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ARGHH! rear suspension creaks!!


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Just re-bushed everything inc ARB and this intensely irritating creak has developed just behind my right ear every time I go over a bump.


Has anyone else experinced this and what is best cure?


I'm guessing it's the new bushes rubbing against metal but which one is it likely to be and will a squirt of WD40 or similar work?


Could it be the ARB bushes do you think - s'pose could unlink it and see if it stops??


I don't think I can cope with it all ther way down to Stoneleigh on Saturday *eek*



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I had a similar problem after having the rear of the car wax-oiled last year. cured with WD40 on the nut/bolt where the rear frame joins main chassis ie the bolt just in front of rear wheel arch(sorry im a technical numpty so i hope that makes sense?)



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I too had some nasty creaking the other week after fitting my new diff. It was coming from where the A frame bolts to the chassis on the left and right hand sides. A quick squirt of WD40 did the trick *thumbup*



1400ss 6sp

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On mine the bushes all need careful shimming with the small OD diff shim washer to ensure clearance but I expect the bushes to walk again after some miles.

I presume this is what the "race" washer do, ie they prevent this with a nylon washer that contacts the outer bush hsg?

I also found that the top damper eye was fouling the FIA roll bar bolt due to the usualy sloppy Bilstein bushes.

A thinner washer and a bit of relief to the damper eye edge with a file sorted this out, no more creaks or knocks at all.



New 7 Owner

1996 VX 2.0

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