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Holy Grail

Mike Biddle

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I'm refering of course to ride heights which most contributors seem to emphasise as very important When setting up a seven, but nobody posts details. Are they a secret? Are those in the know merely seeking to retain the advantage at track days etc? Or is it another one of those subjects that are purely a matter of opinion? Come on folks! I can keep a secret, and I live 3,500 miles away from UK so won't be anyones competitor. my car is An HPC 2.0L XE with 13" wheels and ACB 10's..........confidential replies to...


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Setting he ride hieght is something you do deliberately when you build the car, after that is changes with wheels, tyres, suspension setup. The most important factor is to ensure that the sump is higher above the ground than the large lump you will drive over when you are furthest away from any source of help.
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Dave, thanks for your response, Unfortunately I did not build the car, and it was the relationship, between front and rear ride heights that interested me, since several contributors have mentioned that this is an important factor in tuning the handling of the car. As for large lumps we have an abundance of them here in the form of speed humps which have to be negotiated very carefully at an acute angle, and ruts in main roads caused by trucks which are routinly overloade by up to 100%. The only cars that are high enough to be immune are four wheel drives so we seven drivers just have to be very carefull.
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I don't know whether this will help!!!

The build manual for my 1993 De-dion Supersprint with 15" prisoners gives the following info:-


FRONT - 140mm Measured at the forward edge of the floor pan to the ground.

REAR - 155mm Measured fron the floor pan just in front of the rear wheel arch to the ground.

Tolerance of +/- 10mm but rear MUST be 15mm higher than front.


Obviously differing wheel sizes will alter measurements but theses can be re-set if you have adjustable spring seats on your shocks.

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- Contact Caterham for their latest recommendations on ride height - I think they've slightly increased recently. Something to do with road humps?


- Read Roger Swift's article in Low flying last year, which tells you exactly how to do it.


Good luck



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