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Well O/T iPAQ weirdness.


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This is the second time this has happened and I'm getting a bit disgruntled;

A folder within a folder within a folder has become apparently empty. Another folder beside that one has all the .docs etc intact.

(I'm not well covered by Ativesync either 'cos my PC's HD had been replaced as well.)

As there are a number of users here I thought I'd check for a solution.

Is this a TADTS situation ??


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I'm not quite sure about the individual problem yours is showing or whether mine has been the same, but I did get a warning message recently that it is not possible to add more than 2 levels of folders - unlike Windows where the levels are infinitum. Just a case of organising things a little differently.


I was however prevented by the software from adding the 3rd folder level - are you suggesting that you added a 3rd and lost the contents?



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Yes. the very same. The other 3rd level folders are all OK apart from the other 3rd level one that went. Annoyingly enough, it was the one called "Caterham" that had all my Cat stuff in.

Tech support at HP have diverted me to the CF card manufacturers.

HP Tech support were very quick to respond online. *thumbup*

Have yet to hear from the CF card people. *mad*

Could be an idea to bring everything up one level and live with it. *idea*


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Strangely enough I had never experienced the problem during 2 years of use, but only came across it when using an SD card, trying to put folders in folders in folders 😳 I've not had issues with my CF cards, but then again I can't say I've definately tried to achieve 3 levels!

Might be a memory card problem rather than a "windows for pocket pc" problem?



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HP Tech support were very good. Very quick online replies and suggestions. Upwardly delegating instead of faffing about where they didn't know. *thumbup* *thumbup*HP.

Copied everything from level 3 up to level 2 to see. (If level 3 fails)

Still nothing from the Kling(st)ons. *mad* *mad*

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