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Front A-frame mount differences


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I think I raised this question before, but I can't find the thread (if it exists).


I spotted this pic here a while back - it's a recent chassis and the front a-frame mounts are below the chassis.


My '01 race-chassis has the mounts inline with the lower chassis rails. I'm struggling to find a better pic in my collection that this here


Anyway, someone just contacted me via my site to say that his '97 Roadsport had the lower mountings - but his new R400 has the same inline fitting as mine.


Anyone know or suggest why there are differences? Is it a track-oriented geometry thing?


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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New 2005 race chassis comes with the hanging down brackets & 2004 R400 flush mounted type.


Asked freestyle about the relative merits & basically said no advantage to either way, just one of the differences between the stiffer race chassis & Superlight chassis *confused*

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Puzzled by DSL's comments *arrowup* *arrowup* as my 05 race chassis has inline brackets. As these are a comon bracket for the a-frame and the side protection bar, I would have thought all race cars needed this fixing method.







FH54WLX - only the car supports ManU, honest!


see here

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Myles


My 2000 1.6SS are lower mounted. I have actually lost metal off the mounts by scraping them on the road when blatting two up *eek* and hitting a dip which severely bottomed the car. I've since put rear uprated springs and adjustable platforms all round.



C7 TNT - it's Dynamite!(Honda Irish Green and Peugeot Graphite grey)


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