit of 108dB at 0.5m. This will be tested at each round.
    Cars which have technical modifications deemed by the Championship co-ordinator not to meet the basic spirit of the technical regulations will be allocated to the most appropriate class. The reference maximum power limit for Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 are guideline limits in power for these classes. Cars with engines deemed to have a higher power level will be moved to another class.
    All cars must comply with Sprints, Hillclimbs and Drag Racing (L) and Competitor Safety (Q) sections of the 2007 MSA Technical Regulations. All cars must be fitted with a Safety Rollover Structure which meets Competitor Safety (Q) 2007 MSA Technical Regulations. Competitors are advised that the traditional standard roll-over bar as supplied by Caterham does not meet these requirements. 
    Any car fitted with the traditional standard roll-over bar that arrives at an event will NOT be allowed to compete.
    Additional Notes for Competitors
    These notes are written chiefly for the benefit of competitors who are new to hillclimbing and sprinting. They give a brief introduction to how the championship works.
    1. Qualifying Rounds
    The Lotus Seven Club is only directly responsible for the organisation of some of the qualifying rounds of the Championship – those with L7CGB as the organising club against the event details on page 1. Registering for the Championship means that you will be invited by each organising club to submit an entry to each of the qualifying rounds.
    2. Event Regulations
    For Championship rounds organised by the Lotus Seven Club (L7CGB) entry forms will be enclosed within ‘Low Flying’ and Supplementary Regulations published on the Lotus 7 Club website – www.lotussevenclub.com. Supplementary Regulations are also available upon request from the Championship co-ordinator. For qualifying rounds organised by other clubs the event regulations will automatically be sent out by the organising club. In order to facilitate this the names and addresses of all registered Championship contenders will be passed on to club competition secretaries in time for the event regulations to be distributed. Register early for the Championship to ensure you receive the regulations from other organising clubs.
    3. Event Entries
    The Championship proved very popular in 2006 with over 80 registered contenders. Most events have a maximum of 120 competitors - Lotus Seven Club events at Curborough having a maximum of only 80 competitors. Lotus Seven Club events are also open to competitors who have not registered for this Championship. Hence many events are oversubscribed, and some entries will be refused.
    At invited events the Lotus 7 Club Speed Championship may be one of many invited championships and hence the number of available places may be very restricted so early application is advised. At certain venues (eg Shelsley Walsh) demand is likely to exceed supply and the Championship co-ordinator may be asked to filter entries for the organising club.
    Registration for this Championship does not guarantee an event entry will be accepted for any qualifying round of the Championship – nor does registration confer any form of priority status.
    There is no way to guarantee that your entry will be accepted for any individual event. However there are some simple actions that you can take to maximise the chance of an entry being accepted:
    ·         Apply early. Most events have at least part, if not all, of the entry accepted on a first-come first-served basis so send off the entry as soon as the regulations allow – which is often when they are published.
    ·         Fill in the form correctly! This seems obvious but it is surprising how many entries are rejected or delayed by competition secretaries due to incorrect or missing information. For an oversubscribed event incorrect entries are often the first to be rejected.
    ·         Remember to include the cheque!!!
    4. Results
    Results for each qualifying round and the overall Championship will be posted as soon as possible after each event on the Competitors Korner section of the Lotus Seven Club website - www.lotussevenclub.com
    Competitors without access to the Internet and wishing to receive printed copies of the results should supply a SAE to the Lotus 7 Club Competition Secretary for each event when entering. Printed results will be posted within 7 days of the event.
    Enjoy yourself!

    Steve Winterberg

    Lowflying February

    By Steve Winterberg, in Lowflying,

    In this issue: the Fridge door, juniors' gallery : News and events, shows, trips, area updates and Club news : Esprit de corps, the spirit of Le Sept : Area antics : A day at the racers' : Portfolio, braving the weather at Brands Hatch : The Welsh tradition, a trip to the seaside! : Nuke-the-leuk fundraising news : A round-up of offers, benefits and discounts : Area directory : Bangers old and new, the London-to-Brighton run : The small ads : Diary of events


    NUKE THE LEUK ’07 – Lap 1

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    Monthly standing order from a shy, team sparring partner of old…   25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member   25.00 The tin on the counter at The Ringlestone Inn, home of the Kent and East Sussex Area raised a great amount – thanks also to the staff who donated their tips   265.00 Chris Clark thanks John Howe for the spare London to Brighton barbecue   20.00 Chris Clark also passes on the money raised at the Kent and East Sussex Christmas Raffle   150.00 Martin Bett donates money received from Quirin van Aspert for some old copies of Low Flying   30.00 Delbert sends the donations from the garage floor paint bulk buy; thanks Peter T for the dry sump hoses and makes a ‘bah humbug’ donation in lieu of Christmas cards!   85.00 Robin Russell sends on a fantastic amount of money raised from the sale of the Roadsports DVD   1142.04 Steve Brown sends on the proceeds from the East and North Yorkshire Area Christmas raffle   77.77 David Morrell vastly reduced the number of Christmas cards he sent, preferring email and a donation to NtL   50.00 Christopher Flood says thank you for the springs   25.00 James Thomas sends the money (£20) raised by the North Hants and Berks Area Christmas Quiz and a donation instead of Christmas cards   60.00 Terry Field thanks Ammo for the petrol cap   5.00 Andy Couchman sends the proceeds from the Gloucestershire Area raffle, held at their Christmas dinner event on 13th January!   54.00 Chris Alston thanks Stuart Forshaw for the Nomex thread and Alan Henderson for the replacement copy of Low Flyingtd>   10.00 In memory of Dick Gordon who enjoyed driving Beryl the Bus   902.00 This month’s total: 2,925.81 Plus fundraising history 1991 to 2006: £289,245.51 Total to date: £292,171.32 A great start to the year, thank you all.

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