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Immobalizer questions for 1993 1400Kss


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Hello all,


My car has a little slot with an LED above it on the dash (just above and to the right of the indicator toggle switch). I have seen the same on numerous other cars. Mine has been disconnected (by cutting all the wires!) by a previous owner. A couple of questions:


What goes in the little slot?

Is it worth reconnecting? (if I can find where the other ends of the wires went)


I'm assuming it was disconnected because it was causing problems. What's inside it?

How much is a new one?


Maybe I could just get the little LED to flash, because that's all I'm really after 😬




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It is the remains of a Vectra alarm system.


Mine packed up some time ago and I removed it because it diodn't work, it was draining the battery down nd it is damned heavy (hidden behind the dash panel).


They are no longer manufacturered though I believe there are similar systems on the market.


Personally I think they are a waste of time so when I cut mine out I respliced the wires into the ignition system and I have not replaced it.


Chris W did investigate creating a circuit borad for me to give a pulsing LED but I never did take him up on it.

It might be worth a word with him.


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Most likely it's a Vecta imobiliser, company now defunct, probably disconnected because it failed.


A small key was inserted into the slot to disarm. Don't bother with it. If you want to get the LED to flash try connecting 12v across it & see what happens. Alternatively replace the LED with a flashing one from Vehicle Wiring Products.

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My Vecta packed up when the car was mobilised so never cuased a problem .. however I have heard that they can pack up with the car immobilised and you can't then get the car going until you have removed it from the system. Something of an inconvenience if you happen to be away from home at the time.


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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1. Yes *tongue* *tongue*


2. The Vecta worked independently of the ECU so it is readily removed from the system.

If you reach up under the dashboard above the fuse box you should find a large heavy plastic cylinder .. this is the Vecta immobiliser. It is spliced into the original ignition loom wires and is therefore readily removed and the original wires spliced back together where they were cut.



Edited to point out that I did mine when the loomwas out of the car .. not sure how feasible it would be to remove it with the loom and scuttle in place.


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬


Edited by - Nifty on 6 Mar 2006 14:04:49

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