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Hello. I am new here. I used to play football. Then I coached teams including England. Now I have a Caterham SV and it is really cool. I only drive it when my tea leaves tell me it's safe to do so. I do not like rude things. That was rude Mr Bailey. And why does that other person (man or woman) have such a rude name? Willy is rude. I do not like rude. I hope all the club is not like this. Have a good evening.




Football is my life - well that's what the tea leaves tell me...


Edited by - Glenn Hoddle on 24 Apr 2006 21:28:52

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Oi Hoddle.


Its namby pamby botty bandits like you that meant we never won any thing in your day.

Too busy saying " No after you " to the Krauts,


Never would have happened in 66 when real men played football and were real working class heros


Shaking my head at todays poofters

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Zee? you Engleesh can not even spell your names correctly. Zo stupide ze English.....Now, if you were a magnifizent beast like a Zebra, running free over ze great African plains, you would ave ze freedom I am talking about - ze freedom to spell correctly and be natural with your environment.




When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.

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You always were a bit of a weird bloke Eric. What with your turned up collar and my skin tight shorts we made a right pair of fashion victims - hey matey? My Eileen Drewery can sort you out if you want *thumbup* Glenn


Football is my life - well that's what the tea leaves tell me...

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Ello guys. You are boaf my favrite stars from footy. Wen I was growin up as a lad an that and evrybody wos callin me wingnut and that, I ad posters of the boaf of yers on me wall at ome. Magic. Luv you guys. t'da 4 now. Roonaldo (its a giggle that innit - Roonaldo. i am so cleva!)


"Thank Roo 'N Good Night"

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Mr Bailey. That is not nice language. It is one of the reasons why I left football. Th hooligan nature on the terraces supported with language like you have used above. My mate Chris and I were very proud of that record. We raised a lot of money for charity and although I share your sentiments about the hair cuts (giggle), we did make money for charity and I like charity. Thank you for your thoughts. I will tell Eileen to bless you in her thoughts and to forgive you for using such terrible language.




Football is my life - well that's what the tea leaves tell me...

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Hey! You! Bailey! Leave the lads alone. They are under a lot of pressure. New car choice, watch choice, girlfriend trouble, OK versus Voila magazine shoot - YOU try to balance out a hectic schedule like that. Now, leave off!!


Its a game of two halves. We missed our chances. Tomorrow is another day. Can't fault the lads for effort.

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Its a funny old game.


This thread is a little funny too

A bet £10 that all these ere football people have something in common. *confused*

There the same person, I tell you *eek*

There should be a law against it.









Football that is. 😬



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Why do they kiss and hug each other when they score a goal

Because they are celabrating a divine moment. Would you not kiss a man if they were doing something good for you? Its a team thing football; 11 players all pulling in the same direction. wake up and smell the roses will you. They are not 'gay'. Footballers are not gay (apart from Fash, but that was just unfortunate and we all turn a blind cheek, sorry, eye to that one!


Its a game of two halves. We missed our chances. Tomorrow is another day. Can't fault the lads for effort.

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