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Auto Indicators

Steve T

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Yes it would be possible to program this functionality. I am presuming that the next push switches it off in either mode. Yes?


The driving problem though in having any method of creating a continuous flash is that one runs the risk of leaving it ON which is the real pain with the normal 7's manual switch, and the inherent road safety dangers.


I can certainly do it electronically for you Stu, if you really want it. There would be an additional cost (which I'll let you know) for the time involved in working out the new coding, the actual programming and the testing and tweeking of the new functionality.




2003 1.8K SV 140hp see it here

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Could anyone who definitely wants one of the CATFLASHers now that the price is known, please confirm to my email address (chris@cwyles.freeserve.co.uk) if they have not already done so. I only have 4 confirmed by email at the moment and need about 10 to be able to meet the price indicated. Don't forget to state which option you require.


Stupidly, I totally overlooked the postage side of things. I guess the options are:


1. I can charge you recorded delivery at cost (I would guess less than a fiver - it's not heavy)

2. I am very happy for you to pick it up from my home (nr Dunstable, Beds)

3. I could bring it to Stoneleigh at the end of April and we could arrange to meet there

4. any other (sensible) suggestion! eg: the GONADS service.






2003 1.8K SV 140hp see it here



Edited by - Chris W on 1 Apr 2006 11:55:48

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Hi Chris.


Sounds like an excellent idea - every Se7en should have one!

In fact I can't understand why it wasn't a factory fit long ago. The perils of indicator-left-on-by-mistake nearly had me in an argument with a tractor a while back. I would have lost...


I had a self cancelling system on a bike way back in 1980, so it all seems perfectly reasonable to me. In fact I knocked up my own version using 555 timers, but that has limitations.

The main function I am missing is a speed input that allows the indicator count down to be paused while you are stationary, for example waiting to turn right off a busy road.

Is there any chance you could consider adding an input to accept the signal from something like a Stack inductive pickup?

As you are using a micro controlled system you have the opportunity to use an algorithm that combines elapsed time and distance travelled to determine the best switch-off moment.


I'd buy that for a dollar! *cool*

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That's a good idea - I hadn't considered having it speed related. The easiest way would be to monitor the revs (because I can pick up that signal easily from the tacho) and instruct the microprocessor to stop timing if the revs are at idle (say anywhere between 700 and 1100 rpm or thereabouts).


I already use this idea on my "intelligent oil pressure switch" which can be set at a higher-than- idle revs threshold pressure but which doesn't switch on the oil pressure light while idling. When I originally fitted just a straightforward oil pressure light, I found that the light would come on at idle or even flash when changing gear as the revs dropped momentarily unless the pressure threshold was set very low.


With the "intelligent" oil light, I get an earlier warning of any problem because the threshold can be higher. I have programmed it however to light up if the oil pressure is low below about 600rpm to act as a "test" when switching on the ignition.


The only problem in adding the extra functionality to the indicator circuit is that fitting it becomes somewhat complex as I would need a switch on the board for normal spark or wasted spark pulse count (which I have incorporated into the intelligent oil pressure circuit and my own-design gear shift lights) and it would need the fitter to break into the tacho wiring. At the moment fitting the current self-cancelling indicator circuit is very easy.




2003 1.8K SV 140hp see it here

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I have 7 confirmed buyers at the moment. The following people indicated they wanted a CATFLASH via blatchat but haven't confirmed by email now you know the price (unless I haven't matched your nom-de-plume correctly). Could I ask you to do so ASAP as I need to purchase the components:


Chris Norman

Stephen Grant



Paul Marriot

Paul Davis

Simon Mac


email me on chris@cwyles.freeserve.co.uk stating which option you require (fixed or Q/R wheel).







2003 1.8K SV 140hp see it here

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Last chance for anyone wanting one of the CATFLASHERS in this batch as I shall be ordering the components imminently. Once they're gone..... they're gone!


To get another batch would need another group of people as I can't honour the price for onesy-twosy quantities. Join this group now or wait indefinitely.






2003 1.8K SV 140hp see it here

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There is also no space on a 7 for subwoofers or a bangin' I.C.E. system....


Still, managed to get som undercar neons on , and the blue lit washer squirters are awesome !!!


Just gotta shoehorn in some '24inch Gionelli ' rims, and my 'whip' wil be complete !!


Booyakasha !!



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I use miniature push-to-make jobbies available from all normal component suppliers. I will be ordering a batch with red buttons. It's the same ones for both Q/R & fixed wheel. My microprocessor program takes care of any switch bounce which would otherwise cause multiple inputs to be sensed. The hole needed in the wheel spokes is around 6.5mm for each switch.


The Q/R wheel of course needs an additional connector and plug to be able to disconnect the cable that goes to the switches.




2003 1.8K SV 140hp see it here

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