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Critical Safety Failures


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Yesterday, starting my Winter overhaul of the rear suspension, I found the near side radius arm forward chassis bolt not only loose, but about 1/3 out. This was last checked for torque on the 13th October before a track day. Scared the cr@p out of me *eek*. Luckily, I have barely used the car since then.


I did a search on blatchat, only to find this is a reasonably well known problem, particularily associated with the upper threaded bush. I also found the bolt was not marked 12.9, and was of a type changed by Caterham a few years ago (my car is a '94 chassis). It seems there have been a number of failures of this bolt. I was unaware of any of this prior to yesterday.


There has recently been alot on Blatchat about the different DeDion tubes and the risk of failure for each type. I must admit that I owned the car for a year before I knew anything about these failures.


Got me thinking.....as one does after a cold sweat..... maybe the collective knowledge of Blatchat could create a list of the well known critical failures and mandatory checks that a new (or even new-ish in my case) Caterham owner should be aware of, whether they service their own car or not. This could, dare I suggest, be a sticky on the Tech Talk forum...... *eek*

Any views?

No doubt there are good legal reasons against doing this....



Edited by - englishmaninwales on 4 Dec 2005 22:47:24

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Either it could be put as a non-editable forum i.e. where submissions were mailed to Barry and then he posted the content. This would avoid any 'noise' on the forum. The other option is to put it on 7FAQ with a 'sticky' on blatchat to direct newbies and oldies to 7FAQ


If Caterham were a 'responsible' manufacturer they would issue service bulletins with known failures and which models they applied to, even if they didn't offer recalls and replacements, which is a point of debate.




See willfly.net for more info.

If you don't spin you ain't trying *smile*

Happiness is knowing you have just a tad too much power *wink*


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I definately think this should be done. A list for all to go through would be a really great idea and would stop the need to find the problem yourself and then start searching (often when it is too late!).


I have seen two prop shafts go on a trackday (both BEC) and the mess it made was very scary...fortunately no-one was hurt...both times they went threough passenger side of the tunnel...would have smashed the persons hips if they had been there! (both prop's did NOT have grease nipples and were supposed to not need greasing....worht checking you have greased yours regularly...or like mine that doesn't have ANY(!!!) you take it out and put one in that does!) these two were of the sylva variety but still relevant.

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this is a great idea. i think the use of photos to illustrate the components is a must in such a list as i'm sure there are people out there that are a little less technical but would still benefit from checking their parts.


i would be happy to set up a website and host the content including photos for this.


i am sending this post from my phone as i'm stuck in jury service but will check back tonight if this is something we should take further...




Gavin Gee


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Great idea.


As has been mentioned, it would need to be along the lines of:-


"This happened to me at 'x' miles on 'this' model and here are some pictures - you might want to keep an eye on yours".


If not, some comments about such an occurance might 'drop the culub in it'.


BRG Brooklands SV 😬 It seems that perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

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  • Area Representative

IF repeat IF "Critical Failures" is suitable as information on this site then:

They must be only real life examples with details: names, reg or chassis numbers, mileage and such like.

Frequency is important: isolated examples would not be appropriate otherwise it just becomes some horror postings. I do not know how many examples are required for isolated examples to become a "known problem".

The location should be FAQ not on the message board.

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std rear brake calipers chaffing on the dedion radius arms as the brake pads wear down.


rear anti roll bars in the "over the top" design snapping and piercing the fuel tank.


Solid rear brake pipes flexing as the std calipers are applied / released which then causes the copper pipe to work harden and possibly crack .







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I'm not too sure that an item should only qualify for inclusion if it happens more than once. Sure, we don't want to be scare-mongering, but take the example of the lower wishbone failure in the US earlier this year. It does seem to be an isolated incident, but I now include that area in my inspection - doesn't do any harm to aware of even one failure.


BRG Brooklands SV 😬 It seems that perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

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Surely, an area of this site, like the FAQs, could be devoted to "this happened to me" stories, without the Club or CC being embarrassed or held to account. It would be very valuable to have information, not only about faults, but also about how they were detected, and then corrected. Just as an example, my son and daughter-in law drove here from Bristol on Saturday in a rather old Fiesta. "I think that the tracking needs adjustement" said knowledgeable D-in-L. I took the car for a short drive. The steering was very heavy, and there was a frightening low-frequency vibration in it. I sent them straight to the local tyre depot, as I had recognised the symptoms of tyre delamination, which I had previously diagnosed in another family Fiesta (Daughter). Not only was the tyre faulty, but the tracking was 5 degrees out Well - that's their Christmas present fixed 😬 A little knowledge, mixed with experience, could save lives.
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Malcolm's is great idea because it's through this site that I carry a spare throtle cable (yes and clutch cable) that was used within the 1st year of 7 mtoring. The problem is hunting through a long list. Why not take up Gee Whizz's offer and let him set up a website, avoids worries over this site and getting the administrators into trouble (or worrying about getting into trouble).


Rather than a long random list I'm sure GW could categorize into eg engine, suspension etc and then group common failures. We (newbies) would then stand a fighting chance to be on the look out for failures. I know some of you have an excellent ear and feel for whats going wrong and when but a 🙆🏻head like me who's old and half deaf dosn't know its going to happen until it falls off.


Gee Whizz are you a Herts man? I seem to think you are. But could be wrong as I'm going the way of Jack in the bl00dy Archers (good God, I've admitted to listening to it)





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I've just posted in the Suggestions section to officially ask Barry if there's something we can do - seems to be quite a bit of interest *thumbup*


Maybe posting your thought on the subject there would concentrate our opinions so Barry doesn't need to look all over 😬


BRG Brooklands SV 😬 It seems that perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

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It takes about 1 1/2 to check all the suspension bolts and grease the propshaft and/or the trunnions ( EP90 )i do this for most friends every 6 months and they don't do much trackdays.

The rear radius arm bolt ( with tread in the chassis bush )i just do it up firm with a jack under the DD tube central point so that the position of the radius arm is at his position when the wheels would have been on the ground, never had one torqued up to the spec. and never had one that worked loose.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Area Representative
I've just posted in the Suggestions section to officially ask Barry if there's something we can do - seems to be quite a bit of interest

Barry has already done this in the faqcontribute section http://7faq.com/contribute/owbase/ow.asp?SafetyRelatedExperiences. Do we all underestimate him?




Edited by - Golf Juliet Tango on 19 Dec 2005 10:51:13

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