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  • News

    News articles from the Caterham and Lotus Seven Club community
    A breakthrough study of identical twins has for the first time confirmed the existence of cancer stem cells that cause the most common form of childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) – backing evidence that this childhood cancer starts in the womb. The research should lead to less aggressive treatment for childhood ALL and provides the hope of new, more effective drugs.


    Nuke the Leuk 07 - Lap 12

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    This Month's Contributions
    Monthly standing order from a shy, team sparring partner of old…   25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member   25.00 Nick Addison says thanks to ‘Smegnoguk’ for the printer cartridges   10.00 Gary Frost says thanks to Dave Wilson for the SV roll bar   10.00 Matthew Jones gave Keith Terry a Wipac reversing lamp   15.00 Jacques Morgan-Smith says thanks to Mark Crabtree for the printer – it’s working fine!   25.00 J Humphries sends a very generous donation   250.00 Cambridge Area send the proceeds of their Christmas Raffle   30.00 Rog Heeley sends a donation in lieu of Christmas cards for the office   10.00 Graham Howard says thanks to Richard Philips for the loan of the engine crane   25.00 Geoff Rothwell sends on a donation from his 60th Birthday party, where he generously asked his guests to donate, rather than buy him drinks – a belated Happy Birthday to you Geoff   30.00 Tony Milling sends on the money raised at the Pennine Area Christmas Dinner   100.00 Ian Bruce says thanks to Mike Jakes for collecting a box from Wales and delivering it to Kent   20.00 Ian Lathey sends a donation in lieu of Christmas cards   10.00 James Barrett says thanks to Richard Gaya for the motorsport videos   10.00 N Hardie and Adrian Rham thank Guy Munday for the insurance valuations
    (Brings total to £645.00)   6.00 Andy Couchman sent electronic greetings instead of Christmas cards and donates the money he would have spent.    30.00 The Club sends on the money raised at events, from insurance valuations and a whopping £860 from Baywatch.  Many thanks to everyone who attended events and generously donated to LRF.   1354.44 This month’s total: 1985.44 Total this year to date: £32,455.64 Plus fundraising history 1991 to end of last year: £289,245.51 Total to date: £321,701.15 Another brilliant year for Nuke the Leuk – many thanks to all those who have taken the time to donate.

    Steve Winterberg
    In this issue:
    Picture gallery - another slice of life from the fridge door : New members : News and events: A member's tale - discovering the Seven; all is fine, then upgraditis sets in : Nuke the Leuk the latest fundraising news : Motorsport for beginners - an introduction to speed events : The Welsh MegaBlat - a two-day trip over some very fine roads, to Portmeirion and back : Turning heads - a grand entrance : Area directory : The Club Speed Championship - a round-up of the series, the results and the Awards Dinner : Deals, discounts and savings : The small ads : Diary of events 35


    Nuke the Leuk 07 - Lap 11

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    This Month's Contributions
    Monthly standing order from a shy, team sparring partner of old…   25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member   25.00 Alex ‘Silver7’ sold Mar7 a windscreen   15.00 Nigel Roberts sends on a generous donation from those who attended
    the London to Brighton event.  Thanks go to Mike and Gill Squires, Chris
    Clarke, Marion, Sue and Lyn, Ray Pearce, Alan Brady, Chaz, Leon Odell,
    Barry Watts, Steve Newman, Neil Williams, Les and Sheila Shepherd,
    Steve Mell, Doug and Mandy Phillips, and Susan and John Howe; for
    their help in making the event a success.   1525.80 At the same event Sue and John Howe generously donated sausages
    for sale   53.00 Scores of small change donations from members who attended events
    supported by the Event Support Vehicle.  Special thanks to those who
    purchased 50th Anniversary Tankard and made donations and the
    non-member at Baywatch who made a donation because the club had made
    an impact at the event!  Thanks to all.   125.70 Steve Mell sends on the money raised at the Dunsfold handling days by the
    Surrey Area.  Thanks to Jim McAllister Peter Farnfield, Dave Hollington,
    Nigel Roberts, John Malcolmson, Doug and Mandy Phillips, Andy Noble,
    Merrick Linnett, John Reaks, Peter Carmichael and all the other marshalls and volunteers:       Dunsfold Handling Day – 19 May 2007  1925.00     Dunsfold Handling Day – 8 September  1750.00   Surrey have been busy, Steve Mell has also sent the money raised at the
    Toyota British Grand Prix Day.  The event was organised by Simon Lake
    (formerly of Toyota GB), with administration by Doug and Mandy Phillips.
    Toyota generously gave use of their building and car park, a tasty BBQ, drinks
    and ice creams, F1 simulator and large plasma screens to show the Grand
    Prix – all at no cost to the club.  The money was raised through donations
    and sales of entry tickets.  Well done all!   1610.00 Ammo lost a bet with Alex Wong about who would upgrade his engine first   20.00 ‘Mad Malc’ says thanks to Tony Milling for the wiper motor brushes he
    kindly donated for the mini project.   15.00 Stuart Lane bought a 4 to 5 speed conversion kit from Brent Chiswick   45.00 Elizabeth McFarlane thanks Mark Durrant for the four tyres   50.00 Alex McDonald thanks Neville Dyson for delivering a steering rack   10.00 Paul Richards says thanks to Paul Marriott for the De Dion tube    20.00 Jerry Parker thanks Tim Must for the screen frame   20.00 Daniel Clazey says thanks to John Aston for the carcoon   50.00 This month’s total: 7284.50 Total this year to date: £30,470.20 Plus fundraising history 1991 to end of last year: £289,245.51 Total to date: £319,715.71 50th Anniversary Photos
    Just a reminder that Dr John, very kindly gave up his weekend to take over a thousand photos at the anniversary event in Norfolk. He has made these photos available on the internet here: http://www.pixagogo.com/3735444151 and only asked that people make a small donation to NtL if they download pictures. To date there have been nearly two thousand hits on the page, but no money has been received by NtL. So, if you have downloaded pictures, but not got round to sending the money in, please do so and if you haven’t downloaded any pictures yet, get on and do it and then send some money. It is for a good cause after all.

    Steve Winterberg
    In this issue:
    Picture gallery - a slice of life from the fridge door : News and events : 50 years of the 7 - souvenirs and memories and news : Highflying and lowflying - a ‘first blat’ : The first Seven weeks - getting to know your first Seven : Regalia news - new items and shopping online : Portfolio - holidaying in France… and a British summer : Nuke the Leuk - the latest fundraising news : End to end - the definitive road trip : Lowflying crossword : Motorsport on a budget, or… sprinting the eBay way : Area antics : A member’s tale - a odd interlude on the return from Le Sept : Area directory : Snap! a clutch of Sevens in the media spotlight : The small ads


    Nuke the Leuk 07 - Lap 10

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    This Month's Contributions
    Monthly standing order from a shy, team sparring partner of old…   25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member   25.00 Chris ‘CHip’ Hinchcliffe sold the following with all proceeds to NtL;       Bell Helmet with bag and Nomex balaclava, axle stands and a small foot pump
    to Alan Bowler 140.00     Two 20 litre jerry cans to Martin Richards 25.00     A pair of Wiley XL-1s to Graham Bass 30.00   Nigel Riches says thank you to Stephen Hubbard for the loan of his car,
    ‘Golf Juliet Tango’, at the 50th event    100.00 Daniel Luhde-Thompson says thanks to Nifty for picking his car up from
    Emerald and storing it overnight   25.00 Keith Pickin Memorial Fund –       Passenger rides at Brands Hatch 380.00     Passenger rides at Snetterton 110.00     passenger rides at Rockingham 80.00     (Brings total to £7,122.00)   Bob Larcombe bought a 4 to 5 speed conversion kit and some A frame
    bushes from Brent Chiswick   50.00 Ian Lathey has sent the donations raised by the people who participated in
    the LeJoG event, a journey from Land’s End to John O’Groats which started
    on Saturday 18th August – an absolutely outstanding total, well done to all!     8179.46   Cheques: 3153.62     Online donations (including gift aid)  4873.13     Direct payments to LRF: 152.71   Martin Richards buys some of Barbara Swift’s infamous BlatChat stickers
    (Brings total to £1460.00)   5.00 Graham Nearn has sent a cheque and the following comments   200.00   Thank you for the truly great recognition and celebration of the 50 years of the Seven at the Norfolk Show Ground – a great choice of venue.
    All of you who were there will understand that for me personally it was the culmination of many years of hard work and pleasure that left me not a little emotional. Casting my eye across the field of glinting Sevens was sheer pleasure. For the members who troubled to make the journey it provided the best show of Sevens in all their diversity and quality that I have seen. I was delighted to meet again with old friends and acquaintances and absorb the camaraderie and reminiscences of bygone years. Too much for just one weekend!
    Thank you for the personal record of my custodianship of the legend in the photos and display.
    Your 50th team organised a wonderful event recognised by everyone who attended. My personal thanks to Geof Carlton Smith for his stewardship.
    The fireworks provided a fitting stamp to the 50th celebration of the Seven.
    I wish you all ongoing success and fulfillment.

    Yours sincerely,
    Graham Nearn
              This month’s total: 9374.46 Total this year to date: £23,185.70 Plus fundraising history 1991 to end of last year: £289,245.51 Total to date: £312,431.21

    Steve Winterberg

    Lowflying November

    By Steve Winterberg, in Lowflying,

    In this issue:
    Snapshots from Le Sept X - another slice of life from the fridge door : News and events : 24-hour party people - looking back at Le Mans : A member’s tale - Duratec from down-under : The big five-o - the Seven's Golden Jubilee party : A ringing endorsement - visiting Nürburgring’s Nordschleife : Financial matters - a report from the Treasurer : Nuke-the-Leuk - the latest fund raising news : Area directory : Classified advertisements : Diary of events

    Position Names P1 P1 T1 T2 Best Run Points   Class2             1 D MALKIN 44.76 44.66 44.07 45.89 44.07 100.00 2 M SANKEY 48.85 46.21 45.84 45.26 45.26 97.37 3 M HICKEY 50.04 46.69 45.73 46.00 45.73 96.37 4 S HERRING 50.26 47.42 47.09 46.31 46.31 95.16 5 R CUMMING 47.91  46.71 47.06 46.78 46.78 94.21 6 P HERRING 60.55 57.25 56.16 54.31 54.31 81.15   Class3             1 D NELSON 48.29 44.68 43.88 43.04 43.04 100.00 2 A WILLIAMS 43.96 42.86 43.22 NTR 43.22 99.58 3 M CALVERT 50.23 46.77 45.11 44.00 44.00 97.82 4 R BRACKETT 50.76 45.98 47.56 45.31 45.31 94.99 5 J SMITH 48.31 45.25 53.86 46.00 46.00 93.57 6 R BURNS 52.40 49.18 48.59 46.84 46.84 91.89 7 K EVANS 51.93 49.79 48.87 47.95 47.95 89.76 8 T CALVERT 54.47 51.01 49.54 49.44 49.44 87.06 9 M GIBSON 55.21 53.71 50.46 49.80 49.80 86.43   Class4             1 N CAVANAGH 47.69 45.20 44.25 43.89 43.89 100.00 2 P FORSTER 46.78 45.16 44.82 44.96 44.82 97.93 3 N FOX 63.73 47.63 47.26 46.25 46.25 94.90 4 C McCALL 54.80 51.18 49.17 49.89 49.17 89.26   Class5             1 A GRIFFITHS 42.48 41.94 40.85 41.14 40.85 100.00 2 S ROGERS 44.42 41.97 41.42 41.72 41.42 98.62 3 M DURRANT 43.65 42.07 42.00 41.91 41.91 97.47 4 R PREECE 49.66 45.62 43.46 44.10 43.46 93.99 5 S ELWELL 47.28 45.88 44.59 44.17 44.17 92.48 6 G ELWELL 58.20 53.60 54.63 53.14 53.14 76.87   Class6             1 J CLARKE 41.35 40.24 40.11 40.32 40.11 100.00 2 S HARLAND 42.62 41.47 41.40 40.95 40.95 97.95


    Nuke the Leuk 07 - Lap 9

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    This Month's Contributions
    Monthly standing order from a shy, team sparring partner of old…   25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member   25.00 Paul ‘Symmo’ Symmonds thanks Dave McCulloch for transporting his
    track day wheels to Oulton Park free of charge   20.00 Neal Worth sells an Ital diff to Marc Nelson-Smith and donates the
    proceeds   15.00 Graham Howard sells an oil pressure gauge to Marc Nelson-Smith
    and donates the proceeds   12.00 Marc Nelson-Smith sells some items on Ebay and donates the proceeds   23.00 Kathryn and Duncan Kay thank Mark Piper for the Donington tickets   20.00 Martin Sargeant thanks Shaun and Gill Elwell for providing him with a
    wing mirror, to replace the one he stood on!   5.00 Tim Renshaw thanks Phil Wragg for the Playstation and games for use at
    school – they have proved a very popular addition to wet play time games!   20.00 Paul ‘PaulyB’ Bellis thanks Bob Smith for the rugby tickets, sold via
    BlatChat   40.00 Keith Pickin Memorial Fund –passenger rides at Oulton Park 
          passenger rides at Spa    60.00
          passenger rides at Croft   70.00
    (Brings total to £6,552.00)   260.00 Geoff Brown sends the donations made by club members at the 50th
    anniversary event at Castle Combe   75.00 C Parte buys some of Barbara Swift’s infamous BlatChat stickers
    (Brings total to £1455.00)    5.00 Anthony Milling generously donates an unexpected refund he received!    55.00 Guy Boulton makes a donation in lieu of payment to Ben ‘V500 0SV’ Hall
    for the Sky+ box    20.00 Ian Wilkes says thanks for the extra copies of Low Flying sent to him by the
    club administrator Emily Bransom   20.00 Ian ‘Stationary M25 Traveller’ James sells some bunk beds to Vicar Jan
    and donates the proceeds   50.00 Ian ‘Stationary M25 Traveller’ James passes on a donation from
    Gavin Russell, who said thanks for the accommodation near Brands Hatch   20.00       This month’s total: 840.00 Total this year to date: £13,811.24 Plus fundraising history 1991 to end of last year: £289,245.51 Total to date: £303,056.75 Many thanks to all those who have helped.

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