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Magnesium wheel centers - blast cleaning

Jason Plato

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I'm in the middle of refurbing and checking one of my sets of Mike Barnby magnesium wheels. Mike B says to use Alluminium Oxide to strip the centers of paint etc .


Does anyone know why alluminum oxide should be used - and what is the issue with using other materials to blast with ?? .


I would phone Mike - but hes not in the factory *smile*







C7 TOP *tongue*Powered by Hellier Performance 😬

South Wales AO *thumbup*

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Nitromors is hard work on the Mags, getting into all the squiggly bits *thumbdown*, I did this first then took mine along with Mad7Ners to be blasted *thumbup*. I think it's hard to get a good finish for re-paint just using paint stripper

BTW, if you want to dye test for crack testing, then it's eessential to remove all the paint (and probably the chromate passivated coating)




Edited by - Paul McKenzie on 13 Dec 2005 20:15:47

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Probably a corrosion problem with some materials - have a look in 7FAQ under corrosion/Magnesium.


Aluminium oxide is the preferred substance.


BRG Brooklands SV 😬 It seems that perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

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What happened to the paintstripper idea, is blasting the paint off not going to make crack detection more difficult


Originally I was going to strip with Nitormoors and then crack test, but as Paul says above - its a bastard of a job to get *all* the paint off . So now we are working on blasting and then x ray testing.


I know you dont need to strip the paint for x ray, but I'm also repainting them *smile*

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