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  • News

    News articles from the Caterham and Lotus Seven Club community
    Steve Winterberg

    Lowflying November

    By Steve Winterberg, in Lowflying,

    In this issue:

    News and events : Welcome to new members : 50 years of the Seven - keeping the spirit alive : A Master’s in Classics - a day at the races : Area antics - Kent and East Sussex review their year : Nuke-the-Leuk - the latest fundraising news : Regalia - Christmas presents and bargains : From chilli sauce to maple syrup - the seven army blats on its stomach, perhaps : Academy racer’s charity event : Speed Championship - from the beautiful setting of Wiscombe Park : Land’s End to John o’Groats - a doubly-challenging charity fundraiser : A member’s tale - realizing a long-held ambition in Canada : Area meetings directory : Classified advertisements : Diary of events : Cover... Sevens assembled at the Stoneleigh show, photograph by Steve Yeomans


    Nuke the Leuk - Lap 11

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    This Month's Contributions

    Monthly standing order from a shy team sparring partner of old 25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member 25.00 Chris Todd says thanks to Paul Gilchrist for the Motor Sport magazines
    10.00 Adrian Bateman passes on the money raised at the West Hants and Dorset Area Quiz Night
    23.00 Nigel Roberts thanks all those who came along to the London to Brighton run and gave so generously, all those who braved the atrocious weather to help out and to John and Sue Howe for the donation of the delicious sausages
    900.00 Ian Allison says thanks for the Brooklands Blat and especially for the banking photoshoot
    25.00 This month’s total: £1008.00 Total this year to date: £19,791.66 Plus fundraising history 1991 to end of last year: £340,653.78 Total to date: £360,445.44

    Results from rounds 14 & 15 of the Freestyle Motorsports Lotus 7 Club Speed Series from Anglesey 10th & 11th October 2009
    Class Saturday Sunday 1 Andrew Willoughby 64.65 Nick Chan 107.60 2 Robert Spencer 65.20 Robert Spencer 106.54 3 Malcolm Hickey 60.16 Michael Sankey 98.09 4 Chris Howard- Harris 58.86 Chris Howard-Harris 95.56s 5 Dave McFarlane 57.58 Dave McFarlane 92.67 For full results please see read more (PDF


    Lowflying October

    By Guest, in Lowflying,

    In this issue
    News and events : Welcome to new members : A great team-a successful threesome… : Ashtead Village Day-Sevens on the streets in Surrey parade : Turning point-first time at the wheel, the Seven bug bites : Nuke the Leuk-the latest fundraising news : Quay for my car-Sevens hit Poole en masse : Picture gallery-a slice of life from the fridge door : Speed Championship-reports from Harewood and Curborough : Seasonal regalia : Area meetings directory : Classified advertisements : Diary of events : Cover photograph by Simon Cunliffe


    Weekly Newsletter

    By Guest, in Club Announcements,

    After a long gestation period, the weekly newsletter has been launched, the current version of which can be found at http://www.lotus7news.co.uk.
    We aim to publish the newsletter on Thursday mornings and to make sure that you get your own copy delivered directly to your inbox, send an email to news-subscription@lotus7club.com with 'subscribe' as the subject from the email account that you would like to receive it.
    If, for some inexplicable reason, you no longer wish to receive this exciting new development, send an email to news-subscription@lotus7club.com with 'unsubscribe' as the subject.


    Nuke the Leuk - Lap 10

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    This Month's Contributions

    Monthly standing order from a shy team sparring partner of old 25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member 25.00 Martyn Edwards passes on a donation to than Roy Blyth for the box of Low Flying magazines
    10.00 Rich Watson passes on the donations from the collection tin on the counter at the Ringlestone Inn, home of the Kent and East Sussex area
    8.16 Willie Skelly thanks fellow member Gordon Wilson for the springs and dampers
    40.00 John Vine donates the proceeds from the sale of an old windscreen to Paul Chamberlain
    10.00 Brent Chiswick says thanks to Geoff Mulheron for the Dunsfold Wings and Wheels tickets
    20.00 Andy Couchman says thanks to Roy ‘Gin-Fizz-Whizz’ Brazier for the place in the Autoglym Challenge Final
    100.00 Russell Sangha makes a generous donation 50.00 James Barrett says thanks to fellow club member Ivan Church for the kind donation of an AC regulator
    10.00 Sue and Peter Bishop say thanks for the support of fellow Seveners at Coopers Croft, East Sussex, particularly the Kent Breakfast Club
    45.00 David de la Riviere says thanks to Paul for the heavy, heavy television 10.00 This month’s total: £353.00 Total this year to date: £18,783.66 Plus fundraising history 1991 to end of last year: £340,653.78 Total to date: £359,437.44


    Nuke the Leuk - Lap 9

    By Guest, in Club Charities,

    This Month's Contributions

    Monthly standing order from a shy team sparring partner of old 25.00 Monthly give as you earn donation from another shy club member 25.00 David Farley says thanks to Chris Mather and Nick Chan for sourcing him a track rod end at very short notice
    20.00 Ben Fung says thanks to Cannonball Bob for the extraordinary effort in helping to retrieve a stricken 7 and to Peter G for the use of his trailer
    80.00 Guy Munday carries out some more valuations for Club members 6.00 Keith Pickin Memorial Fund – passenger rides at track days
    (Brings total to £8,192.00)

    320.00 Karen Hooper makes a donation on behalf of the Sevens List Tour in Toon makes a donation to say thanks to Brian Ramsey for designing the tour logo
    30.00 Geof Carlton-Smith passes on a donation made by Reedham Ferry as a result of the Big Blat crossings. Thanks to Paul Scott for organising the ferry and the contribution
    75.00 Steve Mell sends on the proceeds from the Dunsfold Handling Day. Thanks to Jim McAllister, Peter Farnfield, Nigel Roberts, Dave Hollington, John Malcolmson, Martin Bushaway, Steve Newman, Doug and Mandy Phillips, Angus Davidson, and the army of other marshals and volunteers
    2010.00 Darren Prior donates in return for a Top Gear circuit outline sticker 4.00 Trevor Gilby passes on a donation to say thanks to Rob Margel for the engine part he provided to John Radley who had bought Trevor’s 7
    20.00 This month’s total: £2,615.00 Total this year to date: £18,430.50 Plus fundraising history 1991 to end of last year: £340,653.78 Total to date: £359,084.28

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