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Shelsley Walsh

Mrs Kipper

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Bit late as I missed the lunchtime post. Rather there use to be a 15:00 one that now does not exist *mad*


The diets failed miserably after a really good start lost half a stone in January now its all back and the Race suits more than a tad tight. Arnie can I use your old sig 🤔 ☹️


'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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I am slightly surprised by some of the comments/queries on entries for Shelsley Walsh. MAC produce a set of composite regulations - just like we do so you just need to read the correct bits!


The first misconception is that you have to rush now to get your entry in - you don't. MAC with Shelsley Walsh is one of several venues (eg Prescott and Loton Park when run by Hagley &D) that selects entries after the closing date has passed. The closing date for the 1st July event is stated as 9th June so as long as you get your entry in to the MAC office at Shelsley Walsh to arrive in good time for 9th June then that is all you need to do. Page 3 of the SRs details this. After the 9th June has passed then entries will be allocated. Noone - including Dave Jackson has an entry at present! So you will simply need to keep July 1st free until you get the acceptance/rejection letter. MAC events at Shelsley Walsh are always oversubscribed - so we will have some disappointed competitors.


The second misconception is classes. Our class is Class N not B1/B2. The event is also only open to competitors within our Championship - NOT L7CGB members in general - hence L7CGB are not shown in the 'invited clubs' list.


On the fees side - for non-MAC members it is £94. Cheques should be made payable to Midland Automobile Club (1901) Ltd and sent to Roger Thomas at the address shown (MAC has a full time Secretary based in a portakabin on the Shelsley Walsh site).


I would advise anyone that is thinking of using any of the accomodation listed in the back of the SR's to book it now - it and camping (see Page 3) are very popular. The camping area (field across the road) is also used for officials/marshals etc


On the Sunday 2nd July MAC and the Vintage Sports Car Club jointly hold a vintage cars hillclimb event at Shelsley Walsh - so if you wanted to spend a little bit of time in the Teme Valley and see some older cars this is a good opportunity.


If there are any more specific issues that anyone has please contact me directly if necessary. As some of you know I act as a junior CofC for MAC at Shelsley Walsh and elsewhere - and guess what I am doing on 1st July assuming work commitments in India don't intervene?!


There are a number of unusual operating procedures on the day at Shelsley Walsh - I will let you guys know details before the event.


Above all I want to make sure we have an enjoyable day for our first visit there - and hopefully we might get invited back!


Hope this helps guys.




Edited by - bl0498 on 3 Apr 2006 22:57:08

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When the club arranged with the MAC to have this as a round of our championship, was a figure of the number of entries guaranteed made?

I have known organising clubs to come back to the Comp Sec after the closing date and say we have X entries from your club and we can give you Y places, please select! 😳




Caterham Fireblade here

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I have always said what a handsome chap that Mr Durrant is 😬


on a more serious note if that is the case, and I am not saying it is, it would be good for transparancy to have those rules agreed now before it becomes an issue....


could be (where n is number of places)


1) - top n points scorers in championship so far

2) - top n runners in each class (including novice and lady)

3) - top n competitors that have supported L7 only events

4) - top n random entries

5) - top n least trouble making competitors for comp secetary 😬


or something else...





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Thanks very much for your clarification.

It would be very useful if someone familiar with the inner workings of each of the non-L7C events could post a few top tips.

Never having been to Shelsley before I was in a mad panic rush to get the form filled out and catch the last post. Under those conditions reading and absorbing all the small print is tricky!


[Grumpy mode on *mad*]

My understanding of the Shelsley "selection" process is that (i) you have to be a member of MAC, and (ii) you have to volunteer for a "working party" and spend your Sunday afternoon painting fence posts or suchlike BEFORE you will stand a chance of being permitted to pay your 94 quid and set foot (or ACB10) on their hallowed tarmac...

[/Grumpy mode]


Course, I stand to be corrected if I am awarded a place!


Just out of curiosity, how does the parking for trailers and tow vehicles work? Prescott is a complete nightmare on that front... *mad*




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Even MAC members get entries rejected at Shelsley Walsh! But yes MAC membership does help. Not sure attending the working party day helps but if anyone wants to try this it is Saturday 22nd April. Don't bring your best togs!


Only the competing cars are allowed in the paddock area. There is simply no room for towcars or trailers. Parking for these is in the Officials car park - where the camping is. Due to the very tight layout in the paddock MAC don't actively encourage trailers to be unloaded in the paddock unless absolutely necessary. What isn't OK at all is trying to load up trailers in the paddock - it causes congestion.


Practise runs are done completely differently at Shelsley Walsh - you largely select when you want to have your runs. There is a bonus to signing on very early too - the possibility of an extra practise run. I will provide more detail later.


The hill is much steeper than it looks from the spectator areas - its a tough climb. If its wet its actually slippery walking up it!



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Who needs a trailer 😬


'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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I have always said what a handsome chap that Mr Durrant is


I would like to second this emotion but do feel it does not go far enough.


Words like Driving, God . Hung and well should also be used. But obviously 😬 😬 IMHO 😬 😬


Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see one without an

erection, make him a sandwich

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It states in the "ENTRY PROCEDURE" part of the "Forword" section of the regs "Entry fees will be banked as received."


At least we'll know that they've recieved our entries

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Not so i'm afraid as Richard posted above entry fees are banked as they arrive regardless of whether you get a place and then if you are unlucky you get a cheque back




*smile*Lotus 7 Club General Secretary *smile*


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