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Are half-doors the solution?


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Hello Se7en friends,


I finally bought a Seven, and it is all I dreamed!! A used '92 long cockpit DeDion 1600 x-flow. The motor is being bumped to 140-ish hp as we speak by Richard Campena here in California.


There is one idiosyncrasy I would like to address. At speed (65 mph) with no doors the wind blast up my nose is very strong. Now being a motorcyclist I am not adverse to a bit of a headwind, but this particular gust tends to go straight into my nasal passages, which is a bit irritating. It tends to make driving the car with no doors much more of an adventure.


My question is do those half-height doors stop the wind from going up the nose? The draft seems to be coming up from the base of the A-pillar area. Anyone tried to address this? Putting doors on is fine, but I really enjoy the ride with all the senses asaulted, except the shnozz! ;-)



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Take the screen off and fit an aero (or brooklands ?).

That seems to be the consensus of opinion hereabouts.

(I'm not speaking from experience though - not got round to this yet.




(Driving at over 65 in California. Presumably on a track ?)


Never put off till tomorrow what can be enjoyed today 😬

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With a screen use the doors.

With an aeroscreen use half doors - much preferred.


Having said that there are some wind deflectors available to attach to the windscreen stanchions where the doors would fit but I have no experience of these.



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Welcome to this mad Sevening world Desmo 😬 I can confirm that Steves advice of fitting wind deflectors to the windscreen stanchions is a great help, not perfect but about 80% better if you want to retain the xcreen [and there are some very good reasons to keep it, in spite of the enthusiasm of the screenless Seveners here]


Have a look on Caterhams website, as they used to be available direct, but they aren't difficult to make out of plexiglass if not available now.


Paul J. Hard work never killed anyone ........ but why take the chance! [Except building up my new CSR kit]

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I have noticed the enthusiam for the aero screens. I was just concerned about freeway speeds, which you do a lot of here in the land where everything is further apart. Having read last months Low Flying article about crossing to Monaco (excellent story! *cool*) it does seem like a realistic proposition. I may have to give it a whirl. The weather issue here (lack of) does make it a bit more enticing. Makes you really admire the hardiest of the aero-screening Seveners in the UK...


Thanks for the help. I will go and plunder the "college fund"! 😬


Here is a shot of the Seven at Caterham. Anyone here a previous owner? I believe it has had 4 prior caretakers.






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I have tried the side mounted deflectors, but they didn't provide enough blast deterant. They do look the part though.


So is there a big functional difference between the Brooklands style vs. the full width style? Intuition say that full width would be best, but the Brooklands style suits me. *cool*




Edited by - DesmoDork on 20 Jan 2006 17:52:21

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I once tried to drive the car without the doors and hated it as I was nearly blown out of the car. At which point I decided to upgrade (downgrade *confused*) to a RiF aeroscreen and I absolutely love it.


I have driven the car for a year in the UK without taking it off, and that includes driving it an night in a huge downpour for 3 hours, heavy snow, and blistering heat. The longest I have driven was for 7 hours coming back from Le Mans last year and it was the best drive I have ever had.


I recently put the windscreen on again as the other half wanted to go out in the car and I hated it as your view is so obscured by the thick edges of the doors and windscreen etc.


Get an aero (and half doors as they help) and you will not go back.



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My turn to provide balance (again). I've always driven without doors when it's warm enough and don't find the buffeting too bad and never experienced the breathing problems some people report. I fitted an RiF aeroscreen this summer and found that I was getting blasted (though less buffeted) and the noise level meant I had to wear ear plugs for the shortest journey, but then I don't like wearing a helmet on the road. Half doors do improve matters with aero or screen but when the weather turned cold the windscreen went back on. The other factor was the feeling that it was only a matter of time before I was hit by something significant travelling at 90mph.


OK, I'm a wimp but I want to make it clear that "your mileage may vary". If you drive with a helmet it may be OK but I like to enjoy the feeling of the wind blowing past where my hair used to be *cool*


Fatalism means never having to wonder if it's safe to overtake *eek*

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Yep - another one to say go for the aeroscreen. I have got the Brooklands set on my car and also have a RiF screen for a bit of a change! I have been out to Le Mans with my wife twice with the brooklands on and she is so much of a convert that I have got a set for her car that she says must be fitted before we go out to Le Mans for the 2006 trip as well.


We don't bother with helmets (personal preference) but use Wiley-X googles or similar, snoods (like the skiers neck tube that can extend to cover your mouth and nose in poor weather) and caps if the weather is crap. Its far more comfortable or tolerable in an aeroscreen'ed car in heavy rain than an screened car with no sidescreens. The air flow is much smoother and easier on you *thumbup*


Don't bother just trying to remove the windscreen on your car and not putting an aeroscreen on though. Its like sitting in a wind tunnel with you acting as a wind brake; there is no attempt to deflect any windforce from you at all and its not representative of having an aeroscreened car at all!






Now the Orange HPC - A 2.0 VX - 😬

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Hi Desmo,


I have Brooklands screens and now keep them attached throughout the year. They can be angled to deflect the flow over the top of my head and I'm 6ft 2ins. I have an SV, so they are attached directly to the tube across the top of the instrument panel, through the scuttle. I normally wear goggles, but a helmet in the winter to keep my ears warm. I refitted the windscreen during the first winter, but didn't like it so went back to the Brooklands full time - the driving experience is so much better and the performance gain certainly doesn't hurt.

Photo here

Movie clip here


The rigid half tonneau REALLY helps, as does the drivers half door, to minimise draughts and increase streamlining 😬


BRG Brooklands SV 😬 It seems that perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

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Tony C.


Big respec for the vidie! That is OUTSTANDING! *cool* I love the look of your set up. The Brooklands and the mirrors and the 4into 1 exhaust. Delicious! I must say it makes a very complelling argument for aero screens. Oh, BTW are those the extra absorbant floor mats from Caterham? *tongue*


It does seem that there is a consensus about this. I am surprised to hear about the rain not being a bother with the aero screens! (Thanks Nick Chan) I really do love the look of the Brooklands...


I guess this will lead to the "How do I install..." thread?

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Us aeroscreeners are a hardy bunch in the UK . Another for the Brooklands screens from me. We've managed 34,000 miles in our seven since we purchased it and the last 28,000 miles have been with the Brooklands


Chris Alston

1800 Supersprint here

Drive it like you stole it! *eek* but don't tell my pupils that 😳


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I'll stand up and be counted. Call me a wimp but I keep the screen. Its the roadkill/stones/debris that worry me more than anything else. I also like the aesthetic.


I have been in a brooklands equipped car and the buffeting is comparable to a windscreen car IMO but I admit that it is certianly more 'thrilling' with the small aeros. If I want the wind 'rush' I would choose to go back to a bike I think (but I won't now).


aka Dave Ardley. White Supersprint with Clams 'Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted'

Photos here and here

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Desmo, I took part in USA 2005, so drove from Houston to San Francisco with an areoscreen. I wore a helmet at all times, but that's a good idea even in a car with a full screen.


I am convinced I was more comfortable than others on the tour with full screens, some of whom suffered in the heat. I have driven 600 miles in a day with areoscreen, no problem.

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Desmo - just been through a Scottish winter with (CC) aeros - the windscreen/doors/roof now sit in the garage, probably never to be used again *cool*


The thought of aero use in CA makes me 😬 - although your car would suit brooklands possibly better *smile*


I'm not a big fan of the half doors, so sold mine - prefer the open feeling of aeros & no doors - my right elbow gets a bit dirty on muddy lanes though 😬


Pics in my signature *thumbup*


Sssssscottish SsssuperSsssnot!

Sneakypeek!   whoooaaa!
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"I wore a helmet at all times, but that's a good idea even in a car with a full screen."

Someone's going to have to explain that one to me *confused*


I feel like a knob wearing a helmet in a car on the road when I have the aeroscreen fitted, wearing one behind a windscreen takes you well over the line into Saxo Dazza/Ricer land 😳


Oh well, it'd be a shame if we all thought the same way.



Fatalism means never having to wonder if it's safe to overtake *eek*

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Another vote for the Brooklands screens. I cannot stand driving with screen and no doors because I find the buffetting intolerable. The wind deflectors make little difference in my experience. With the Brooklands screen, there is virtually no buffetting at all. They are also laminated and cover a greater part of the area where potential threats like stones come from. Because of the adjustability, if you are seated in the car you can arrange things so you are effectively sitting in still air - though I would never advise it, you can drive my car without any eye protection, there is so little wind hitting you.


The full width deflector/screen looks good on the right car, but are not as effective

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Oooo! Ta much for the California Caterhams hook up Stu! Not as many people as the Blat Chat forum, but still full of nuts! 😬


It doesn't appear that anyone has gone back to the full screen once they try the areos. Is there anyone out there who has reverted?


Another shot of the Seven with its new Panasports running with temporary registration on the windscreen here and here. I have recently received my CA plates and am now fully legal! Hoorah! *cool*. I must say that getting all the paper work done to appease the powers-that-be was a real saga!! 🙆🏻


Mike Biddle, a drive across the southwestern US in a Seven with aero screens? That sounds like a great adventure. Clearly you had a great time. Did you do any driving without the helmet?




Edited by - DesmoDork on 22 Jan 2006 20:12:06


Edited by - DesmoDork on 22 Jan 2006 20:18:16


Edited by - DesmoDork on 22 Jan 2006 20:24:48

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