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SVA, sharp edges and our proposed mirror mounts


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A question for those of you who know something about SVAs.


It has been suggested that the removable mirror mounts Ernie and I are working on might be a useful item for helping a car through an SVA. I have not had the delight of having to worry about an SVA so know very little about it, however, I understand they don't like sharp edges, corners or small radii.


The prototype mirror mount Ernie has knocked up has been machined with an octagonal profile to the front edge, thus giving a "corner" as shown here.


Would this profile provide an issue with an SVA tester?


The main reason I ask is that rounding the profile off adds a process and therefore cost, however, if it means the item is more useful then it may well be worth doing on the finished article.









Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Has to be a 3mm radius or greater or it will fail on external projections. In practise this does mean one jot as they except a bit of rubber stuck over the problem which you can remove when you leave the test centre. Your mounts look a nice job bye the way.
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Agree with rob they look very good.


If you are using the SPA mirrors (which the photo show) then there is a *really* easy answer........


Undo the higher of the two bolts from the bottom hinge and push through from the inside leaving the thread showing on the outside, undo the swivel mounting from the SPA mirrors leaving the black arms and you will find that the thread matches, so just screw up the mirror as required.




nb. one downside is that you can only open the door till it hits the mirror, but it also saves the door hitting the bonnet *thumbup*





Superlight No.171

now known as:Superlight DVA 207


Edited by - Martin Whitcher on 5 Apr 2006 21:08:37


Edited by - Martin Whitcher on 5 Apr 2006 21:09:13

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Correct Martin, but that's a bit like saying if you bought a Golf you wouldn't need to worry about the SVA *wink* *tongue*


I have a mirror mount and I'm now thinking "what do I need to do to make it SVA compliant?". *thumbup*


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Indeed I don't need to .. I don't need to make the things in the first place !!

However, I am, and I am asking "What do I need to do to make them SVA compliant 🤔", not "What can I do to avoid using them 🤔" *tongue* *tongue*


I am asking because someone mentioned on Monday night that they would be an easy way round the problem of the door mirrors and SVA. Thus, I was wondering whether they would be OK as is, or whether they needed to be fettled slightly (which would make them a little more expensive). Obviously if it is prohibitively expensive it wouldn't be done.


You can bet your bottom dollar that if I don't question this and someone gets hold of a pair and uses them for an SVA they would be failed. If for tuppence halfpenny they can be made compliant then why not do it .. but in order to ensure they are compliant I need to know what to do ... hence the question *thumbup* *wink*


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Re-reading what you've written Martin it may be that you aren't aware of the purpose of the project.


These mirrors are designed to be interchangeable with sidescreens, so when sidescreens on you use the mirror attached to it, when they are off you put these on.

Ten seconds to switch from one to t'other with no tools other than your ten digits, no mirror screwed into the windscreen stanchion limiting door openning. *thumbup*


I appreciate that one hopes you only go to an SVA once and therefore your suggestion is an eminently sensible solution. However, if it's only going to cost two and six to make these OK then we might as well manufacture them like that and then should someone decide to do use them in an SVA they won''t get failed for it. If on the other hand it added £26 then it wouldn't be done and we would point out to any purchaser that they are not SVA compliant so don't use them for this.


In order to make this judgement I firstly need to know what, if any, modification is required .. and thus this post *wink*



Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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My knowledge of SVA suggests they will fail as Rob states on the 3mm radius rule. I suspect as they are only temporarily fixed they will also fail and you may be required to fix your pin with a properly radiused nut or similar fixing that requires a tool to remove it.


I would suggest giving someone (or even Caterham themselves) a pair for evaluation to see if they will pass a real SVA.


If it were not for the wheel track ensuring that the mirrors remain inside the body work envelope then the mirrors themselves would fail SVA as they are not Knock Back Style





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I would suggest giving someone (or even Caterham themselves) a pair for evaluation to see if they will pass a real SVA.

Remember that Caterham already produce a wing mirror mount (not the stanadrd on-door fitment) which is SVA compliant. They may advise but the product is of no particular interest to them. They did turn dowm the original product when offered to them.


Nifty: from my conversations about the original, when using the larger mirrors, they did comply with SVA. There is a minimum size of reflector for SVA isn't there?



Celerior quam currus festinans...

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100 sq cm I believe (these SPA Saloons are 98.? I believe!!)


Another issue with my particular mirrors, which are the ones used on these prototype mounts, is that they don't have a glass retaining bead around the inside .. which I believe is also an SVA failure.





Thanks for that info.

Considering what you say regarding the pin needing to be fixed with a nut too I think I will abandon modifiying them for SVA and advise using Martin's idea. *thumbup*


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬


Edited by - Nifty on 6 Apr 2006 21:14:42

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  • 8 months later...

Blimey Mike .. that was some time ago.


The project was put on hold for short time whilst we tried to establish why a few sets didn't fit the stanchions *confused* *confused*

We haven't actually got to the bottom of this and Caterham have been as useful as a chocolate teapot but quite obviously certain cars have stanchions that are a little deeper .. it would be nice to be able to identify theese from the age/type/chassis plate so we fit the correct guage neoprene liner to the mounts for each customer.


Anyway, production will be resuming shortly, but probably not this side of Christmas.

All those who have expressed an interest will be contacted *thumbup* *thumbup*



Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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