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Hi all


Iam having major problems with Pace over the delivery of a new dry sump system. I placed the order in December after Kevsta set up the BB with Pace. Over the last month or so I have been told "delivery in 2 weeks" at least 3 time. Neil now will not take or return calls and even David Lazenby the MD fails to return calls. Is it just me or is everyone else in the BB suffering? It is so frustrating as the engine, newly built by Dave Andrews, is just sitting on the floor waiing for the bits and the weather is threatening to get better!


Grrrrrrrr *mad*



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Still waiting on mine too (order placed December with Nigel). Was trying to be patient but I'm now doing track days when I swore I wouldn't this year until I had a dry sump fitted! *eek* I thought I would have had it by mid-Feb at least.


Kev - any updates from your end? Clearly this is no fault of yours.





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I've just spoken to Neil at Pace. He says production will commence over the W/E with shipping on Tuesday/Wednesday next week. I have an engine build booked with DVA next Friday & I'd like the sump on to protect the new bottom end.


Very frustrating, let's hope they get their act together. At this stage a Caterham dry sump is looking very tempting.


Edited by - Mick Day on 10 Mar 2006 15:49:11

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Well at least you have suceeded where I failed and have actually spoken to the elusive Neil. Lets hope that they finally do make the kits. It is pretty clear that Pace are in a bit of chaos and are swamped with business.


I do agree that the alternatives are looking more attractive. I spoke to both CC and QED yesterday (both the same arrangement of pumps) and they are quoting delivery in 10-14 days at the same price circa £900 inc vat. But I do think that the Pace solution is better.


We will See!



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Have you heard any more/has anyone actually had a delivery yet?


I called David Lazenby last Friday and having got hold of him he promised to check out the situation and come back to me within the hour. It is now Wednesday afternoon. I guess there must be a a space/time continuum problem around the Pace factory!


This really is cr*p service.



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Thats cheered me up a bit. I wonder if the kits will be despatched in order sequence or just one chunk. I do suspect that Pace have been waiting for the entire batch to be complete before sending any out.


Lets see what happens!



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Sorry I did not see this thread earlier.


Neil is a hard man to get hold of but as I see Pace are a relatively small company but have some very big commitments in the racing arena. The order has been waiting for me to complete with neil regarding who wants one or not initially, and then to confirm if people had standard or SV chassis'. Obviously I have slowed this process a little as I work 6 days a week and cannot spend all my hours on blat chat or e-mail contacting people so I have to take a little of the blame here. However I did confirm the chassis types a few weeks ago so I guess it has been down to Pace setting up the production of the kits. I think that we should all bear in mind that Pace are relatively small and have offered a considerable discount to us for this order. Our savings were to be benefitted by the 'mass' production of a number of kits and so they could not be built until the order was confirmed. I did have quite a few people saying yes and dropping out at the last minute which resulted in us not being able to get pace to develop the kidney tank also.


I'm sure all of you will be very pleased with your kit once it is on your car but I do understand the frustration you are feeling at the moment. I shall send an e-mail to neil to check when things will be going through as the ball is really in their court now.


Mick, saw your new head and block at oily's yesterday...VERY nice! I'm very jealous!

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I'm not part of this BB but bought the Pace DS system for my K engined car last year.


I'd like to add that I found Neil to honest & straightforward to deal with. I was on the phone to him on several occasions about matters relating to the installation. He was helpful & dealt with my concerns in a professional matter.


The fit & finish of all the parts supplied was excellent. I for one am happy with the Pace/Brise system. I also run the system sealed on advice from Neil & other K series inteligentsia who'll remain nameless to protect the guilty 😬 No returns to the catch tank so far. Your wait will be rewarded, IMO it's a great system.


Cluck Cluck 😬






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I have just spokjen to neil at Pace and he says that the three kits of Mick Day, Steve nuttel, and Nigel james are leaving at the end of this week, the others are currently being produced. If any of you have ANY concerns then you can contact neil on: 01440760960 If he is not available (please remember he is in the workshop a lot of the time) then speak to Robin who will chase him to call you back!


As I said before, most of the delay has been due to the time it has taken to confirm all of the orders from you guys (and the loss of many along the way) so no-one is really to blame. I do accept some of the blame for my delay in sending the order (1 week) and for organinsing finding out about if people had SV chassis or not (but the response from some was quicker than others). The pace system is a Race design and is, in my opinion, an excellent system that is better developed than the 'other' systems. Once it is in your car you will not be disappointed.


I was at oily's yesterday (and can I just add what a fantastic guy he is!) and he went through the pro's of the pace system over other methods of ds that can be done...and we all know he knows what he's talking about.


BTW. Any of you running VVC (there is one for sure that I know of) we have a modification for the engine mount so that the plenum does not foul the bonnet. If you get in touch with me we can liase with Pace about this.





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I fitted a Pace system last year, it has been great, did me proud on Le Sept.


Just one word of warning, if any of you are running Caterham RB's, the front support bolts to the same hole that the dry sump pump wants to use, so you have to make a plate that will support the front RB strut off of the same hole that the pump needs to use. Or just bin the support *cool*


I also had to grind a bit off of the supplied engine mount to clear the steering rod, it runs very close to the new engine mount, and depending on where the engine sits, it maybe too close.


None of this is major engineering, but you may have to be a bit creative *cool*

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Casbar, I had to do the same thing as my car has VVC and the same thing occured with the support brace. Having removed the plenum and felt how light it is I am now not worried that it needs the brace (the brace probably weight more!). I also had the same issue with the mount fouling my steering arm, had to remove a very small amount of metal to be sure it cleared it. I will have pictures for all to see but it's best you do what is needed for your instal as not all need it (as you say it depends on your engine).


Glad to see some good comments from soem of you about pace, I think they are very good and have had many long conversations with neil about the setup. He/they are VERY helpful but you have to make the contact with them. He does always get back to you but it can take a day or two depending on what he is doing (he called me on a sunday once as I had some concerns...so in his own time!).





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After fidling with the RB brace and a plate I made up, in the end I also decided to do without the front brace. Its been ok for over a year, so I've decided that I didn't need the extra weight of the front brace *cool*


I'm still really happy with the kit, does the job really well *thumbup*

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Have you taken delivery of your system? I have seen nothing of mine nor have Pace taken payment for it so I assume that it is not on the way! *mad*


BTW I have no problem with the technical side of the Pace offer. Indeed I have used their pumps several times before on race engines with no problems. That is why I am hanging in this time.



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Hi Dave


Thanks for the info. As you can imagine I am rather unimpressed by the lack of any information about my system. Yet another week passes by!






PS. I am regularly turning the motor over. OK?

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Well it all went together well. The only issue was no new filter housing, Pace sent a remote filter head instead with a circular oil feed disk. This allows for oil back into the engine at the back of the existing filter housing & the filter is mounted somewhere else; not ideal. So I've ordered a new filter head direct from Think which allows oil back in via the front of the filter head & a standard filter can be screwed on the back. Have a look at Mick Smith's instructions: here
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Well, I am pleased to say that my kit has now arrived. As expected, the quality is excellent and it all (nearly) fits very well. The only part that is a problem is the sump which needs a bit of fettling but apart from that I am very happy with the kit... but some instructions would have helped.


I have just been in contact with David Lazenby who accepts that Pace have been under extreme pressure to meet their committments but there is no doubt that their solution is the best for our application. Its worth he wait.





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